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View Poll Results: Which drug do you like best?
Shrooms 36 5.71%
Acid 51 8.10%
Weed 242 38.41%
Ecstasy 30 4.76%
Meth 7 1.11%
Coke/Crack 15 2.38%
Heroin/Opium 17 2.70%
Alcohol 65 10.32%
Caffeine 51 8.10%
Nicotine/Harmane 11 1.75%
Other 27 4.29%
Hugs 68 10.79%
Angry Birds 8 1.27%
DXM 2 0.32%
Voters: 630. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-02-2012, 06:36 PM   #4261 (permalink)
Blue Pill Oww
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Is it true there is not more good acid out there? At least not half as good as it was in the 60's?
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Old 02-03-2012, 02:44 AM   #4262 (permalink)
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Stupid lagging computer, I accidentally the rating of this thread.
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Old 02-03-2012, 08:50 AM   #4263 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
Is it true there is not more good acid out there? At least not half as good as it was in the 60's?
That's a myth. You can't find Owsley Blues or many of the famous subtypes much any more, but it's basically stayed the same throughout the years.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 02-03-2012, 10:01 PM   #4264 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Green Crack is a legit strain of smoke. Smells, looks, and tastes BEAUTIFUL. Gets butts off of couches and wanting to be out in the world, and everyone I've seen smoke the stuff so far have been so happy and giggly.

Last night, when we first smoked it, we ended up having a five person sing-a-long in the car to The Sex Pistols, Gogol Bordello, and Bright Eyes...which was basically shouting and laughing hysterically moreso than singing.

Had the best time I've had at a bar in a long time, though. The main effects are short, but I smoked a bowl at about 7:30 (four and a half hours ago) and am definitely still feeling it.

Also - you can split a bowl between two or three people and still get the effects, even if you're like my friends and myself who typically smoke five or six bowls of mids in four hours or so.

Not as good as a few strains I've had recently - Blue Dream, Pineapple Kush, and White Widow come to mind - but it's dank, for sure.

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Old 02-03-2012, 10:30 PM   #4265 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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I'll keep an ear out for that.

White widow is the only one of them I've tried and it's awesomeee. I got such a smiley happy stone off it, was really giggily too. Wasn't as good as New York Diesel or Lemon Skunk though .

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 02-03-2012, 11:39 PM   #4266 (permalink)
eat the masters
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<3 Lemon Skunk
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Old 02-04-2012, 12:47 AM   #4267 (permalink)
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I really think 90% of the names are complete and utter bull****. I mean some are for real but the majority are made up by the people who want to make money selling it. My friend used to make up names when he sold weed so that people would think it was even better.

The actual strains like purple nurple and such are usually much harder to come by and take someone with a good deal of knowledge about growing.
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Old 02-04-2012, 06:47 AM   #4268 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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I'm lucky because my own mate grows the good stuff so when his plants aren't ready I'm smoking regular weed that's a bit above average.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 02-04-2012, 06:47 AM   #4269 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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I've been told I've been buying white widow before and I'm like I'm not stupid, this ****s green, not a tinge of white, ram it up your arse!

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 02-04-2012, 05:16 PM   #4270 (permalink)
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Not actually that difficult to grow your own weed, you will get at the very least a score off a plant you just put in your garden.

What's difficult is keeping the bugs from eating it, especially slugs, keeping it tied down or hidden from clear view while getting it enough sunlight or shelling out for the expensive lights, using the proper growth nutrients and all that crap. If you can pull that off at an average standard you'll be getting at least an ounce. Max average yield is about 3 ounces...that varies by plant's like anything you get back what you put in.

I used L.S.T. low stress training to try and increase my yield...****ed up my first plant, my second one I managed to get it growing almost like a moss bed in the plant pot instead of straight up.

I grew 3 plants to a metre high after my dad agreed to let me grow them. I made tea from the clippings, he went ****ing ape **** and threw them all out! wtfh man! They was starting to flower as well ffs

I kept notes if anyone's interested.


Zenith: Planted: ??? /flowered: ??? 22:00 /harvested: n/a


Times potted: 3.

