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Old 07-02-2022, 01:58 PM   #11261 (permalink)
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1. What is obsolete in your house? To qualify as obsolete it must be something that is never, or seldom, used now and which you could not, and should not expect to be able to buy. So vinyl records, books, coal fires etc would not qualify. It doesn’t have to work, and it can be in a collection if that’s your preference, but it should be something most people would look at and say “why do you have that?”

I have some vintage Chinese fortune sticks that I have as a decorative joke kind of thing. They're the ones that you shake out of the tube. The fact that I have to explain it kind of proves the obsolete point.

2. What’s the longest you ever spent in an ER/Emergency Dept/A&E dept of a hospital?

Wasn't for me. I have been relativelt healthy/injury free my whole life but I did just spend like six hours in the hospital with my beother this year.

3. What’s your favourite mnemonic?

This is the most Trollheart question of all time.

4. What is the most useless thing you own?

Isn't this the same question as #1?

5. What’s the biggest DIY job you’ve ever undertaken?

I put down flooring once.

6. How much do you swear? Not when angry - we all do that. But in general usage?

I grew up in a firemans hall/bar in New Jersey. I swear like a fucking lunatic.

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Old 07-02-2022, 02:07 PM   #11262 (permalink)
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I'm not sure what that's a mnemonic for, but I'm glad to see I've made it into one!

Also, no: question 1 asks what have you that's obsolete (but could still be used, ie an old tape recorder if you have tapes for it etc) but question 4 asks about something you have which has no use, eg perhaps a wind-up toy with the spring gone, a book with no pages left, a sweeping brush without a head or something that only runs on old batteries that are no longer made, maybe. Different question entirely. One COULD be useful, though obsolete, the other has NO use at all.

Like me.
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Old 07-02-2022, 02:13 PM   #11263 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'm not sure what that's a mnemonic for, but I'm glad to see I've made it into one!

Also, no: question 1 asks what have you that's obsolete (but could still be used, ie an old tape recorder if you have tapes for it etc) but question 4 asks about something you have which has no use, eg perhaps a wind-up toy with the spring gone, a book with no pages left, a sweeping brush without a head or something that only runs on old batteries that are no longer made, maybe. Different question entirely. One COULD be useful, though obsolete, the other has NO use at all.

Like me.
To be fair, that's like 95% the same question lol.

To answer it I guess I'll say that I have a docking station for a Nintendo Switch without a Switch because I life it in a hotel room like a bozo.

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Old 07-02-2022, 08:21 PM   #11264 (permalink)
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1. What is obsolete in your house? To qualify as obsolete it must be something that is never, or seldom, used now and which you could not, and should not expect to be able to buy. So vinyl records, books, coal fires etc would not qualify. It doesn’t have to work, and it can be in a collection if that’s your preference, but it should be something most people would look at and say “why do you have that?”

Without means to play them: cassette tapes, VHS tapes and minidiscs (what?), a box of 3.5 inch floppy discs, also an old CRT television and possibly a typewriter somewhere in the attic.

2. What’s the longest you ever spent in an ER/Emergency Dept/A&E dept of a hospital?

I remember once we went in at 9PM and didn't get home till 2PM the next day, so what's that: 17 hours?

3. What’s your favourite mnemonic?

Probably the rainbow one I mentioned earlier. Also FAST: Face, Arm, Speech, Time (for recognising a stroke)

4. What is the most useless thing you own?

A folder of CDs with files that are no longer readable.

5. What’s the biggest DIY job you’ve ever undertaken?

Only tiny things. I don't do it myself. No aptitude. Can't even put up a shelf or put a flatpack together. Useless.

6. How much do you swear? Not when angry - we all do that. But in general usage?

Far too much, far more than I should. F-bombs have become almost standard with me, but it's not just me: in Ireland we use the word as a "holding" one, like someone trying to remember a holiday they were on and unable to recall the name of the pub would say something like "We went to that pub - what was it called? (Clicking fingers in irritation) - ****ing, ****ing, ****ing - Green Duck, yeah that's the one." We also say perfectly innocent phrases and use the f-bomb like "I ****ed that out, it was empty" or "****ing weather is **** again today" or "when are you going to get up you ****er?" Terrible. ****ing terrible.
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Old 07-03-2022, 11:42 PM   #11265 (permalink)
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Amazing photos that encapsulate your brave and beautiful spirit, Cella. Either would be just perfect for the cover of National Geographic!!
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Old 07-04-2022, 12:00 AM   #11266 (permalink)
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1. What is obsolete in your house? To qualify as obsolete, it must be something that is never, or seldom, used now and which you could not, and should not expect to be able to buy. So vinyl records, books, coal fires etc would not qualify. It doesn’t have to work, and it can be in a collection if that’s your preference, but it should be something most people would look at and say “why do you have that?”

