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View Poll Results: Which drug do you like best?
Shrooms 36 5.71%
Acid 51 8.10%
Weed 242 38.41%
Ecstasy 30 4.76%
Meth 7 1.11%
Coke/Crack 15 2.38%
Heroin/Opium 17 2.70%
Alcohol 65 10.32%
Caffeine 51 8.10%
Nicotine/Harmane 11 1.75%
Other 27 4.29%
Hugs 68 10.79%
Angry Birds 8 1.27%
DXM 2 0.32%
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:25 PM   #1151 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
Agreed, as you are one of this forums best/most knowledgeable posters.

@jgd85: I have wondered for some time now... What in the hell are you doing in your avatar?? Eating something, smoking, sucking your thumb, looking at something small?
its me smoking out of an apple at coachella. when you goto any music festival in the world they always have the reggae bob marley guys selling ****ty pipes for the show, but the state where its most tolerated there isnt a glass piece for a hundred miles... go figure!

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Washington has a medical marijuana program and it took this step just this year. I don't expect this to happen quickly but I think over the next ten years the more liberal states are going to go this way as well. It's heartening when you consider how these movements happen historically, obviously the more conservative states are going to be the last to go but eventually they'll break. There's no rational reason to ban marijuana, especially for it's medical purposes. If I had to go through the horrors of chemotherapy I'd want weed. Studies show that it's incredibly good for people under going chemotherapy as it keeps up their appetite (chemotherapy causes nausea and makes digestion difficult, marijuana reverses this effect.)
unfortunately you are right. i dont see decriminalization happening federally for at least another 10-20 years, if at all. the ball is definetly rolling but there is a whole lot of misinformation and lobbyist left to fight.

and if you really wanna get a good discussion going, lets talk about the war on drugs.
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:36 PM   #1152 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
its me smoking out of an apple at coachella. when you goto any music festival in the world they always have the reggae bob marley guys selling ****ty pipes for the show, but the state where its most tolerated there isnt a glass piece for a hundred miles... go figure!

unfortunately you are right. i dont see decriminalization happening federally for at least another 10-20 years, if at all. the ball is definetly rolling but there is a whole lot of misinformation and lobbyist left to fight.

and if you really wanna get a good discussion going, lets talk about the war on drugs.
Decriminalization doesn't mean it isn't a crime... even though that is what that word should mean considering the make-up of it. All decriminalization means is that it isn't a federal crime, and is somewhat allowed. In Califronia, you can have up to a dub, or one gram, without it being a crime. You can also have up to 27.9 grams without it being anything but a ticket and a drug class. Anything over an ounce (28 grams) is considered a felony because it is intent to distribute. Other things that make it intent to distribute are seperate bags or having marijuana and a scale. Also, your allowed (state-wise) to have any amount under three ounces (64 grams) on your person if you have a medical card, and it is not in seperate bags. Medical cards are easy as **** to get, too. They don't even have perscriptions on them, it just say something like "BubbaxFire Kush" And why is it if it is for "medical use" people can pick-up three ounces a day? I'm not suprised the feds are angry.
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Old 03-03-2009, 07:18 PM   #1153 (permalink)
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most i have bought at once was half an ounce for me and a friend to smoke over vacation. however this was really good stuff
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Old 03-03-2009, 07:31 PM   #1154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
its me smoking out of an apple at coachella. when you goto any music festival in the world they always have the reggae bob marley guys selling ****ty pipes for the show, but the state where its most tolerated there isnt a glass piece for a hundred miles... go figure!

unfortunately you are right. i dont see decriminalization happening federally for at least another 10-20 years, if at all. the ball is definetly rolling but there is a whole lot of misinformation and lobbyist left to fight.

and if you really wanna get a good discussion going, lets talk about the war on drugs.
I was in Venice Beach and there was a headhsop every block.
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Old 03-03-2009, 07:56 PM   #1155 (permalink)
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well that aint exactly the mojave desert now is it?

