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View Poll Results: Which drug do you like best?
Shrooms 36 5.71%
Acid 51 8.10%
Weed 242 38.41%
Ecstasy 30 4.76%
Meth 7 1.11%
Coke/Crack 15 2.38%
Heroin/Opium 17 2.70%
Alcohol 65 10.32%
Caffeine 51 8.10%
Nicotine/Harmane 11 1.75%
Other 27 4.29%
Hugs 68 10.79%
Angry Birds 8 1.27%
DXM 2 0.32%
Voters: 630. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-19-2007, 07:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
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I drank a couple of times (along time ago) 190 grain alcohol with grape kool-aid, mix both together in a 1 gal. jug. Then crush up 10 to 20 xanax or valums - Add to mix of grain & kool-aid. Then shake the contents in a rapid motion.Then last of all, Serve drinks. Or everyone simply drink out of the same gallon jug. Remember to always keep the lid/cap, Tight & secure! to the gal jug at all times. I called it, 'Purple Jesus'.

Last edited by Necromancer; 11-20-2007 at 11:38 AM. Reason: GJ was correcting my spelling, I would think he knew what I meant....Lol...
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Old 11-20-2007, 08:11 PM   #2 (permalink)
i ruin threads
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Originally Posted by VocalsBass View Post
I drank a couple of times (along time ago) 190 grain alcohol with grape kool-aid, mix both together in a 1 gal. jug. Then crush up 10 to 20 xanax or valums - Add to mix of grain & kool-aid. Then shake the contents in a rapid motion.Then last of all, Serve drinks. Or everyone simply drink out of the same gallon jug. Remember to always keep the lid/cap, Tight & secure! to the gal jug at all times. I called it, 'Purple Jesus'.
over the summer i think it was i had some 180 proof white lightning like 5 shots with an 1/8 soaked in it
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Old 11-21-2007, 09:21 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 655321 View Post
over the summer i think it was i had some 180 proof white lightning like 5 shots with an 1/8 soaked in it
you soaked your weed in alcohol? thats the dumbest **** i ever heard
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Old 11-21-2007, 07:00 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
you soaked your weed in alcohol? thats the dumbest **** i ever heard
i wasnt smoking it after i was straining and drinking it extracts all the thc and you obsorb all of not like smoking when you get %40
Well there's one thing to know about this town
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Old 11-19-2007, 08:31 PM   #5 (permalink)
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(Industrial Cleaner) CLASSIFICATION: I am sorry.... I forgot the added 'Warning'! to my post above. (Do not use unless you are a trained professional). Or obtain, approved permission by a trained professional. Use with {CAUTION}.

Last edited by Necromancer; 11-20-2007 at 11:49 AM. Reason: For most peeps to understand a post,you have to explain from the beginning of time, until the end of all time. Lol....
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Old 11-19-2007, 10:34 PM   #6 (permalink)
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As far as the booze goes -
It is a great drug. It is very socially acceptable, and makes most people quite sociable. I have had some amazing times with this drug, many of which are slightly blurred and I could only probably retell half the story correct. The problem with this drug is that it is dangerous in high doses and people often encourage exceeding safe limits (not just lethally, but decision making). I enjoy a fine wine, a well aged single malt scotch, and a good ole fashioned beer (I tend towards guinness and hoegaarden, but frequently experiment with others). As much as I love this drug, it is not my favorite, and is best in moderate doses on moderate occasions.

As far as the green goes -
It is a great drug. It is less socially acceptable, but once you find a group of those who like to smoke it seems like there is an endless supply of these people (along with a very limited supply of their own stash...). It really gives you a great body high, and can make you become sociable (at lower doses). The problem with this drug is the lazy bug. It wont hit you for a while (3 years as a daily smoker before it bite me) but once it bites it stings. Once you learn to cope and manage all your stuff while being high you can’t do anything without being high. Then you move into a stage in which nothing is interesting anymore. As much as I love this drug, it is not my favorite drug, and is best in moderate doses on moderate occasions.

As far as the powder goes -
It is a terrible drug. Some people swear by how great it makes them feel, the rush, the socializing, the feeling of exuberant energy. The problem exists with its high addiction potential and danger of lethal doses and poor chemical quality. Most all coke is mostly cut material, which makes it even more dangerous and addicting. Any drug that is physically addicting is the most dangerous thing you can touch. Coke is a terrible drug, and is my least favorite drug, it should not be enjoyed because it cannot be controlled.