A vintage double abacus on the foyer wall of my apartment. Obsolete because I use a calculator now.

2. What’s the longest you ever spent in an ER/Emergency Dept/A&E dept of a hospital?

Probably about 18 hours, hooked up to an IV due to severe dehydration.

3. What’s your favourite mnemonic?

I don’t really have a favorite mnemonic, but I remember using mnemonics for groups within the periodic table of elements in high school. The only one that still sticks with me is “New Popes Assign Subordinate Bishops” (for N, P, As, Sb, Bi).

4. What is the most useless thing you own?

A stack of vintage tin picnic baskets in the kitchen. Useless because not used for actual picnics.

5. What’s the biggest DIY job you’ve ever undertaken?

I'm not handy at all. I've painted the kitchen cabinets – that’s about it. I created a fair amount of pottery in the past, nothing elaborate - just small bowls and vases.

6. How much do you swear? Not when angry - we all do that. But in general usage?

Generally only when I’m angry.
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Old 07-04-2022, 10:42 PM   #11267 (permalink)
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1. What is obsolete in your house? To qualify as obsolete, it must be something that is never, or seldom, used now and which you could not, and should not expect to be able to buy. So vinyl records, books, coal fires etc would not qualify. It doesn’t have to work, and it can be in a collection if that’s your preference, but it should be something most people would look at and say “why do you have that?”

I'm generally good at tossing things like that away. The only thing I can think of at the moment is a wooden hockey stick.

2. What’s the longest you ever spent in an ER/Emergency Dept/A&E dept of a hospital?

My friend collapsed on the bench while we were playing hockey. I went with him to the hospital to get checked out (he was fine). I believe I was there with him for eight hours. For my own injuries (broken collarbone), I spent four hours in emergency.

3. What’s your favourite mnemonic?

Every good boy deserves fudge (also a Mudhoney album title)

4. What is the most useless thing you own?

I guess I own them by association. We have way too many pillows for our two couches.

5. What’s the biggest DIY job you’ve ever undertaken?

I'm not handy. I installed toilets.

6. How much do you swear? Not when angry - we all do that. But in general usage?

I swear when I'm on the ice playing hockey. When I'm angry, I swear in Québecois. It has more effect.
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Old 07-08-2022, 07:35 PM   #11268 (permalink)
Make it so
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
God damn it! I just keep ****ing up, don't I? How could I forget Steph? Chio hasn't been here for some time and I admit Boo Boo threw me, but yeah, you're right. My god: you ladies may even outnumber us soon! No bad thing.

I love every persons this forum! I admit I was a rascal back in the early days of MB but hope that some terrible life experiences is penance for my immature threads and outlook on life (nudge nudge, WWWP).

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Absolute agree, Marie - WWWP, Boo, and Chio are all ESSENTIAL to the coven! And I'm sorry to have not mentioned them previously because I was foolishly thinking of gals and pals who post regularly to the 6-Pack - ugh! So sorry.

Love & hugs to ALL our coven members. And yes, we need much better representation here.

I definitely love the idea of a coven for us ladies. Positive vibes to each other! You don't have to apologise, I was also referring to this thread, I want every lovely person to join this coven.

Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
I'm going to take a guess and say that you are the only person on MB, past or present, who has ever been to Antarctica. To have visited what is one of the least hospitable areas on the planet is super-impressive.

I haven't been there myself, but I was for some time immersed in Apsley Cherry-Garrard's accurately titled books about his own journey there:

This was the 1911- 1912 expedition in which Captain Scott died just a mile or so from his life-saving stores. Before that, in an extraordinary expedition side trip, Apsley C-G and two others went to visit an Emperor Penguin colony during egg-laying time (= the S Hemisphere winter) :-

Hoping your trip was a bit more comfortable, Celladorina !!

