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Skid Mark 01-15-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by quagmire740 (Post 431521)
I've accepted the fact that I don't really know what is out there, I'll never actually know until I die, and I might not even know then, so it's not worth it for me to worry about it

quoted for truth :thumb:

jackhammer 01-15-2008 06:37 PM

I have come to the conclusion that there is no god and the only person in charge of my own destiny is me, and the choices I make. Of course If I'm wrong I expect jc's DAD to kick me all over the place when i croak. I will worry about that when I'm gone.

Lizzie 01-16-2008 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 431699)
Organized religion being ridiculous doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

nope, it doesnt at all, but i just think that the church is a place where you are brainwashed into beliving in him. I mean, I do actually think that there is nothing wrong with with beleving in god, but its just when people use that as an excuse to justify their behavour, or something like that. Personally, i guess i just need more evicence or scientific fact in order to belive something as big as that.

ItalianStallion 01-16-2008 02:43 PM

Well, liz, you speak for the majority of churches, and I actually agree with you for the most part, and I am a Christain. It sickens me how a lot of churches try to scare people into doing "good"...and making them believe total crap like Homosexuals being evil, and that liberals are get my drift. A few of my friends agree with me in this area. I mean, I have heard people say that drug addictions are demon posessions...COME ON...honestly, how can someone think taht a chemical addiction is a devil of some sort...point is, I am a Christian, and sometimes my own religion has made me sick with the way people treat each other. I mean, to look at Jesus, the basis of christainty, the guy was against everything taht was religious in that day, he hated the hypociytical religous leaders, and said the most omportant thing was to treat other people how you would want to be treated. Somehow telling ***s that they are unwelcome, divorcees are bad people, people who have sex outside of marrige are bad people..etc...I mean, come on...

cardboard adolescent 01-16-2008 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 431560)
And on the 8th day...God buggered off!?

Put the double barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Btw Mikey, have you seen Winter Light?

Gates_of_Iscariot 01-16-2008 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 431883)
Put the double barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Btw Mikey, have you seen Winter Light?

would i be able to find it ina video store, or you could pm me a nice site to get movies

cardboard adolescent 01-16-2008 04:07 PM

I got it off, might be able to find it at blockbuster i'm not sure. it's from the same director as seventh seal and it's equally brilliant (and about religion, i'm not going completely off topic here).

Lizzie 01-16-2008 04:51 PM

how great is it when you have a science teacher who is trying to tell everyone in the class that the earth is only 4 thousand or whatever years old, and that all scientific fact disproving that is fake or flawed. I mean, come on, hes a SCIENCE teacher, and all he was saying was that all that scientific reasearch saying the earth was 4 thousand years old was right, but that everything else disproving that was bull****. it was ridiculous!

riseagainstrocks 01-16-2008 06:21 PM

I still don't know what my real thoughts on this topic are. I was raised Protestant (Methodist to be precise), however I do not believe the same things my parents do.

I'm of the mind that the universe is far too ordered for it to be a cosmic "accident" of sorts, however if there was a supernatural being who put it all into motion, he/she/it sure isn't watching over us now.

Plus there are a multitude of scientific quandries which by and large remove God from the equation.

Blain 01-16-2008 06:31 PM

I am a Christian, I believe in God and follow him as my lord. Most of you will probably all call me an idiot and talk about how young I am, but I respect your belief, so you better f*cking well respect mine.

I am not the type of Christian to enforce my moral beliefs on others, and I as a Christian, also do not follow every thing the bible says, but, I guess this is how my life works, God or no God, me believing in a higher power has helped me get through my life as far, and I'm going to stick with it. It's also brought me some wonderful friends and new people in to my life.

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