and schitzo, it isnt decriminalized in california, its only legal if you have a medical marijuana license... and it is still federally illegal. which means if a federal agent (dea) catches you, it is a felony.
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Old 03-03-2009, 08:05 PM   #1156 (permalink)
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well it is the desert. but practically every town in cali has its fair share of potheads. even though palm springs is a haven for old people it's bound to have something there...
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Old 03-03-2009, 10:13 PM   #1157 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post

and if you really wanna get a good discussion going, lets talk about the war on drugs.
I just actual did a research paper on this exact topic (although leaning more towards the marijuana side of it) and it was very angering. A 2005 study was done in schools to see the percentage of kids that have tried or regularly use marijuana. The numbers have only grown higher and higher as time goes on. What is sad about that is the budget the DEA and other government agencies has astronomically gone up. A few hundred million alone is spent on the anti marijuana TV ads which in most polls are shown to do absolutely nothing.

Another angering fact beside the OUTRAGEOUS budge for this anti marijuana campaign is the cost of putting a mid to high level drug dealer behind bars. The average costs to get one from the street to sentencing behind bars is around 400,ooo dollars. This absurd amount of money could be put to much better use. Needle Exchange Clinics are a lifesaver among the heavy drug users and people infected with various life threatening diseases.

"The U.S. federal government spent over $19 billion dollars in 2003 on the War on Drugs, at a rate of about $600 per second." This number has grown much higher each year since 2003. Not only that but this is JUST FEDERAL SPENDING. The state is also given a large budget to fight the problem as they see fit. What the government does not seem to understand is that the flow of marijuana WILL NOT STOP. If there is demand for a product, that product WILL be supplied.

I hope others join in this discussion, because there is much more to talk about and many more figures that are truly astounding.
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Old 03-04-2009, 12:30 AM   #1158 (permalink)
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The War on Drugs is the most retarded thing ever in the sense it doesn't work and the government knows this. There was a report - the RAND report - that showed criminalization was actually a less effective method of discouragement than education. I'm not even in complete disagreement in regards to many of the ideas (ignoring the propaganda) presented by the war on drugs. Heroin isn't good for you, nor is cocaine but they approach it wrong. It should be approached with education and rehabilitation for addicts. They didn't have to make smoking illegal to see a reduction in the amount of people smoking. They didn't fight it (I'm not advocating banning cigarettes, I smoke them whenever I get ridiculously stressed but they are terrible for you) by making it illegal they fought it by educating people about the actual dangers of smoking and the health complications. I think, the government should stop this ridiculous drug war, and actual educate people on the realities of the drugs that are actually a serious risk to your health and problem (in regards to how the substances are traded and dealt with etc. I'm talking obviously about the hard drugs where the trade is sometimes violent and the usage is always unhealthy and dangerous.)
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Old 03-04-2009, 01:47 AM   #1159 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Heroin isn't good for you, nor is cocaine but they approach it wrong. It should be approached with education and rehabilitation for addicts.
Whats really sad is the federal ban on needle exchange funding or programs. War On Drugs Clock That site has some actual numbers towards the bottom on how many lives they could save by retracting that stupid law.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
I think, the government should stop this ridiculous drug war, and actual educate people on the realities of the drugs that are actually a serious risk to your health and problem (in regards to how the substances are traded and dealt with etc.
That is a problem that is carried over into god knows how many things. I think that it mainly has to do with religion, which smears peoples beliefs into a moral issue. While I was in grade school we would have people from the church and many organizations come and preach abstinence. Now any normal human being knows this is absurd, and that proper protection should be taught in place of this idealistic religious standard of abstinence. The same is true with alcohol and many drugs. They preach never to do any of them, while what they should really be telling everyone is how to be safe instead of sorry.