I think so far I am still the only one, it was magical. It really is not hospitable for people, and thanks the Antarctic Treaty, all countries with bases need to adhear to strict preservation of the continent. Thanks for the book recommendation, I will add them to my 'to read list'! I actually got to visit Scott and Shakleton's hut. Let me know if you would like to see some photos of what's inside. We flew in on a 747 luckily which took 5 hours from Christchurch. The group of scholars from the year before had to go down on the Hercules which took 9 hours .

To this day, it is still the best experience I've ever had in my life, and that's 11 years ago now.

Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
Omg celladorina you've been to Antarctica?? I've always wanted to do that

Oh darling you should, let me know if you need help finding a way to get there.

Originally Posted by FETCHER. View Post
I can remember either when you were going or when you came back? That was a long time ago! It must’ve been an incredible experience.

Aww fletcher, that is so sweet that you remember me going down! I actually posted on MB while I was down there. The internet in Scott base was crap though lol. It was like nothing I have or will ever experience. To me, it was a spiritual connection to the earth.

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Cella, you should be specially featured in National Geographic for your Antarctica trip! That is amazing, and YOU are amazing and a very special person. Please tell us you saw many penguins up close!

Ribbons, I seriously want to meet up with you one day as you are the sweetest thing. It's certainly and idea for me to reach out to them. I have tons of photos as you would expect! Yes I did see Penguins!! It was an Adelie penguin who was super cute, slipping and sliding on the ice. The waddles were EVERYTHING. I have a video somewhere on my socials.

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Amazing photos that encapsulate your brave and beautiful spirit, Cella. Either would be just perfect for the cover of National Geographic!!

If anyone has a contact I'll hit them up, hehe

Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
Um also WWWP and Boo and Chio etc? Maybe for the best (despite my love for ribbons and Cella) because this coven has too much male gaze upon it. We deserve better gals and pals

yes my coven queen

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Hey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with holding on to a TV that has served you well. Before I got the LG 32 inch I had a big CRT Grundig that looked like it could crush a man by being dropped on him (I remember struggling - and I mean STRUGGLING! I'm 9 st (126 lbs) - damn thing was nearly heavier than me!) up the stairs to my bedroom with it, hoping desperately to the telly gods that it wouldn't fall on me! That set lasted me for a good ten years, then one day it just waved bye-bye, and I was forced into the world of flatscreens. But you don't by any means have to be the sort who changes your set every other year. I only ever changed when it was necessary. You get used to your TV and sometimes it's almost like you're betraying it by getting a new one...

Aww good to know I'm not the only one who has a special connection with their TV's! Mine is flat screen but just old, like when they first came out old, lol. It does the job and honestly I am not too worried about watching EVERYTHING in 4 or 8k.

1. What is obsolete in your house? To qualify as obsolete it must be something that is never, or seldom, used now and which you could not, and should not expect to be able to buy. So vinyl records, books, coal fires etc would not qualify. It doesn’t have to work, and it can be in a collection if that’s your preference, but it should be something most people would look at and say “why do you have that?”

I have a few collectables including stamps and coins.
2. What’s the longest you ever spent in an ER/Emergency Dept/A&E dept of a hospital?
For a week after a surgey.
3. What’s your favourite mnemonic?
I don't have any that comes to mind.
4. What is the most useless thing you own?
A broken vacuum lol
5. What’s the biggest DIY job you’ve ever undertaken?
Making a giant home made of snow and ice which I slept in with my friends, while in Antarctica. We also made a giant hole where people can go to the toilet.
6. How much do you swear? Not when angry - we all do that. But in general usage?
I swear a lot, even at work but everyone is used to it.
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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Old 07-08-2022, 08:01 PM   #11269 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by innerspaceboy View Post
6. How much do you swear? Not when angry - we all do that. But in general usage?

I know that I'm often prone to loquacious verbosity and grandiloquent or bombastically ostentatious language, so when I do opt to employ vulgarity it is used to great ****ing effect.

Never change man, never change!
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Old 07-09-2022, 10:21 AM   #11270 (permalink)
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1. What honours/diplomas/degrees etc do you hold, or, how did you end school/college in terms of honours etc?

2. Who is your favourite fictional character?

3. What’s the longest you’ve even been awake, without any sleep?

4. A bird flies into your house/room/apartment/office: what do you do?

5. I guess not so much now, or maybe, but when you buy or used to buy books, if your favourite author had a new one out, did you go for the hardback or wait until it came out in paperback?

6. What’s your opinion, generally, on advertisements/ commercials?
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