Fortress of Sound |
10-16-2007 03:56 AM |
Originally Posted by holdyoualways
(Post 405891)
here's why i thought of this
yesterday i got in a little...tiffy with my boyfriend & was kind of pissed off at him & he pretty much assumed we were gonna break up & decided to leave me several messages on my voicemail, one of which he was crying in
now this isnt the first time ive heard/seen him cry & in a way i find it kind of endearing that hes not afraid to cry, being a guy & all
but im curious as to what is exactly is the right amount of crying a guy can do before people start considering him to be a total puss
i personally dont see anything wrong with it, although an excessive amount of male tears will probably make me uncomfortable
im very intrigued to see if any male members here have shed a tear or two without being ashamed of it
crying is a human thing- not a female thing. everyone cries sometime, or at least FEELS like it. if you hold back your tears, you're not doing so because you're a big, tough, man; you're doing so because you're afraid to show weakness. that gets you heart attacks. men that don't express their emotions are more likely to get heart attacks and have other stress-related problems. it's like a boiling pot: you can put a lid on it, but one way or another, sooner or later, it will come out.
i've cried in front of my girlfriends before and i've never been ashamed.