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Old 01-20-2018, 05:19 PM   #7261 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
2.) What's the dumbest thing you've lost your temper (or angry-cried about) over?

That thing where you make up an argument in your head, decide the real person probably would have said that, and then be pissed at them for absolutely no good reason.

Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
Tell some stories
In recent years: My then-boyfriend and I drove from New Orleans to New Mexico and then to Denver from there. After leaving Roswell, we drove for a few hours and got lost in some labyrinthine neighborhood (sort of; the houses were very spread apart) on a winding gravel road (that seemed to be going around and around a small mountain) that seemed to be endless. No phone reception or street lights. Occasionally a white rabbit would appear, but no people until finally we reached what seemed to be the top. It was somehow even darker there. We realized we were now in a small RV park. We got out and walked around but our flashlight stopped working and it was so hard to see anything at all through all the trees and shadows. We looked around to see if there were any guards or anyone outside, but didn't see anyone. Got back in the car and tried to drive out of there. Once we were back on the gravel road, a man in the distance appeared who was clearly following us yet was seemingly not in any hurry. We slowed down, but he didn't wave his arms or try to jog and catch up to us. He just got kept walking toward the car and we both suddenly felt very creeped out and drove faster, and drove maybe a mile before he appeared again about 20 feet away from the car. Again we'd drive faster and again he'd reappear in odd places. It was like the road was rearranging itself to keep us from leaving; we must have been driving in this relatively small area for an hour and a half before finally escaping and getting back on the highway. (I find myself constantly forgetting about the man who followed us--despite remembering the other things-- when I think back to that road trip which is odd. I remember both of us had gaps in our memory from that entire day/evening once we arrived at our destination.)

This one may not count but to me it's definitely the creepiest due to what we learned about the person later on: Many years ago my best friend announced that she was dating someone new and wanted me to meet him. She had met him on a dating site and hardly knew him. So, she dragged me to some windowless dive bar where he was waiting with his friend. The second I laid eyes on him I was filled with nausea and the most unsettling feeling. It wasn't due to his appearance. I just felt the need to be as far away from him as humanly possible, and I said to my friend "We need to leave. We need to leave. He's not good." She ignored me as usual. They dated for a short while and broke up in an uneventful manner. I asked about it, and she sheepishly told me that she'd found out that he had viciously (like, in a really psychotic manner) attacked and tried to scalp a girl he dated not long before her.

Wal-Mart stalker guy: I think I was 14 or so, and I'd often go grocery shopping for my mom on the same day each week. I started to notice this man always appearing in the same areas when I was there-- he liked to lurk in the bicycle section for whatever reason-- but one day he began following me around the store and trying to talk to me (mostly in Spanish) and give me his phone number. This went on for months and ended finally when he cornered me out of the blue and asked me to marry him. An employee finally scolded him.

Mall stalker guy: A gaunt, well-dressed man who was clearly coked out of his mind followed me around the mall for an hour and finally cornered me in the large arcade underneath the food court in the most startling way possible. He introduced himself as Enrique (he had very long immaculately groomed nails) and said that he had bought things for his sister, but he wanted me to have them instead. He was insistent on having me meet his sister. I was really doubting that this sister actually existed. I don't actually remember how I escaped this one exactly; I think I just hid in the bathroom.

[[removed this one since it doesn't really count as they weren't strangers exactly]]

There's lots more, but I tend to block out most of the spookier encounters as they were all very brief and surreal.
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Last edited by Chiomara; 01-20-2018 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 01-20-2018, 07:27 PM   #7262 (permalink)
county fair energy
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1.) How do you deal with aging? (Or the idea of aging, if you're a young whippersnapper)

I don't really deal with it, it is what it is. I'm still on the right side of thirty though so the worst it gets is when I get jealous of the successes of people younger than me.

2.) What's the dumbest thing you've lost your temper (or angry-cried about) over?

I've told this story before but I punched a boy in the nose in sixth grade after he called me osama bin laden.

3.) What is something you'll likely always be somewhat bitter about no matter what?

oh there are too many things to choose only one

4.) What is the last thing that sent you into a hysterical laughing fit?

I recently discovered Nardwuar so probably something related to him, or something funny my dog did.

5.) What is something small that someone can do or say (or give) that can significantly or at least moderately improve an otherwise terrible day?

cunnilingus. or buying me a burrito.

6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?

when i was like 5 i was with my dad and stepmom and i guess this elderly couple saw us and began fawning over me and my parents agreed that the couple could essentially borrow me for the day, take me out to lunch and then to the park, etc. so they sent me off with these complete strangers and i guess eventually they brought me back? i don't know, i have a vivid memory of being in the back of their car and thinking "oh this is what kidnapping is" but i was ok with it.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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Old 01-20-2018, 07:43 PM   #7263 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
5.) What is something small that someone can do or say (or give) that can significantly or at least moderately improve an otherwise terrible day?

cunnilingus. or buying me a burrito.
Why don't you meet me half way and I buy you a taco.

