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Old 07-24-2022, 02:07 PM   #11331 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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At one point a year or two ago, I was setting up the Saturday Six Pack questions. Part of me thinks I could do it again, but hell, I hardly contribute to this thread as it is. Probably a bad idea, as I'd get lazy with it quick.

Why don't we just do first come first serve? Whoever takes the initiative each week to set up the questions can do so? Seems fair enough. If someone hogs them and others want to do them, just let it be known and we can all work it out.

But to Trollheart, thanks for your constant contributions to not only this thread, but the forum as a whole. MB would be a much quieter place if you weren't around. You were gone for a while but then came back (what was that, a year and a half ago?) and your presence here is a mainstay of the forum.

Cheers buddy.

Last edited by SGR; 07-24-2022 at 02:21 PM.
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Old 07-24-2022, 02:10 PM   #11332 (permalink)
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Yeah, I'll try to give it a shot next week, but it's a one time thing. I think we need to maybe alternate between a few people.
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
But looking for quality interaction on MB is like trying to stay hydrated by drinking salt water.
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Old 07-24-2022, 02:11 PM   #11333 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SGR View Post
At one point a year or two ago, I was setting up the Saturday Six Pack questions. Part of me thinks I could do it again, but hell, I hardly contribute to this thread as it is. Probably a bad idea, as I'd get lazy with it quick.

Why don't we just do first come first serve? Whoever takes the initiative each week to set up the questions can do so? Seems fair enough. If someone hogs them and others want to do them, just let it be known and we can all work it out.

But to Trollheart, thanks for your constant contributions to not only this thread, but the forum as a whole. MB would be a much quieter place if you weren't around. You were gone for a while but then came back (what was that, a year and a half ago?) and your presence here is mainstay of the forum.

Cheers buddy.
Hey thanks man! I do like to contribute.
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Old 07-24-2022, 02:18 PM   #11334 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Alright, since I butted in I guess I'll answer the questions:

1. What's one thing you hate about summer?

Heat. And bugs. And sunburns. And putting air conditioners in. And sweat....oh, just one thing? My bad (I prefer winter and fall and you happy fun summer sun people can shove it)

2. What was the last thing you physically mailed?

A money order just the other day

3. On balance, do you prefer traditional petrol/diesel cars, hybrid or electric?

Eh, traditional I suppose but it's a preference from a lack of experience/ignorance. I've never driven electrics though so that may change. I'd love to test drive a Tesla.

4. How would you characterise the health system in your country/state?

Bad. Pretty bad sometimes and really bad other times but bad all the time. USA baby.

5. Somewhat similar to a question asked a few weeks ago, but with a twist: If YOU were ruling a country, or in charge of one, would you be a benevolent or an oppressive leader?

Benevolent so that I don't get a bullet in my brain or my headless body dragged through the streets.

6. What was your first ever pet?

A cat.

7. Spearmint, peppermint or no mint?

Spearmint and it aint even close.

8. Name one food item which is no longer available that you would love to see back again?

That Rice Krispies Treats cereal.

9. If you're old enough to remember, what precautions, if any, did you take for Y2K?

I'm 27 - I was playing Mario 64 in Y2K. I do work in a codebase that is old enough that there are lingering notes in certain programs about Y2K though, so that's kinda cool.

10. How do you store your music, generally and if you like, historically too?

On two massive hard drives. Lossless rips from CDs mostly. But I stream a lot too. More often lately than in the past because I've become lazy and occupied with other things.

11. Someone gives you a gun. You will not be let go alive unless you shoot one person. There will be absolutely no legal or criminal comeback. Once you shoot your target you will be free, legally and in reality. Who do you choose (can be anyone, as long as they're still alive), or do you refuse and take the consequences?

Yikes. Uhh...I guess if I had to - either Putin or Kim Jong Un.

12. If you can remember, what was your first post on Music Banter?

I don't remember back in 2010. Looking at my profile, it goes back 40 pages to a post I made in 2021 in the Dire Straits appreciation thread. Looks like the first thread I started was a review of Stone Temple Pilots 'Purple'

Why the hell did I choose those ugly ass colorful fonts? God I was dumb in 2010. I was either 15 or 16.
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Old 07-24-2022, 04:03 PM   #11335 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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Originally Posted by SGR View Post
At one point a year or two ago, I was setting up the Saturday Six Pack questions. Part of me thinks I could do it again, but hell, I hardly contribute to this thread as it is. Probably a bad idea, as I'd get lazy with it quick.

Why don't we just do first come first serve? Whoever takes the initiative each week to set up the questions can do so? Seems fair enough. If someone hogs them and others want to do them, just let it be known and we can all work it out.

But to Trollheart, thanks for your constant contributions to not only this thread, but the forum as a whole. MB would be a much quieter place if you weren't around. You were gone for a while but then came back (what was that, a year and a half ago?) and your presence here is a mainstay of the forum.

Cheers buddy.
Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
Yeah, I'll try to give it a shot next week, but it's a one time thing. I think we need to maybe alternate between a few people.
Yeah I was thinking something like this, saves one person getting lumbered with it every week.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 07-25-2022, 06:06 AM   #11336 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Man, you are just full of fun, aren't you? I bet you're a hit at parties!
Haven’t had any complaints about mine other than someone recently getting upset I wouldn’t let them 'play with' my turntable.
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Old 07-25-2022, 11:33 AM   #11337 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SGR View Post
But to Trollheart, thanks for your constant contributions to not only this thread, but the forum as a whole. MB would be a much quieter place if you weren't around. You were gone for a while but then came back (what was that, a year and a half ago?) and your presence here is a mainstay of the forum.
^ Hear, hear - and so true. TH, I'm amazed you didn't burn out long before now. Thanks for so tirelessly and creatively (themed 6-packs!) and unselfishly running the surveys and keeping us all occupied for 17 months (has it been that long? wow!).

