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Exo 10-12-2015 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1642260)
And to think that I almost thought you were all cool and creative.

But seriously, well done.
Curious to see whether and how you'll be able to draw the game's background's haziness.

Yeah, I'm not at a point where I can create some on paper like that from imagination. I don't really have much drawing experience so I'm doing everything by eye. Still, I impressed myself with how it came out given I have limited drawing capabilities.

Also, the background is going to be tough, not only cause of the color blending, but also because I should have done it first.

LoathsomePete 10-13-2015 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1642251)

Been working on this over the weekend. I'm going to paint the background at some point but I'm pleased with the way the straight pen came out.

That's really well done, what kind of pen did you use?

Exo 10-13-2015 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1642665)
That's really well done, what kind of pen did you use?

Faber Castell PITT artist pen.

RebelliousTaco 10-15-2015 04:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I painted this yesterday, the architecture on the house is a bit ****ed but I like it anyway

Sorry its sideways.

roscoe_the_first 10-23-2015 01:56 AM

When I was young I asked my dad "What shall I draw" and he said

Draw me a cheque.

So I did. I'm now doing time for forgery.

Chris-py 10-27-2015 07:18 AM

Hey guys i'm new
1 Attachment(s)
Here's one of my recent drawings :D

DwnWthVwls 10-27-2015 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-py (Post 1646885)
Here's one of my recent drawings :D

Are you from the future?

Oriphiel 10-27-2015 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1647073)
Are you from the future?

Don't people in the UK switch the month and year around? So instead of drawing that on the 8th of November, they may have drawn it on the 11th of August.

DwnWthVwls 10-27-2015 05:38 PM

O he's foreign. :P That makes sense.

PoorOldPo 10-31-2015 08:57 AM

Check this **** out!

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