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Old 09-30-2022, 10:22 PM   #11531 (permalink)
Make it so
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Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I thought they’re asking if birthday, bereavement, mental health days, etc are acceptable in the work environment, should leave for something like a miscarriage also be included? Idk I could be wrong, the phrasing is confusing.

I’m of the opinion that my employer should have no insight into my personal life whatsoever, and when I take days off I do not tell them why.

You're absolutely correct, apologies for not making total sense. Also, thank you for using my pronouns, it means a lot.
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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Old 10-15-2022, 01:39 PM   #11532 (permalink)
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Let's play a game...

1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight

2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)

3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?

4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity?

5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)

6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?

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Old 10-15-2022, 02:00 PM   #11533 (permalink)
Call me Mustard
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Let's play a game...

1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight

Never saw a movie on a flight. Saw a couple crappy movies while on jury duty though.

2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)

Don't like any of them really but on Facebook to chat with old high school friends

3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?

How to be creative, especially in Acting (he taught Acting Arts)

4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity?

About six months. Didn't have much luck with women sad to say.

5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)

Mother's Little Helper/Lady Jane (favorite Stones song is actually an album track)

6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?

Ulysses by James Joyce

Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
But looking for quality interaction on MB is like trying to stay hydrated by drinking salt water.
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Old 10-15-2022, 02:12 PM   #11534 (permalink)
the bantering battleaxe
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1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight
I don't remember ever having watched a movie on a flight
2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)
I don't like any social media, but I suppose I hate facebook the least
3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?
I don't think I've ever had a teacher who taught me a specific memorable thing. I was too distracted to pick up on such things anyway
4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity? I think it was almost a year, so not much longevity. It lasted as long as it did because of good communication and died mainly because of long distance
5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)
19th Nervous Breakdown or Jumping Jack Flash (I assume you also mean no singles that have also appeared on albums or I'd pick She's a Rainbow)
6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?
the tale of genji

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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Old 10-15-2022, 03:00 PM   #11535 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
19th Nervous Breakdown or Jumping Jack Flash (I assume you also mean no singles that have also appeared on albums or I'd pick She's a Rainbow)
As long as it's appeared as a single it's fine, whether it's a standalone single or an album track released as a single. I don't want to be pedantic about it, just to have some kind of restriction so that it wouldn't be "favorite Stones song" cause it's too broad and I don't think I could choose just one.

Like, She's a Rainbow is a fantastic song but not having it up against something like 2000 Light Years From Home makes it a bit more manageable.
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Old 10-15-2022, 03:52 PM   #11536 (permalink)
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1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight

The only flight I took was to Florida when I was 4 years old. I'm sure the in-flight movie was Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore.

2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)

I consider my WordPress site a social media website, as I have readers around the globe including many noteworthy artists and composers who kindly send me demos of their works in progress and who contribute to my research.

3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?

I attended "special schooling" instead of public school. There I had a professor who, for Christmas in 1997, gifted me a hardcover copy of Richard Bach's book, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah with an embossed feather on the cover and an inscription which read:

“It’s so easy to get lost in the illusions. You are the biggest illusion of them all. If you remember this you won’t go far wrong.”

Thank you, Mr. G.

4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity?

The secret to my most successful relationships has consistently been maintaining open and honest communication at all times. I often ask, "How do you feel? What do you need? How can I listen better and make you feel heard and understood?" Reading psychology books together and long-form letter writing have been marvelous ways to enhance our communication.

5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)

I've never listened to major rock acts like Dylan, Zeppelin, or the Stones, but I recall "Sympathy for the Devil" being played throughout the 1998 film, Fallen and it was used to great effect.

6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?

I've remarked on several occasions about my love of James Joyce. My home is filled with rare Joycean treasures and analytical annotated examinations of his work. I hope to one day finish reading Finnegans Wake and to comprehend even one percent of the genius he wove into every syllable of the work. Joyce famously said, "The demand that I make of my reader is that he should devote his whole life to reading my works.”

Pictured is a signed statue of Joyce I had flown in from Dublin. <3

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
You are quite simply one of the most unique individuals I've ever met in my 680+ months living on this orb.
Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You are to all of us what Betelgeuse is to the sun in terms of musical diversity.
Originally Posted by Exo_ View Post
You sir are a true character. I love it.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You, sir, are a nerd's nerd.
Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
Just chiming in to declare that your posts are a source of life and wholesomeness
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Old 10-15-2022, 09:01 PM   #11537 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight


2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)

Youtube's social media, right? It's completely replaced broadcast TV for me.

3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?

My Spanish teacher in military school would finish his class early most days and let us chill and talk about anything up to and including all the drugs we'd done and laws we'd broken until the bell rung. He also rarely gave homework and the one Saturday a month we had classes (state attendance requirement stuff) he would refuse to actually do his job and just play movies like Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Boondock Saints.

He was also the most effective teacher I ever had and we would have died for him, and I guess he taught me that giving a **** and performatively giving a **** are two entirely different things.

RIP Major Hairr Kwangtung is mine!

4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity?


5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)

"Paint It Black" probs.

6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?

Fake answer: Capital

Real answer: all of Grant Morrison's decade-long run on Batman
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-16-2022, 10:36 AM   #11538 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight

Only ever flown twice and neither time did I watch a movie.

2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)

I despise all forms of social media (and no Batty, You Tube is NOT social media: just cos it has comments doesn't make it social media) but hate Facebook most. And Twitter. And Tik-****ing-Tok.

3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?


4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity?


5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)

Pass; no fan. "Satisfaction" and "Sympathy" are good, but not interested in the Stones.

6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?

I wouldn't need a month. If I could have a week I'd read any book up to 1000 pages or even more (I read Nineteen Eighty-Four in three days once) but no idea what it would be, or if I would want to devote that amount of time to reading one book.

Piece of friendly advice: if you're doing these, bold each question separately, not all as one block. Otherwise everyone has to put in their own code or answer all in bold.
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Old 10-16-2022, 01:39 PM   #11539 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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So is the media not social?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-16-2022, 03:12 PM   #11540 (permalink)
county fair energy
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1. What’s the best/most fun/fondly remembered movie you’ve seen on a flight

I only remember one, and it was Finding Forrester. Awfully sentimental.

2. Favorite social media platform and what’s your relationship to it (eg FB to keep in touch with the fam, LinkedIn to stalk your high school sweetheart from a fake account cause she blocked your real one etc)

I only use instagram and that is sparingly. I have < 20 posts and most of them are my plants. I generally only use it to follow - not interact with - artists/comedians/local venues. Follow me @ degrassi.knoll and I might throw you a meme now and then.

3. What have you learned from the most memorable teacher you ever had?

The most memorable "teacher" I've had was my childhood librarian. She taught me radical kindness and planted every seed that I still nourish within myself.

4. What’s the longest romantic relationship you’ve had and what's the secret to its longevity?

8.5 years, and the secret is apathy/low self esteem

5. Favorite Rolling Stones single (what it says, no album tracks)

I have never in my life listened to the Rolling Stones on purpose.

6. If you could take a month off life to read a really long book you've always been meaning to read, which one would it be?

Brothers Karamazov because it's been on my shelf for more than a decade and I've never even cracked it open despite adoring Russian lit and Dostoyevsky especially
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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