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Old 10-13-2017, 08:44 PM   #6781 (permalink)
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1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?

Once when I had a very high fever and once when I overdosed on Xanax and oxys.

2. Do you own or rent your home?

I'm with my parents so neither but I'm trying to rent a place before the year's end.

3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?

Ha! I was initially registered as a part of the Independent party because I thought that meant no affiliation. I found out when election season rolled by. Luckily California has a semi-closed primary system or else I would have had to register as a Democrat to vote for Bernie.

4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?

I had a Razr 2 years after they were cool.

5. What sports team(s) do you support?

Ha! None.

6. Do you own a gun?

I have a 22 caliber rifle.

7. How many working remote controls are in your house?


8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?

Mom: Good. We're of a similar personality type so communication is natural.
Dad: Could be better. We're of a similar personality type so we butt heads and I try to avoid him. We're generally courteous with each other like you would be with any other person though.

9.What was your first job?

As a kid I would post an odd jobs flyer in at the grocery store in my small, tightly knit town. People would respond and I'd usually do weed whacking, help around farms, stack wood, put up fencing, anything a 10 year old was capable of. I guess you'd call that temping.

10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?


11. What's your favourite planet, and why?

Earth because I don't travel much.

12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?

Yes I dress up as many different things. I've repeated Alex from A Clockwork Orange and Buckethead because they're easy costumes. Last year I was the preacher from Night of the Hunter. I'm not 100% on my costume for this year.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 10-13-2017, 09:13 PM   #6782 (permalink)
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1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?


2. Do you own or rent your home?

rent an apartment from september until april and then live with the 'rents during the summer until i'm out of Uni.

3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?

nope. considered registering for the conservative party here just to vote Maxime Bernier cause he was the least conservative conservative of all-time and Kevin O'Leary and Andrew Shear are both pieces of **** but I don't really wanna be tied to the party when I'm not even a conservative and also they wanted $10 for the membership so **** that noise.

4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?

LG Rumor.

5. What sports team(s) do you support?

long list incoming

(Real) Football - League : Manchester United (s/o to Villa too, they the boys)
World Football : Belgium
(Fake) Football - Bills with a soft spot for the 49ers
Hockey - Montreal Canadians
Baseball - Toronto Blue Jays
don't watch the NBA much anymore but I was a Bulls fan during my early teens.

6. Do you own a gun?

nope. here i live in a very safe building in a fairly safe part of town so i don't feel the need. and when i'm back home i'm in a town with a population barely over 2000 that has probably had less than 5 gun related crimes since I was born, so yeah. i'm good.

7. How many working remote controls are in your house?

not that many. 3 probably.

8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?

i never got along with my father when i was living at home full time, but since graduating we've become very close. it's hard to believe. i get along well with my mother too but she can be a very frustrating person to deal with at times, but i love her just the same.

9.What was your first job?

baling hay at a farm down the street. worst job ever. spent a few months doing it and hated it so much that i decided to go to mcdonald's because it was genuinely a better option.

10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?

never really gotten the hype tbh, i've read a few but can't say i really enjoyed any of them.

11. What's your favourite planet, and why?

Earth because if i said any of the other ones she might get jealous and kick me out.

12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?

depends on if im going out or not. i'm the king of easy costumes. throw on a kit and socks and suddenly im a football player. give me a cowboy hat and... look at that! im a cowboy.
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I'm not even mad. Seriously I'm not. You're a good dude, and I think and hope you'll become something good
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Old 10-14-2017, 03:19 AM   #6783 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?

Had a serious asthma attack when I was 3 or 4. May or may not have almost suffocated.

2. Do you own or rent your home?

Lol no.

3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?

As in card carrying? No. Was definitely a libertarian about a decade ago though.

4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?

****ty, prepaid Tracfone. Still using it.

5. What sports team(s) do you support?

Zerg, bitch. Not a team but **** if I give a **** about any real ones.

6. Do you own a gun?

Only in my pants. Zing.

7. How many working remote controls are in your house?

**** if I know. Five or something?

8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?

I'm okay with my mom, but I definitely annoy the **** out of her. **** dad.

9.What was your first job?

Working in my friend's dad's warehouse for a month.

10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?


11. What's your favourite planet, and why?

Earth is where I keep all my ****, but Mars is the only one there's any conceivable chance I might get to visit in my lifetime.

12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?

Used to dress as a ninja every year, but haven't worn a costume at all for years and years.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-14-2017, 05:52 AM   #6784 (permalink)
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1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?
2. Do you own or rent your home?
Rented apartment. Ridiculously cheap for the size (56sqm)
3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?
No, I'm politically left, but consider all the individual parties we have useless.
I can't fully identify with any single one of them.
4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?
Nokia 3310. I'm currently on my 3rd cell phone across the last 17 years. I don't get new ones until the current one flat out stops working.
5. What sports team(s) do you support?
None, but I'm a fan of several tennis players. I kind of support all of them though. They're all talented so they all deserve the victories they get.
6. Do you own a gun?
No and if I did it would be illegal. Not that I would want to either way.
7. How many working remote controls are in your house?
One for my tv, one for my DVD player. Technically a few more are in a drawer somewhere. One for an old tv, one for a stereo and one for a VHS player. Not using any of them. I even think I've got one for my laptop somewhere, but I'm not sure what it's even for.
8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?
Really well. I visit them at least once a month and we often drink wine over dinner for hours on end. Getting along really well with my younger brother and older sister too.
9.What was your first job?
Paper boy.
10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?
Much Ado About Nothing. Stealing Oriphiel's reply here. I think it must be mine too, since out of all the Shakespeare movie adaptations I've watched, I enjoyed this the most. I've watched a couple good Hamlet movies too.
11. What's your favourite planet, and why?
Earth, since there's interesting things on it. The other one's are just uniform balls of rock or gas.
12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?
Halloween's not really tradition here, but it's been sneaking in over the last decade. I don't do Halloween costumes.
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Old 10-14-2017, 07:14 AM   #6785 (permalink)
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Last edited by Zhanteimi; 11-26-2017 at 06:09 PM.
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Old 10-14-2017, 08:09 AM   #6786 (permalink)
the worst guy
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1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?


