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View Poll Results: Which drug do you like best?
Shrooms 36 5.71%
Acid 51 8.10%
Weed 242 38.41%
Ecstasy 30 4.76%
Meth 7 1.11%
Coke/Crack 15 2.38%
Heroin/Opium 17 2.70%
Alcohol 65 10.32%
Caffeine 51 8.10%
Nicotine/Harmane 11 1.75%
Other 27 4.29%
Hugs 68 10.79%
Angry Birds 8 1.27%
DXM 2 0.32%
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:28 AM   #4371 (permalink)
not really
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When you guys say wax do you mean hash? D:
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Old 03-21-2012, 04:34 AM   #4372 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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Like resin?

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 03-21-2012, 07:31 AM   #4373 (permalink)
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Let me refer you to my previous post:

Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
Anywho, the safest way to smoke BHO, full-melt, or any kind of concentrate for that matter is through a percolated glass piece, equipped with either one of these:

The Oil Dome: goes where your bowl goes, and contains either a quartz or TI nail. Heat the nail with a torch til it's red hot, dab your hash up, and enjoy the most flavorful way to experience your concentrates. Preferred by many because you can actually see what you're doing through the opening in the dome.


The Hash Swing/Skillet/Curve: a small bell-like opening collects the vapor after you dab your hash on the TI pad. Works the same as the dome, but with a larger surface to dab on and is a bit more difficult for newer dabbers because there's no viewpoint when you try to hit the pad.

or this:

The Health Stone: a truly innovative way to smoke concentrates, the Health Stone relies on an inert pumice stone that heats super quickly to vaporize any concentrate you'd like. Hash melts right through and expands like nobody's business.

So, in summation; the reason why you shouldn't smoke off knives is primarily because the temperatures you need to heat the knife to to reach vaporization create chemical reactions with the protective, and mostly toxic chemicals that coat stainless steels. All of these methods utilize completely inert, meaning no smoke or vapor is produced when TI/quartz is heated, methods of intake.
and add this supplement:

When you hear people talk about "wax, dabs, budder, shatter, amber glass, etc.", they are referring to what is known in the MMJ industry as Butane Hash Oil, or BHO as it's commonly referred to. BHO is produced by running plant matter through refined butane in order to isolate THC from the resinous "crystals", or trichomes, that you see on marijuana. THC is present in the heads of these small, hormonally produced stalks of psychoactive trichomes.

Terpenes, which are cannabinoids that also exhibit the characteristics of smell, taste, and texture from the cultivars they originate from, are also extracted via butane. The result is a substance that can range from being hard and translucent (amber glass, shatter, referring to the fact that it is amber in color, clear like glass, and shatters when you take a dabber to it), to soft, malleable, and opaque (classic BHO, budder). It all depends on the purging method of the BHO. Purging is required when making this kind of hash because butane is a terribly toxic and harmful chemical to mankind, and therefore must be separated via water bath or vacuum chamber to ensure the product is smokeable. However, once purged BHO can reach THC levels of up to 90%, compared to the typically 15-23% range seen in marijuana.

This is "whipped budder", meaning whole buds were used in the production of the hash, and that the BHO was "whipped" while it was purging. Whipping creates a more dense, sticky consistency most times and results in the trademark bright gold/yellow color of most commercial wax. Unwhipped wax will remain amber in color and be very brittle to the touch. As temperatures change, so too does the consistency of the wax you are working with.

"Dabbing" refers to taking a hit of BHO. "Dabs" are small balls of BHO that are then smoked by one of the three methods above. It is literally the new craze that is sweeping the MMJ scene because fanboys and true tokers alike enjoy the huge rush they get from such a small hit. The high is fantastic but lasts only 1/3 to 1/2 as long as a hit from strong marijuana. The feeling is cleaner and usually uplifting, as BHO contains very little of the CBN that induces couch lock and sleepiness. Hope this helps.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:10 AM   #4374 (permalink)
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Is there any filter out there that doesn't remove the TBC from the weed/hashish when you smoke it? I would love that, as I strongly dislike the strong smoke from unfiltered weed and tobacco and besides I feel awful about getting that **** straight into your lungs.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:51 AM   #4375 (permalink)
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Damn, BHO sounds really dope. So you get higher off that than off hash?
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:30 AM   #4376 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Phantom Limb View Post
Damn, BHO sounds really dope. So you get higher off that than off hash?
Depends on the hash. It can range anywhere from 0 to 90 percent in hash. Most typical dispensaries carry hash in the 30 to 40 percentile, but some lebanese has been as high as 90 percent. Wax is typically higher. As anticipation said the high doesn't last as long, but it is a different high altogether. I think its a great option for someone who is burned out on weed.
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:04 AM   #4377 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by These guys View Post
You guys ever make the really lazy stoner's cookies? Just need some toll house cookie dough, half stick of butter and weed. Place the ground bud or stems on top of a lump of dough, place a thick slice of butter on top of that, and cover it with another lump of dough. The added butter works wonders for absorbing THC.

Made a batch last night. Mmm, tastey. that you in the avatar?
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:28 PM   #4378 (permalink)
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I'd never heard of that. Sounds cool.

Do you guys do the extraction yourselves?
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:55 PM   #4379 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by These guys View Post
You guys ever make the really lazy stoner's cookies? Just need some toll house cookie dough, half stick of butter and weed. Place the ground bud or stems on top of a lump of dough, place a thick slice of butter on top of that, and cover it with another lump of dough. The added butter works wonders for absorbing THC.

Made a batch last night. Mmm, tastey.
We've made something similar. I think the most ill-advised cannabis treat ever made quickly was cannabutter and jelly sandwiches. They're weird.

My favorite when cooking is really able to occur is gooballs / cannabis rice krispie treats. One of those with some good strength cannabutter is enough to have a good, good time.

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Old 03-23-2012, 01:51 PM   #4380 (permalink)
Oh my golly!
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I was so high last week that I fell asleep on a table. Felt so comfortable.
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