Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
If people actually contributed rather than getting involved in petty arguments you wouldn't have to wade through loads of repetitive crap.
If the forum seems the same then it's because it's always the same handful of people going to the effort of doing things all the time.
This forum is what YOU make it.
(UH) has said all one needs to know about MB & all other music site forum's period. (I dont kiss ass) I tell it the way it is, use your common sense. I have visited alot of other music forums & still do from time to time. And I can tell you, nothing is ever perfect. But MusicBanter is the best of the best! And you/we, have the right to leave any time we wish to, Its your loss, Not MBs. Chill..& dont be afraid to ask the Mods for input on a problem that you are having with the MB forum or for that matter, other music forums also. I am sure they would be more than happy to help. We are all here for the same reason's. Our love for music. If only we could all see & understand that reality. These guys have seen & been through it all here at MusicBanter before with other members. Peace.