As far as the needle goes -
It is a terrible drug. Opiates in general have high addiction potential, and as i previously mentioned anything with heavy physical addiction is the most dangerous thing around. I honestly have never done heroin, so I cannot speak much for the drug but I will say this much. I don’t know anyone who does the drug, because everyone who touches it does one of two thing, quits or dies. Heroin is a terrible drug, should never be used, and is nowhere near my favorite drug.

As far as the fungus amongus goes -
It is a great drug. It is relatively completely harmless physically, aside from the fact that you are basically giving yourself mild food poisoning (why some people vomit at the beginning). This drug is incredibly mind expanding and visual. Very fun to watch the patterns forming on the walls, and reinterpret something you previously saw in a new way. The biggest problem with this drug, aside from the possible stomach illness, is the anxiety that occurs when shrooming. Usually I feel a much higher sense of anxiety than when I trip on anything else, which might result in a 'bad trip'. As long as you can keep your head straight, anyone who has tripped enough will tell you that you learn more from the bad trips than the good ones. As much as I love this drug, it is not my favorite, and you will only want to do it very infrequently.

As far as the electric kool aid goes -
It is an amazing drug. From all the research I have done (which is quite a bit, however I am no MD), there is no real proven physical danger associated with this drug. The only real danger that exist is as mentioned before with the 'bad trips'. There has been a lot of government propaganda with this drug as many others and thus we have urban legends such as 'tripping on acid 7 times makes you insane'; which sounds about as believable as flying pigs and leprechauns. As always when tripping it is best to experiment in controlled environments (until you really trust yourself) with positive conditions. I can honestly say I have learned more and expanded my mind in so many ways using this drug I cant begin how to describe. I have a completely different outlook on life, love, nature, people, interaction, art (music!), among so many other things. I can honestly say its for the better too. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 25 is a great drug, my personal favorite, and another drug that you will only want to do very infrequently.

It is most important to remember that all drugs are best enjoyed in reasonably safe doses, and each drug affects each person uniquely. For more IMO unbiased information on drugs visit Erowid . TAKE EVERYTHING WITH A GRAIN OF SALT FROM EVERYONE!

In closing I will say this. I have mentioned which drugs I prefer and don’t prefer and why. I drink more than anything, I use to smoke a lot of pot (still do quasi frequently), and about twice a month enjoy something else extracurricular. But nothing strikes me as more ironic, than tripping and being around drunk people. It is like being and adult and going to jr. high school lunch for a day. It really gives you this whole different perspective on MOST peoples beliefs. They think ‘alcohol is legal, it is safe. drugs are illegal they are dangerous’. As I am speaking with complete coherence and making perfect sense trying to explain that acid is relatively harmless, they mumble out ‘Holy **** mannnn, your like tripping? That’s so ****ing.. crazy! I heard that **** can make… Hey Jim diddd you know Bob is doing ACID? That **** makes you like insane or crazy or somtin’ I read it somewhere. Yo where is the pisser?’
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Old 11-21-2007, 02:05 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
As far as the fungus amongus goes -
It is a great drug. It is relatively completely harmless physically, aside from the fact that you are basically giving yourself mild food poisoning (why some people vomit at the beginning). This drug is incredibly mind expanding and visual. Very fun to watch the patterns forming on the walls, and reinterpret something you previously saw in a new way. The biggest problem with this drug, aside from the possible stomach illness, is the anxiety that occurs when shrooming. Usually I feel a much higher sense of anxiety than when I trip on anything else, which might result in a 'bad trip'. As long as you can keep your head straight, anyone who has tripped enough will tell you that you learn more from the bad trips than the good ones. As much as I love this drug, it is not my favorite, and you will only want to do it very infrequently.
If I didn't have to work, I would do this several times a week. Believe me, don't do it the night before you have to work. Ugh. Your mind has been so busy processing and functioning in a whole different light that you wear yourself down. Which is why work sucks. Sleep is all you need.
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Old 11-20-2007, 11:44 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I've tried most things.

But these days, I keep it limited to cigarettes, alcohol, and pot.

I'd love to do mushrooms again though.
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Old 11-21-2007, 06:02 AM   #9 (permalink)
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yall wanna get ****ed up good, try dippin that **** in pcp son.
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Old 11-21-2007, 10:10 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dirt mcgirt View Post
yall wanna get ****ed up good, try dippin that **** in pcp son.
...have you even ever done it
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