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Old 07-15-2012, 01:25 PM   #5071 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
CD is more practical, vinyl is more sentimental. Being who I am, I'd have to go with CD.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?
I don't know why this question is making it sound like a punishment, as I own plenty discogs.. intentionally.. so, I dunno. One of the collections I already have?

What limb could you do without?

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?
Now days? Probably 5 dollars. And that would be charity.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?

Too explicit to share here...
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Old 07-15-2012, 01:28 PM   #5072 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)

cd.....i was once an insane vinyl hound.....but sold 90% of my collection during hard times.....honestly the taste for it just never returned

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

Micheal Gira (which would include all books and writings and probably half of everything on Young God Records)

What limb could you do without?

Foetus - Limb (the dvd is amazing but the album is gut wrenching)

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?

the most i've spent was $250

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep? all depends on how much i drank i suppose....but i always take my glasses off
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Old 07-15-2012, 02:35 PM   #5073 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?

Never was much on coffee... starting to get into hot tea. Always liked green tea. And Arizonas haha.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)

Depends, I don't have a cd player or record player... but I'd have to go CD as I'd be more likely to encounter a cd player that worked before a record player

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

Tool. Great album art, great packaging (Aenema/10,000 Days especially), and overall one of my favorite bands.

What limb could you do without?

I'm a drummer, so ****... I'd rather chop off my ding dong than not be able to operate the kick drum pedal and the hi-hat pedal, and the snare, and the hi-hat at the same time conveniently. Knock on wood that this won't be a thing I have to worry about.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?

I almost spent 300 dollars on an unreleased Powerman 5000 album Anyone For Doomsday on ebay back in the day. It's still expensive.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?

Move **** off bed, find pillow, find blanket, smoke bowl, smoke stogie, make sure music is on or find mp3 player, lay down, toss and turn, etc.

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Old 07-15-2012, 04:06 PM   #5074 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?

Coffee. Usually drink a cup or two every day. Don't drink tea very often.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)


If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

Hmm... I already have the discography of a few bands, but if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Devin Townsend.

What limb could you do without?

I guess my left arm. I'm a super-righty... probably use my right arm 5 times more than my left. Couldn't go without either of my legs as I walk alot. I see alot of people saying their penis. Really? I think that'd be the very definition of hell.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?

I don't know. None of the albums I want are very hard to find. Can't see myself spending more than the price on Amazon on any album.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?

Take my socks off, get a blanket, watch TV for about a half-hour, and drink a beer if I have one.
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Old 07-15-2012, 11:09 PM   #5075 (permalink)
not really
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Originally Posted by Mrd00d View Post

Move **** off bed, find pillow, find blanket, smoke bowl, smoke stogie, make sure music is on or find mp3 player, lay down, toss and turn, etc.
this is whatsup minus the stogie
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Old 07-16-2012, 10:06 AM   #5076 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?
Coffee, which made living in the U.K. a bitch because there's no such thing as a good cup of coffee over there.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
I'm a pragmatic kind of guy with no real need for sentiment or nostalgia so this is pretty easy, CD.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?
Hmm... maybe Pink Floyd's. Regardless of what album I listen to I always find something I like.

What limb could you do without?
A foot, not the entire leg, just a foot.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?

$15 and that's on something I would really want, and then anywhere from $5-$10 on anything that's kind of in between. I really have no use for CD's anymore, they just sit there in the corner gathering dust and waiting to be stolen.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?
I read a book or a wiki article on my iPad.
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Old 07-16-2012, 11:30 AM   #5077 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Tea or Coffee?
Tea, if I had to pick one.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
I own quite a few Vinyls from my teen years, but no player. At some point I'll grab one though, so Vinyl.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

What limb could you do without?
There's this tree outside in the parking lot with a limb that hangs over my parking spot.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?
I'd say about $15.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?
I drink copiuos amounts of beer.
See location...
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:30 AM   #5078 (permalink)
the worst guy
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Tea or Coffee?

Tea for me.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)

CD for sure. Don't even have a vinyl player.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

The Fall by miles.

What limb could you do without?

I could do without my left hand too.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?


Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?

I have to watch YouTube videos till my eyes dry and I naturally fall asleep.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Originally Posted by Mindfulness View Post
2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:56 AM   #5079 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?

Tea. I hate coffee. Good thing I live in Canada

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)

Well, after trollheart enlightened me on the "Is Vinyl and CD Making A Comeback?" thread, I'm going to have to go with CD. Hopefully Compact Disc drives don't go obsolete in the next few decades :/ Or at least let there be decent backward compatibility.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

Hmm. Not so easy, I haven't found an artist I like enough. But probably Raymond Scott, since he has a lot of weird stuff that, to me, is in a league of its own. It would be an adventure listening through it all.

What limb could you do without?

Maybe my right leg?? I'd definitely learn how to use a prosthetic right away. I need both of my arms, since I'm a lefty for some things and a righty for others; and I'd also like to retain ability to procreate naturally.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?

If it's a super-rare, and old, remix album, or an album that contains rare tracks that are all amazing, I'd probably spend up to $30-40 (after an exhaustive search of all accessible music sites and vendors).

For a special edition of a concept album I love with over 20 tracks, maybe up to $60.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?

Finish up on the internet, listen to the news, lay in bed thinking about the spiritual/ metaphysical/ meanings of everything until I reach the point of exhaustion; all the time wondering if tonight will be the night when I actually get enough sleep...
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Old 07-22-2012, 04:45 PM   #5080 (permalink)
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Tea or Coffee?
Coffee. Usually in the form of being decafinated and at night, though. I have no trouble functioning in the morning, but nothing beats hot coffee on a weekend night, IMO.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
CD. Vinyl has better sound quality, IMO, but it also skips.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?
I don't understand the question. This makes it sound like owning the discography of a band is a bad thing. You mean if I could only listen to one discography for the rest of my life? Probably Buckethead. That's enough music to last me a long while...

What limb could you do without?
I see people saying penis. I would have to agree, but I don't think of that as a limb. I think, out of my two arms and two legs, I would have to lose my left arm, being that I would rather lose an arm than a leg and I write with my right hand. True, I wouldn't be able to play guitar, but what the hell, I've seen people learn how to do that with their feet.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?
First I have to think of the record it would be... I really don't know.
Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?
I usually bathe at night so I can sleep in the morning unless I have nothing to do the next day, and I usually have a glass sitting on a chair that acts as a nightstand next to my bed.
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