Zenith begun as a strong growth, and was the only plant to sprout out of the second set of seeds planted. (The first yielding no plants)
Zenith is noticeably different to the other two plants, Tallulah and Gemma, the leaves are longer and thinner and the plant in general
had a sleeker look even in the earlier stages of growth which Tallulah and Gemma are currently at. This is to be expected as it came
from a different set of seeds. It's possible it's Hawaiian, although I'm not certain. I also think it is predominantly sativa, although again I am not certain.

Zenith has had the most problem with insects. Notable insects I have found on and around the plant include slugs, ants, possibly spider
mites, 2 large yellow spiders which spun some sort of cocoons under the leaves.

The ants were probably due to the fact that I tested feeding zenith with a drink of honey, sugar, cranberry juice and lemon, obviously
the ants were attracted by the honey. I repotted zenith into a larger plantpot because of the ants. I have read that they keep away
certain pests, but I also read that they "farm" aphids for their ability to extract juices from the plant, so I didn't want to take any unneccessary chances.

I fed it that mix in order to see whether the sugar would accelarate growth, and if the bud "flavour" would be effected, which I've yet to see.

Before I begun the flowering stage and after I repotted to rid it of ants, I put Zenith into a form of Low stress training in order to keep the height down. I
tied the stem down and back upwards, ironically, sort of like the shape of a slug's shell. The training went very well at first from what I could tell it forced zenith
to produce more colas and larger stronger leaves. Unfortunatly, as of the 27th of August Zenith looked as though it was dying. The leaves were all droopy, dark and
beginning to dry. My conclusion for why this happend is one of 3 things.

1. The low stress training proved to be in fact too high stress for the plant
2. The roots were damaged after repotting because of the ant/feed mix incident.
3. Some days I forgot to wake up in time to take it out of the shed, meaning it was getting more than 12 hours of dark.

Reasons 2 and 3, not much can be done; if there is root damage all I can do is continue to tend to the plant and hope the roots hold, and in order to fix number 3 I just have
to wake up on time to get it the right amount of sunlight.

Reason 1 was more immediatly fixable, and is probably the most likely cause. I decided to remove Zenith from it's LST and allow it to reach a natural height. I cut the ties and removed the support sticks,
and have now put one main support stick, supported by 2 smaller ones at the base of the stem, in order to keep the stem upright. I've used cable ties instead of string this time,
which seems more reliable because the knots in the string tend to come undone in the rain, and then I tied the plant upwards. I also removed almost all areas which were too damaged
or didn't look as though it would be an area of bud produce. I will adjust the ties everyday until the top of the stem has attained the proper strength.

I will also work to ensure Zenith gets a solid 12/12 light/dark, and hopefully it will recover.

Talullah: Planted: ??? /flowered: n/a /harvested: n/a

Times potted: 3

Tallulah begun as a fairly weak growth. I was hoping it would gain strength as it grew in height. The main stem grew deformed because of getting caught in the "mini greenhouse" I put around the plant when
I was on Holiday.

Because of this I decided it would be a prime candidate for a new form of LST. I attempted to tie the stem down, horizontally, and then the plan would be to tie off each branch/ cola at various points in the pot.
Essentially forming a flat bed of weed.

I did this put putting 6 sticks in the pot. The idea was to use counterties to get the branches to grow where I wanted.

It didn't work very well, and the top of Tallulah begun to die. It is also possible Tallulah's roots were damaged when I repotted, also.

Tallulah has had some problem with slugs and caterpillars. Not as much as Zenith, although Zenith is a larger plant, Tallulah may continue to
attract these pests as it grows.

As of 29th August I tied Tallulah upright, hopefully it will grow into a strong plant.

Gemma: Planted: ??? /flowered: 29 Aug 22:00 /harvest: n/a

Timed potted: 2

Gemma has been a fairly strong growth from the start, it was about average I'd say. I wasn't expecting it to grow very high or large leaves, but Gemma is in fact currently (29th Aug) the healthiest of the 3 plants.
I will learn from my mistakes of LST and leave Gemma to grow naturally, I was thinking of putting one support stick in to support the main stem but opted against it.

Gemma has also had the least problem with bugs; some minor damage from presumably aphids, which I picked off and squished this morning.

As of 29th Aug 22:00 I will put Gemma into the flowering stage.

As of 29th August 2011 the weed project was terminated.
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