Originally Posted by Zero Signal
I don't understand shareminer....how can it be free and still be legal???? (seriously, I have no clue and want to know)
So far I like what I am seeing on MP3Sparks.com
jackhammer: I am not looking to replace buying hard copies. There is a bunch of songs out there I would like, but don't want to buy a whole album for one song. It only makes sense to pay anywheres from .22 cents to $1 for the song I want than many time more than that for a whole record. (Soon I will be starting in on collecting hard copies of every Beatles studio album!)
I beleive the answer to how Shareminer stays open, is they don't have the links on their servers, there for can't be held responsible for illegally sharing the songs or something. Being a new user to it, i believe i just searches the net basically and and is very good at it. (What I've explained here is what Albumbase did, if you're familiar with it.)
I agree with Jackhammer, I'd never pay. That's completely ridiculous in my view. If you want just songs like you do, download free albums and delete the songs you don't want thus leaving you a song or maybe two that you like! for free