Now lie back and leave the 6-packs to us.

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Old 07-25-2022, 12:56 PM   #11338 (permalink)
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1. What's one thing you hate about summer?

Heat and humidity makes me wilt. I’m almost always tired and a little depressed in summertime.

2. What was the last thing you physically mailed?

A “Thinking Of You” card to a colleague who got laid off.

3. On balance, do you prefer traditional petrol/diesel cars, hybrid or electric?

I’m currently leasing a traditional dirty gas car, but when my lease ends I’m definitely going hybrid. I’d go fully electric but have range anxiety and can’t charge from home.

4. How would you characterise the health system in your country/state?

Bad, and will always be considered bad by me until it’s universal for everyone. I am lucky in that I have a private plan through my employer (which is fine if you’re healthy, but god forbid you get really sick or have catastrophic illness).

5. Somewhat similar to a question asked a few weeks ago, but with a twist: If YOU were ruling a country, or in charge of one, would you be a benevolent or an oppressive leader?

Benevolent with good bodyguards.

6. What was your first ever pet?

A turtle named Jasper.

7. Spearmint, peppermint or no mint?

curiously strong peppermints

8. Name one food item which is no longer available that you would love to see back again?

P.B. Crisps, dammit.

9. If you're old enough to remember, what precautions, if any, did you take for Y2K?

None whatsoever.

10. How do you store your music, generally and if you like, historically too?

On my computer in folders, lots of CDs in decorative baskets and boxes and in closets with vinyls in containers.

11. Someone gives you a gun. You will not be let go alive unless you shoot one person. There will be absolutely no legal or criminal comeback. Once you shoot your target you will be free, legally and in reality. Who do you choose (can be anyone, as long as they're still alive), or do you refuse and take the consequences?

I don’t think I could ever shoot anyone; but as Marie said, you never know what you’d do in that type of situation.

12. If you can remember, what was your first post on Music Banter?

I don’t remember exactly, but I’m pretty sure it was a list of Top 5 Bass Songs. I think I chose Yes – Roundabout (Chris Squire), The Clash (Paul Simonon) – Magnificent Seven, Sly & The Family Stone (Larry Graham) – If You Want Me To Stay, Beatles (Paul McCartney) – Something, and The Band (Rick Danko) – Yazoo Street Scandal.
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Old 07-25-2022, 02:25 PM   #11339 (permalink)
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Thank you for your service, TH!

1. What's one thing you hate about summer?
Ticks. They've become a plague in recent years

2. What was the last thing you physically mailed?
No flippin idea

3. On balance, do you prefer traditional petrol/diesel cars, hybrid or electric?
I don't drive, but I prefer electric fwiw

4. How would you characterise the health system in your country/state?
Pretty good, except all the GPs are over-worked and miserable

5. Somewhat similar to a question asked a few weeks ago, but with a twist: If YOU were ruling a country, or in charge of one, would you be a benevolent or an oppressive leader?
I'd appoint someone better suited to the job, if that's a valid answer

6. What was your first ever pet?
A budgie. It was dumb as ****

7. Spearmint, peppermint or no mint?

8. Name one food item which is no longer available that you would love to see back again?

9. If you're old enough to remember, what precautions, if any, did you take for Y2K?
I was 2, so probably not greatly worried

10. How do you store your music, generally and if you like, historically too?
On my computer + external HDDs. Time to get more storage space soon, methinks

11. Someone gives you a gun. You will not be let go alive unless you shoot one person. There will be absolutely no legal or criminal comeback. Once you shoot your target you will be free, legally and in reality. Who do you choose (can be anyone, as long as they're still alive), or do you refuse and take the consequences?
Goodbye, Vladimir!

12. If you can remember, what was your first post on Music Banter?
I think it was my intro post. Don't look it up, I was 16 and cringe
lasty|rate-y music-y
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Old 07-25-2022, 09:39 PM   #11340 (permalink)
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1. What's one thing you hate about summer?
Anything over 104 Fahrenheit /40celsius.
2. What was the last thing you physically mailed?
Returned a modem that was not as advertised.
3. On balance, do you prefer traditional petrol/diesel cars, hybrid or electric?
4. How would you characterise the health system in your country/state?
One of the best in the world until the previous right wing gov’t attempted to dismantle it. So happy I’m not in the USA.
5. Somewhat similar to a question asked a few weeks ago, but with a twist: If YOU were ruling a country, or in charge of one, would you be a benevolent or an oppressive leader?
I would never willingly ‘rule’ a country.
6. What was your first ever pet?
A magpie. Taught it to swear like a sailor.
Grandma thought it had been possessed by Satan and wrung its neck.

7. Spearmint, peppermint or no mint?
I drink buckets of peppermint tea every day.
8. Name one food item which is no longer available that you would love to see back again? Hash cookies.
9. If you're old enough to remember, what precautions, if any, did you take for Y2K? None, thought is was all bullshXt.
10. How do you store your music, generally and if you like, historically too? 90% LP’s 10% CD/DVD 10% High resolution downloads onto a Mac.
11. Someone gives you a gun. You will not be let go alive unless you shoot one person. There will be absolutely no legal or criminal comeback. Once you shoot your target you will be free, legally and in reality. Who do you choose (can be anyone, as long as they're still alive), or do you refuse and take the consequences? Comrade Putin.
12. If you can remember, what was your first post on Music Banter?
Can’t remember but probably something classical.

Last edited by Ayn Marx; 07-25-2022 at 09:44 PM.
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