The Smoking ban (country, hardcore, house, metal, Europe) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 11-22-2007, 07:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The Smoking ban

I know it's a bit late, but sod it, it'll spark up some controversy
Needless to say as a smoker, and a heavy one at that, I'm entirely against this ban to some respect,'s cleaner to some extent and its nice but did it have to be an entire ban on every public building?
i can't smoke in the quadrant anymore, or in a bus station if it's raining. It's bloody ridiculous, i don't understand why everyone is so fixated on it's health values, it was hardly top on the list of priorities for things that needed to be cut to improve public health and greenhouse gas and what not, when did they start looking at cutting the amount of car emissions, converting our power stations to wind and hydro-electric, tackling obesity in Britain the fattest, least healthy, laziest country in Europe. All this ban seems to have done is prove that the government being of the upper class have this drilled in, snobbish outlook on smoking entirely and having no reason to smoke in their childhood or adulthood has given them leeway to launch a personal vendetta against the smokers of Britain, it's a complete load of bollocks if you ask me.

So who wants to discuss?
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Old 11-22-2007, 07:38 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Their going to ban smoking here to. Finally no more stench after going out! We've had a discussion thread on this one before, you can probably find some interesting stuff in there.
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Old 11-22-2007, 07:45 AM   #3 (permalink)
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If they banned smoking then they should ban alcohol, but honestly I don't have a problem with drugs being allowed. I can't take any because of my medical condition, but yeah.

And I love when some Christians say drinking alcohol is okay, but drugs are the devil. Honestly I don't think God cares if you do either as long as you do too much to the point where you lose connection with reality and you become foolish. I don't think he likes it when you are addicted to anything.

Last edited by Inuzuka Skysword; 11-22-2007 at 12:06 PM.
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Old 11-22-2007, 09:35 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alo View Post
Finally no more stench after going out!

Somehow, I think it'll still be pretty bad.

I think everyone here already knows my thoughts on the smoking ban, and if anyone disagrees, I'll be happy to make you look like a fucking idiot. Oh, I'm not being arrogant, it's just that easy to win arguments against you ignorant, self-righteous cunts.

Last edited by Wayfarer; 11-22-2007 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-22-2007, 11:25 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alo View Post
Their going to ban smoking here to. Finally no more stench after going out!
Not of smoke no

But expect everywhere to stink of stale sweat & vomit.

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Old 11-22-2007, 11:46 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I was against a smoking ban even before I was a smoker. I think it should be up to the owners of said buildings and business places whether or not smoking should be allowed. Now, I can understand places where minors may be present, but bars and the like?

.....I mean, what if you go to some night club or something at a metal show, and all there is is just typical hardcore acts and then 2 good bands? YOU NEED THE SMOKE TO HOLD YA OVER, because that kind of **** is too much to tolerate. At least for me it is.
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:06 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01 View Post
I was against a smoking ban even before I was a smoker. I think it should be up to the owners of said buildings and business places whether or not smoking should be allowed. Now, I can understand places where minors may be present, but bars and the like?

.....I mean, what if you go to some night club or something at a metal show, and all there is is just typical hardcore acts and then 2 good bands? YOU NEED THE SMOKE TO HOLD YA OVER, because that kind of **** is too much to tolerate. At least for me it is.
You don't need the smoke. You just don't go if you feel you do need it.
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
You don't need the smoke. You just don't go if you feel you do need it.
Either that or you people could stop crying about inhaling a little bit of smoke at a concert. It's a fuckin' concert for Christ sake. One night. You're not going to get some horrible disease and die because of a guy smoking a couple of cigarettes next to you during a live show.

And I must agree with Voice, there's no reason it shouldn't be up to the owners. It's private property. No different from saying whether or not someone is allowed to smoke in your house.

And as far as smoking outside being banned goes, that's just absolutely fu
cking ridiculous. How someone could actually believe that a person smoking a cigarette across the street from them could even potentially cause them harm is beyond me. Hell, I can't even understand how someone could think that me standing, say, six feet away from them at a park and smoking a cigarette could cause them harm. Yeah, there's no doubt in anyone's mind that cigarettes aren't good for you, but the dangers are certainly exaggerated. The same can be said about second-hand smoke.

The risks of smoking are greatly exaggerated

Also, there's a point I'd like to bring up from the smoking argument in the Worst Trends thread: some people smoke for years and live to be ninety, while some others don't smoke a day in their lives and end up with cancer at thirty. It would seem that, simply, some people's bodies can weather all of those carcinogens and UV rays and the like, and some people's bodies can't. The thing is, at this point, there is no way of knowing who can withstand those risk factors, and who can't. To me, this renders virtually anything health-related nugatory, at least when we're talking about cigarettes. If you smoke, you might get cancer, if you don't smoke, you might get cancer. It's the equivalent of saying there's a 50% chance of rain, to me. So what it all comes down to is, what? Discomfort? Some people just don't like the smell, or the smoke makes them cough. Alright, fine, that's understandable - but surely mild discomfort in some is not nearly reason enough for the government to begin infringing upon people's civil liberties? Oh, apparently it is.

Last edited by Wayfarer; 11-22-2007 at 01:04 PM.
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Old 11-22-2007, 02:45 PM   #9 (permalink)
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I smoke. I'm glad they banned smoking in clubs and music venues because I love the smell of body odour, vomit, and urine. Seriously, banning smoking in pubs was a bad idea - smoking and drinking go together. I laugh at all the non-smokers who laugh at us all smoking outside pubs in the rain because I know one day when their "little Suzie" has cancer the doctors won't be able to help her because the tax from cigarettes which funded ALL cancer research ended because most people quit due to the smoking ban. I know that sounds harsh but most non-smokers seem to forget that most of the money given to cancer research comes from us smokers (in the U.K. anyway).
I do agree with the ban of smoking in all eating places. As much as I love to smoke, I don't want to smell that **** whilst I'm eating.

It will take a lot more than a smoking ban to make me quit smoking. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer 3 weeks ago and I still have not quit.
I'm not stupid - I know smoking is bad for you. It makes my breathe and clothes stink. I'm addicted so I can't stop. I have very little or no willpower.
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Old 11-22-2007, 03:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I am a big smoker, and have been affected by the smoking ban. I agree with what Wayfarer says (lol in his rant on another thread) but i guess i do not feel as strongly. If people do not want me smoking inside public buildings i guess i understand, some people (like my father) HATE the smell of smoke and cigarettes. As long as im not labeled as a trouble to society, or judged in some way because i smoke cigarettes. Its my decision, i have hard and long ****ing days and need them to calm down. Ill agree to not smoke them on public grounds, as long as im not ****ed with or talked about by others.

O ya and as Way was saying a few posts up, smoking outside should not be complained about. Anyone who whines about second hand smoke in a place like a public park can very literally suck my ****. People whine about wayy to much **** these days because of the media making every small problom a huge deal. Thank you television...another reason why i dont watch you.
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