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View Poll Results: Which drug do you like best?
Shrooms 36 5.71%
Acid 51 8.10%
Weed 242 38.41%
Ecstasy 30 4.76%
Meth 7 1.11%
Coke/Crack 15 2.38%
Heroin/Opium 17 2.70%
Alcohol 65 10.32%
Caffeine 51 8.10%
Nicotine/Harmane 11 1.75%
Other 27 4.29%
Hugs 68 10.79%
Angry Birds 8 1.27%
DXM 2 0.32%
Voters: 630. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01-10-2012, 01:05 AM   #4211 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Do you guys ever categorize the different weed you get, based on its effect?

My friends and I do. We take the effects of said type, and base a name around it. There are characteristics to describe it, too. Some examples:

Head weed
This isn't like headies, necessarily. This isn't just like the various kinds that just make you kind of go into your head either. This specifically describes a type of weed that sucks you into your head, and won't let you go. The thoughts aren't racing necessarily. You're just trapped in your head, and can't get out. The pervading thought tends to be: "I'm in my head and can't get out; whoa, man!" Speech is difficult. Thinking is weird. You may start thinking only to distract yourself by going, "Whoa, I'm so far in my head."

Gay weed
This is not meant to be a slur; it just describes the effects. I happen to be gay, so I definitely mean no offense. Anyway, this particular type caused us to have an insane desire to listen to Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero", anything by Cher or Lady Gaga, and watch Desperate Housewives and giggle. This can also be characterized by an intense need to talk about feelings, dance, and exclaim, "O...M...G!" at various points. You're also likely to become more excited to discuss musical theatre (Sondheim vs. Lloyd Webber was a conversation) on this weed.

Creative weed
You have to be doing something...but what? Everything presents infinite possibilities. You might construct what you believe to be an avant-garde sculpture out of lighters, cigarette boxes, and cellophane. You may write your manifesto on your BlackBerry. You could pick up a guitar and tune the rest of the world out. You want to create something, and that's your only desire and need. Everything else is insignificant.

Hand weed
Your hands are weirdly affected by this weed. You could end up creating bizarrely convoluted hand shakes, play air drums / air guitar or a real instrument, pick up a Fushigi, or demonstrate the way in which one cleans Cheetos from their hands. With hand weed, it is also not unheard of to do any of the following hand gestures: Flipping people off; peace sign; thumbs up; pistol wink; jazz hands (see also: gay weed); double thumbs up; the rock on gesture; et al.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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Old 01-11-2012, 06:58 PM   #4212 (permalink)
eat the masters
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I think there are three main types:



Indica/Sativa blend

When I start growing my own, I guess I will pay attention to it. For now, I just smoke what I get.
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Old 01-12-2012, 07:53 AM   #4213 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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I haven't hit the giggles in a good while. Boo.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 01-13-2012, 02:20 AM   #4214 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by Aurora View Post
I haven't hit the giggles in a good while. Boo.
Hitting the giggles once in a while is wonderful. I learned that the hard way Smoking used to consume much of my life sadly enough. The last 6 months I have barely smoked or drank at all and been much happier and confident in myself. I dont say this because you might care but as a message to anyone here with the same problem whom might be thinking of quitting it themselves.

Getting high off whatever your drug of choice is (yes alcohol counts) is much more enjoyable when done in moderation. And letting people know you smoke or like to smoke doesn't make you cool and doesn't change anyone opinion of you. If they think better of you because of it then they are probably not worth being around.

Sorry to get preachy but its the truth!

ps: dont get me wrong I love some good weed, and some good rocknroll cranked up real loud!
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Old 01-13-2012, 05:55 AM   #4215 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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Nah, I know I'm smoking too much now. I'm not buying any for a while now as its unafforable right now, but I can tolerate much more now and I'm not really happy with it. So its persuaded me to stop for a good while so I can enjoy it more.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 01-13-2012, 07:31 AM   #4216 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Yeah, I can relate to that. When I get to the point that I can smoke an entire packed bowl without even getting of of terra firm, I cut back.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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Old 01-13-2012, 09:13 AM   #4217 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
Yeah, I can relate to that. When I get to the point that I can smoke an entire packed bowl without even getting of of terra firm, I cut back.

Bought a quad of this for the weekend. Going to Ocotillo Wells to go dirtbike riding. Should make for a nice relaxer after, when we are playing poker by the fire.
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Old 01-13-2012, 11:21 AM   #4218 (permalink)
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Just had a two week tolerance break, and now have cut my usual 3-4 bowl a day habit into a 2-snap session every 2 days or so. I've seen that smoking a little gets me just as high as smoking a lot did, and the times where I'm lucid I'm much more focused and in tune with whatever it is that I'm doing. Still, being high at work is awesome and is a definite necessity while in class in my opinion.

Copped some random street nugs the other day from a coworker and it's a wicked sativa grown in the mountains here in CO. Really fruity smell and a nice tropical taste to it.
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Old 01-15-2012, 10:33 AM   #4219 (permalink)
Let it drip
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I haven't smoked a cigarette in over a week now, and I currently feel worse than I ever did during my 6-year habit. I understand it's withdrawal symptoms, whilst my body is also shifting all the toxins, but fuck, it's unpleasant.

Yeah I know, I shouldn't have started in the first place, it's my own fault. To any of the younger members on these boards, really listen when people say you shouldn't smoke, it's not cool, it makes you smell and causes terrible diseases. You've heard it all before, I'm sure, but it really is the truth, I was stupid to start.

Despite my current maladies, which will subside with time, I couldn't be happier with the decision I've made.
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Old 01-15-2012, 10:53 AM   #4220 (permalink)
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I'm the same, I haven't smoked a cigarette since last Saturday. I didn't make a solid resolution to give them up permanently I just decided to see how long I can go without smoking. I feel perfectly fine and haven't had any major cravings over the past week, also work has helped me to take my focus away from them. Although I still can't imagine going out for a few drinks and not smoking, that's going to be impossible to kick.

I do regret starting in the first place because not only is it very unhealthy but it is also my biggest waste of money. It makes you sick when you think about how much money you could have saved by not smoking.
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