Originally Posted by right-track
(Post 493994)
What are your overall and lasting impressions of England savannah?...
personally, i LOVED it,......i found the people to be friendly, the country side beautiful, there were so many things to see and do that i felt alittle overwhelmed at times,......i did all the touristy things,......harrods, the palace, warwick castle and stratford,.......luckly the family i was stayin with had a boy a few years older than me, marc was on break from oxford and let me take up with him and his friends,......i love london bars,.......and camden town? down by the boat locks? i like that area alot alot,.........
everyone i met was jovial, i had a wonderful time,......i wasnt used to the cold though, i was there in spring, and thought i might freeze to death,.......
the tube messed me up abit, but i eventually got the hang of it, and i thought it was funny how the streets tell you which way to look so you dont get run over,........
there were so many places i was dieing to fish
i got lost for about four hours in some park over by where the fuderman's live,......high gate? hempstead? something like that,.......i remember there was a big long white art museum there,........oh and i could have spent days in the national gallery,.......
i regret that i did not explore the country more and focused a bit much on london,.......i'd love to go back and run around a bit more,........
this is gonna sound silly,.....but i'll just tell you,.....before london i had never seen a milk man before, i was fascinated by the milk man,....all i wanted to do was talk to the milk man,......he let me ride around with him and do his deliveries a few mornings and i had a ball,.....
oh and everything was so expensive there,......when i left i had lists from all the friends i had made of things they wanted me to buy and ship back,....i've not bought so many levi jeans in my life,.....