6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?

when i was like 5 i was with my dad and stepmom and i guess this elderly couple saw us and began fawning over me and my parents agreed that the couple could essentially borrow me for the day, take me out to lunch and then to the park, etc. so they sent me off with these complete strangers and i guess eventually they brought me back? i don't know, i have a vivid memory of being in the back of their car and thinking "oh this is what kidnapping is" but i was ok with it.
Dude what?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 01-20-2018, 07:46 PM   #7264 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Why don't you meet me half way and I buy you a taco.
Dude what?
Good one tbh.

Yeah idk, can't explain it. I asked them about it when i was older and they were like "yeah i guess we got lucky on that one..."
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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Old 01-21-2018, 04:16 AM   #7265 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?

when i was like 5 i was with my dad and stepmom and i guess this elderly couple saw us and began fawning over me and my parents agreed that the couple could essentially borrow me for the day, take me out to lunch and then to the park, etc. so they sent me off with these complete strangers and i guess eventually they brought me back? i don't know, i have a vivid memory of being in the back of their car and thinking "oh this is what kidnapping is" but i was ok with it.
Whoah! That was a different time for sure. No one would be that trusting in 2018.
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Old 01-21-2018, 04:20 AM   #7266 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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People were awfully brazen about kidnapping in the 90s in general, it seemed. (Apparently one person tried it with my sister when she was riding her tricycle one day-- he attempted to wrangle her into his car and she managed to fight him off.)
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Old 01-21-2018, 08:33 AM   #7267 (permalink)
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1.) How do you deal with aging? (Or the idea of aging, if you're a young whippersnapper)

Luckily for me, my group of friends maintain borderline child like behavior when together so it's a nice escape from boring adulthood.

2.) What's the dumbest thing you've lost your temper (or angry-cried about) over?

I once got very pissy when I was 14 because a friend threw a CD I burned across the room.

3.) What is something you'll likely always be somewhat bitter about no matter what?

I had an opportunity to buy Netflix stock VERY early on. Somebody convinced me that Netflix was a fad. I was very young and didn't have a lot of money so it convinced me. I'm still bitter.

4.) What is the last thing that sent you into a hysterical laughing fit?

Friend of mine hopped in my car, screamed the opening lines to a Yes song, and ripped the longest fart I've ever heard, and I nearly threw up. Why? See my answer to the first question.

5.) What is something small that someone can do or say (or give) that can significantly or at least moderately improve an otherwise terrible day?

Laugh at my jokes.

6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?

I've had lots of stranger encounters but none of them can really be described as creepy.

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Old 01-21-2018, 09:57 AM   #7268 (permalink)
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1.) How do you deal with aging? (Or the idea of aging, if you're a young whippersnapper)

in a couple of weeks i will officially be in my mid 40s....i've gotten over my loss of hair but i have to admit the new and constant pains are annoying....i suppose i deal with it by running

2.) What's the dumbest thing you've lost your temper (or angry-cried about) over?

probably a girl

3.) What is something you'll likely always be somewhat bitter about no matter what?

finding out that something i thought was just for me and was very special was not

4.) What is the last thing that sent you into a hysterical laughing fit?

i honestly do not remember

5.) What is something small that someone can do or say (or give) that can significantly or at least moderately improve an otherwise terrible day?

i always enjoy a nice embrace after a long hard day

6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?

when i was 15, at the end of summer break, a friend called and said he had extra ticket to go to the Shakespeare festival in Ashland OR. While waiting for the Globe to open so we could sit to see Henry the Fourth i went for a stroll and noticed a man following me. Eventually he approached me and we talked about acting, the festival, and what i liked to do in my spare time. Soon the conversation steer towards my sexual identity even after i explained i was straight he attempted to lure me back to his room with the promise of beer and weed. In hindsight i should have notified the police....i honestly don't think this was his first ballgame
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Old 01-21-2018, 10:47 AM   #7269 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exo View Post
4.) What is the last thing that sent you into a hysterical laughing fit?

Friend of mine hopped in my car, screamed the opening lines to a Yes song, and ripped the longest fart I've ever heard, and I nearly threw up. Why? See my answer to the first question.
Within the past year me and my disc golf buddy were at the course, sitting and drinking beer on a bench in the middle of the woods. This particular bench was ratchet as ****, with the actual part you sit on not even secured to the posts, so you had to kind of balance on it, and I was pretty ****ing lit at the time.

So of course I (very slowly and with much flailing) went backward off the bench, landed on my back in the dirt, and upon impact let loose a hellishly loud fart. My friend actually couldn't stand on his feet he was laughing so hard and I couldn't get back on my feet for more than one reason.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 01-21-2018, 11:39 AM   #7270 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Within the past year me and my disc golf buddy were at the course, sitting and drinking beer on a bench in the middle of the woods. This particular bench was ratchet as ****, with the actual part you sit on not even secured to the posts, so you had to kind of balance on it, and I was pretty ****ing lit at the time.

So of course I (very slowly and with much flailing) went backward off the bench, landed on my back in the dirt, and upon impact let loose a hellishly loud fart. My friend actually couldn't stand on his feet he was laughing so hard and I couldn't get back on my feet for more than one reason.

holy **** just visualizing this sent me into a hysterical laughing fit
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I'm not even mad. Seriously I'm not. You're a good dude, and I think and hope you'll become something good
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