2. Do you own or rent your home?

I pay rent to my Dad.

3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?


4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?

Nokia 3310.

5. What sports team(s) do you support?


6. Do you own a gun?


7. How many working remote controls are in your house?


8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?

Very well. Easier to talk to my Mum for some reason, but I see her less so I guess talking points build up.

9.What was your first job?

Pot washer in a Chinese restaurant. Quit half way through my second shift.

10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?


11. What's your favourite planet, and why?

Earth, because obviously.

12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?

Beetlejuice is my best yet. Also MF DOOM.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
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2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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Old 10-14-2017, 08:13 AM   #6787 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
Beetlejuice is my best yet. Also MF DOOM.
Did you wear blackface under the mask?
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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Old 10-14-2017, 10:06 AM   #6788 (permalink)
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I don't ****ing care if I'm seen as a wimp, mord's story has me crying like a girl. Not just about the abuse - he's spoken of this before - but how his mother completely let them down. To me, she's almost worse, like an enabler, or even just someone who would rather pretend nothing is happening in order to make herself feel better. What, excuse me, a ****ing bitch. My heart goes out to you, man. Seriously. It's a credit to neither of your parents that you turned out as you did, and well done on that.
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Old 10-14-2017, 10:31 AM   #6789 (permalink)
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1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?

Yes but only in Canada, so I haven't had to declare bankruptcy yet. Both times were pretty minor, a cut on my left elbow that had to be stitched up, and the second was to get fitted for an airboot cast because I had fractured my second metatarsal in my left foot.

2. Do you own or rent your home?


3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?

Registered to one so I could vote in my state's caucus

4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?

A tracfone of some variety. In 2004 when I moved back to Canada my stepmom got me a pretty nifty clam shell flip phone so I could never have the excuse of not being reachable. I'm pretty sure I got a Razer shortly after that which I used up until I got my first iPhone in 2009 and have stayed with that model since.

5. What sports team(s) do you support?

While I don't really care if they win or lose, I will root for the Vancouver Canucks if they are playing, or the San Jose Sharks if they are playing. If they play each other, I always root for Vancouver, but I think San Jose is both a better team and less pretentious.

6. Do you own a gun?

Two, a H&K P30 pistol and a Remington 870 12 gauge shotgun. I haven't been shooting in ages, was too dry during the summer to risk going up into the hills and the shooting ranges in town are both extremely expensive and filled to the brim with fucking creeps whose fetish for guns is borderline sexual.

7. How many working remote controls are in your house?

Three I want to say, but I honestly only ever use the TV in my bedroom and even that can be rare. It is funny to think about though, all those remote controls that line up someone's coffee table, and wonder how many of them actually get used.

8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?

My relationship with my parents has only gotten better as I've gotten older. I wasn't really much of a troubled teenager but there were definitely some contentious moments between myself and my family. I can't even remember the last time I got into an argument with either of them.

9.What was your first job?

Back when I was 12 or 13 I would clean up the office my mom worked at on Friday's for $20. It wasn't much, a small 4 room office building with 1 washroom, and I only had to vacuum and mop the washroom which was always pretty easy. That only lasted for a few months because they moved offices to an area that I wasn't able to easily get to and public transit didn't go there because that's where a lot of rich people lived. I'm pretty sure it was all off the books too because of my age, and really only provided me with a little pocket money for the weekend.

My first actual legal job was working in a lumberyard over the summer. I mostly just put away boxes of nails/ screws, insulation bundles, and helped customers load lumber into their cars. By the end of the summer I had convinced my uncle who worked in the sales department to teach me how to drive the forklifts and I stayed on, working Saturdays as the forklift customer service person who would drive out into the yard and get the lumber and bring it back to the customer in the loading area (cheaper insurance if customers weren't allowed back in the actual lumberyard). It was fun, taught me a lot, and helped me build up a really strong immune system because I was out in the elements. Pay was shit though, but I was 15-16 and too young/dumb to know that what I was doing was worth more.

10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?

Hamlet was the most engaging, but I've only ever really read the popular ones you usually read in your high school English class, where you have to pause every line so the teacher can translate it into English for you.

11. What's your favourite planet, and why?

Call me biased because it provides me with oxygen, but I'm going to say Earth.

12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?

Not really anymore. The last time I dressed up was 2014 for a Halloween costume party I was someone's +1 for and even then I put the least amount of effort into it. I went as pre-HEV suit Gordon Freeman, so basically just a scientist with a circle beard.
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Old 10-14-2017, 10:40 AM   #6790 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Qwertyy View Post
5. What sports team(s) do you support?

long list incoming

(Real) Football - League : Manchester United (s/o to Villa too, they the boys)
World Football : Belgium
Villa are such a sexy club imo.

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