In essence, I think not only is religion the cause of many, if not most wars, but tells people what to think instead of them doing the thinking themselves. Religion is the opium of the people. As long as there are unanswered problems the masses will blindly ignore science/fact and turn to religion. Ethan I know you have stated you are not religious (I am not either), so I am curious to know your stance on this type of stuff involving religion. Also thanks for contributing to the thread.
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Old 03-04-2009, 02:32 AM   #1160 (permalink)
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Religion is one of the most dangerous things that could ever happen to society. Especially in regards to what they teach impressionable children. I was raised Catholic and there are many things in regards to certain "immoral" subjects I still feel guilty over. I can't walk into a store and buy condoms without feeling ridiculously ashamed (the same goes for masturbation, smoking, etc.) I logically know there's nothing wrong with these and sex, as well as self-pleasure is completely natural. I also know, rationally, that if I'm going to have sex contraceptives are the best route...Teaching abstinence doesn't work. Look at Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol for an example of this. That aside, the government (Bush 43) pumped a bunch of money into abstinence clubs across the school and the statistics showed that the females in the club were far more likely to partake in anal or oral sex. There's no moral there, in the eyes of the bible that behavior is just as wrong as vagina to penis sex.

Now as far as drugs go I don't really recall the bible talking about anything aside from drinking but even then it didn't talk about any of the objections I would have to drinking (and some drugs.) Which is the health perspective, I see nothing wrong with an intoxicated state of mind as long as you're not interfering with someone else's well being. However what the bible says is irrelevant, people have proven to pick and choose what they want to believe and the current Religious right believes all drugs are evil and bad. But again, there's no logical justification for this. There are plenty of secularists (myself included) who would argue that heroin is bad not because some celestial entity says so but because of how terrible it is for you and irresponsible drinking is bad because it poses a danger to others. There are real reasons for some of the arguments that are posed by the war on drugs but none of those reasons (which are primarily health related and not applicable to Marijuana I should add) are justified by the bible.

All the logic in that aside, I've stated several times before that in this day and age we simply cannot let faith dictate our morals. If we do that we have to logically accepted it when other cultures do as well, meaning when Muslim extremists fly planes into our towers we have to accept that is a moral action. We also have to accept the abuse of woman, the beheading of everyone and anyone, etc...all these things are apart of their culture and it all comes from religion. They're only using the same justification that we use to justify...well abstinence. This is the danger of letting religion, and not secularist ideas, dominate a society's taboos.

Sadly I agree that religion is something that will always be with us because of the simple question: how did we get here? It's silly though, we know enough now to know that the Bible, the Qu'ran, the Torah, are all fictitious. There's no way someone can rationally believe that the Earth is that young, that we managed to populate this quickly after the great flood (and that man fit millions of species onto a boat and lived to be nine hundred. Also something interesting about this, the Unfan and I spent an hour or so researching and doing math and Noah's family had to consist of millions of people in order for the Earth to have populated to the size it is now.) These things aren't just improbable, they're impossible and proven to be false. I'm very comfortable with not knowing and I think once everyone accepts that we don't know the beginning of our universe, the better off will be because at least will be without superstitions that only inhibit us.

Sorry to keep beating on, religion is a subject I can go on forever about. Religion does discourage critical thinking and logic (see above for proof of this.) It isn't a system of thinking that promotes individuality or anything. There's no room for intellectualism in a Church - as all the morals and ideas are already spelled out for you.

Religion probably has been the cause of most wars. Obviously most of the world (disregarding areas like the Middle East) doesn't fight over religion anymore but that's only because we've progressed beyond that in global affairs. A giant holy war over who's god is the right god now just wouldn't fly with the United Nations or anyone but there are still a lot of people in America (George W. Bush and Sarah Palin being prominent examples of this) who are so delusional that they believe, and are preparing, for the ultimate religious war. That's why there's this strong strong support for the state of Israel. They want everything to be ready for Jesus to come back. The Russians are supposed to lead some Muslim army full of infidels and whatnot against the Jewish people of Israel (backed by us of course.) It's a scary philosophy especially when you consider how everyone in our government is basically Christian and all policies point toward this way of thinking. I just blows my mind. I can't imagine how someone could actually get all jazzed about the end of the world.

I could go on more about this subject but I'll just stop now (I've already had to limit myself on certain points here) and say the reason I'm so passionate about Atheism and Agnosticism is not because I believe religion to be childish and false, but because of ideas like the one above. That philosophy in regards to Israel is one that is dominate on the national stage and it's horrifying. Religion is one of the most destructive things to ever happen to humanity.
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