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Plankton 12-18-2012 10:22 PM

Yup, thats some quality work zevokes.

FRED HALE SR. 12-19-2012 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by zevokes (Post 1265208)
it's been awhile since i've been on here... this is part of what i've been up to...
18"x18" ink on paper... took me over 100 hours.

You get a taste of Escher in a sense, with all the dimension and the black and white format.

P A N 12-19-2012 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1265468)
You get a taste of Escher in a sense, with all the dimension and the black and white format.

escher... i have two friends who are greatly inspired/influenced by escher. they are primarily interested in his ability to create illusions out nonsensical dimensional aspects. i personally don't have a mind that works like that. you know escher's design work? like, the interlocking black and white birds, and the fish? apparently he constructed those using some pretty heavy algebraic equations. i use a little bit of algebra in my work, but it's only to find simple points and ratios. nothing complex.

im always interested in what people say about this piece. you, for instance, talk about dimension. i don't see that when i look at it, and it's fun for me to try and step into your shoes and try. so, thanks for that.

P A N 12-19-2012 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1265251)
Yup, thats some quality work zevokes.

thank you kindly.

FRED HALE SR. 12-19-2012 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by zevokes (Post 1265470)
escher... i have two friends who are greatly inspired/influenced by escher. they are primarily interested in his ability to create illusions out nonsensical dimensional aspects. i personally don't have a mind that works like that. you know escher's design work? like, the interlocking black and white birds, and the fish? apparently he constructed those using some pretty heavy algebraic equations. i use a little bit of algebra in my work, but it's only to find simple points and ratios. nothing complex.

im always interested in what people say about this piece. you, for instance, talk about dimension. i don't see that when i look at it, and it's fun for me to try and step into your shoes and try. so, thanks for that.

I'm very familiar with all of his works. The birds were some of his earlier work and he spent painstaking amounts of time devising those patterns indeed. He was certainly complex and mathematic in his approach.

I see plenty of dimension. Its as if you've designed a Floral World underneath a wheel of dimension. Its almost nautical looking also, I can't quite put my finger on it. That does seem like quite an effort to dedicate so much time to complete something so kudos on that.

I'm assuming it has something to with time and wave lengths.

P A N 12-19-2012 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1265475)
I'm very familiar with all of his works. The birds were some of his earlier work and he spent painstaking amounts of time devising those patterns indeed. He was certainly complex and mathematic in his approach.

I see plenty of dimension. Its as if you've designed a Floral World underneath a wheel of dimension. Its almost nautical looking also, I can't quite put my finger on it. That does seem like quite an effort to dedicate so much time to complete something so kudos on that.

I'm assuming it has something to with time and wave lengths.

it could be said it has something to do with time and wavelengths, yes. although i don't necessarily ascribe scientific, spiritual, or philosophic attributes to it, it could be argued that they are inherent in "sacred geometry," as it's commonly described. all of the dimensions (aside from the chaotic, free-hand periphery) are derivative of each other, meaning they are synced mathematically. this type of patterning is said to be inherent in the growth patterns of nature and is also representative of the way sound/vibration works, which, it is also said, is the framework of reality.

FRED HALE SR. 12-19-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by zevokes (Post 1265506)
it could be said it has something to do with time and wavelengths, yes. although i don't necessarily ascribe scientific, spiritual, or philosophic attributes to it, it could be argued that they are inherent in "sacred geometry," as it's commonly described. all of the dimensions (aside from the chaotic, free-hand periphery) are derivative of each other, meaning they are synced mathematically. this type of patterning is said to be inherent in the growth patterns of nature and is also representative of the way sound/vibration works, which, it is also said, is the framework of reality.

Well that makes it all the more interesting to me then. Almost like being caught in a continuum that is infinite. Pretty cool stuff.

P A N 12-19-2012 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1265519)
Well that makes it all the more interesting to me then. Almost like being caught in a continuum that is infinite. Pretty cool stuff.

indeed. it turns out the math behind exponential growth is statistically proven to be attractive to the majority of peoples' sense of aesthetic value! and all you need is a straight-edge and a compass to do it!

P A N 12-20-2012 06:28 PM

im'a just put this here so a close up of what's going on in the whole is visible.

Blarobbarg 12-21-2012 01:16 AM

That's pretty awesome, Zevokes. If I had any cash that would be hanging on my wall.

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