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TheBig3 10-23-2007 09:57 AM

I don't know whether or not its "ok" but its certainly not "cool." No one hangs out with anymore more because they cry, male or female.

littleknowitall 10-26-2007 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 407757)
well thats perfectly understandable
if i ever in the future find out im preggers i think ill have a nervous breakdown & then commence with world war 3

I think in order to cry, (being the chauvinistic macho man that i am ¬_¬), i definitely need the aid of beer.

DearJenny 10-26-2007 10:55 AM

I dont like it when my boyfriend cries. I mean, if his parents died or something, I think it'd be okay and I would more than tolerate it, I'd be there for him. But I cry....a lot, like overactive glands or something is wrong with the part of my brain that controls emotions. I cry enough for the both of us for a lifetime. Men crying is just weak, I hold masculinity very high up.

avenged sevenfold 10-29-2007 09:19 PM

i think its okay for guys to cry (privately) about things that matter. my ex boyfriend for 4 years cried when i broke up with him. but when guys would cry about stupid stuff, its just irritating. like, be a man, not a wuss.

anticipation 10-29-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by avenged sevenfold (Post 410719)
my ex boyfriend for 4 years cried when i broke up with him. but when guys would cry about stupid stuff its just irritating.

you just contradicted yourself.

avenged sevenfold 10-29-2007 09:46 PM

of course that matters silly. lol

ma/chem/rom 12-07-2007 12:24 AM

hell no... its not cool 4 girls 2 cry etha (im a girl) BUT IF U HAV A REASON- LIKE DEATH

Joshee 12-07-2007 01:57 AM

Straight or ***?

Joshee 12-07-2007 01:58 AM

Why the **** are *** and *** banned?
*angry face*

djchameleon 12-07-2007 11:42 AM

I don't even remember the last time I was probably the last time my mother beat my butt......which was like.....10 years ago or something like that

holdyoualways 12-07-2007 11:45 AM

i cried last night watching survivor
they brought their family members on there & they were all emotional & what not
got a tad teary eyed
im sure though if any guy on here lost one of their parents they would cry
my boyfriend was quite upset when his mom died

djchameleon 12-07-2007 12:13 PM

I didn't shed a tear when my father passed I didn't even go to his funeral.....I'll probably go visit his tombstone one day but that's about it.

cardboard adolescent 12-07-2007 12:26 PM

nice monsieur anti-christ

holdyoualways 12-07-2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 420194)
I didn't shed a tear when my father passed I didn't even go to his funeral.....I'll probably go visit his tombstone one day but that's about it.

wow, really?
was he like, a real buttface or something?
what about your mom?
im not entirely close to either of my parents but i would still at least shed a tear or two when they die

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 12-07-2007 01:53 PM

I hate both my parents..... they f_cked up big time... they were never married......but they were "engaged" but that doesn't mean sh!t to me... and my when my mom finally got married to my step(or half I don't care) brothers dad I hated him... He was (and still is, but I was told he was getting better......But i think thats just a huge line of bullsh!t) alcholic/ crack addict/ and pot smoker and he nearly killed us on th efourth of july... because he was so wasted..... i had to live through that sh!t for about 7 nearly 8 years..... and my dad is no better...he is a total child and when I do go visit him I spend maybe 2 hours the whiole time I visit with just him..... Most of the time I am either by myself,with both of them(his girlfriend), or just with her...... I hate her too!! with a great passion she was in the army for 8 years and had 3 other sisters and 4 other brothers.. she is hte only one woithout kids, she acts like a man and i swear she looks like one too... and she's an attorney and try living with that b!tch for 3 years... I hate them all, they never helped me, supported me or accepted me for who i was (or am still) and for it I Probably will never forgive them or care if they die... maybe a teeny tiny bit... and I'm a girl and I love crying but I just can't stand living with either of them they weren't ready for a kid, and they still don't know how to take care of one either...... and I don't think either of them ever will...

right-track 12-07-2007 01:57 PM

My day was mediocre.

holdyoualways 12-07-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by <3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 (Post 420214)
I hate both my parents..... they f_cked up big time... they were never married......but they were "engaged" but that doesn't mean sh!t to me... and my when my mom finally got married to my step(or half I don't care) brothers dad I hated him... He was (and still is, but I was told he was getting better......But i think thats just a huge line of bullsh!t) alcholic/ crack addict/ and pot smoker and he nearly killed us on th efourth of july... because he was so wasted..... i had to live through that sh!t for about 7 nearly 8 years..... and my dad is no better...he is a total child and when I do go visit him I spend maybe 2 hours the whiole time I visit with just him..... Most of the time I am either by myself,with both of them(his girlfriend), or just with her...... I hate her too!! with a great passion she was in the army for 8 years and had 3 other sisters and 4 other brothers.. she is hte only one woithout kids, she acts like a man and i swear she looks like one too... and she's an attorney and try living with that b!tch for 3 years... I hate them all, they never helped me, supported me or accepted me for who i was (or am still) and for it I Probably will never forgive them or care if they die... maybe a teeny tiny bit... and I'm a girl and I love crying but I just can't stand living with either of them they weren't ready for a kid, and they still don't know how to take care of one either...... and I don't think either of them ever will...

wrong thread
take it to the bitch box, nobody cares

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 12-07-2007 02:02 PM

that's okay I don't care about you either... butI'm not complaing or bitching... I am just stating the truth...


holdyoualways 12-07-2007 02:03 PM

yes & i could state truths about my biological father as well
but i wont because im not starved for attention

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 12-07-2007 02:06 PM

I didn't say I wanted attention I was just telling you not every one likes there father ...(or mother) and I decided to tell you why...

holdyoualways 12-07-2007 02:07 PM

okie dokie, if you say so

sleepy jack 12-07-2007 05:35 PM

Oh man compared to some of you guys those starving children in Africa are living a fucking king's life.

right-track 12-07-2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by <3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 (Post 420222)
I didn't say I wanted attention I was just telling you not every one likes there father ...(or mother) and I decided to tell you why...

It was wildly off topic though.
In fact it wasn't even close.
You really do bring it on yourself at times.

Kevorkian Logic 12-07-2007 06:14 PM

Considering I have seen more guys cry in the past 2 1/2 weeks than I have ever seen in my life, I have been forced to change my viewpoint, to ok under certain situations.

jackhammer 12-07-2007 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by CityLightsLikeRain (Post 410097)
Men crying is just weak, I hold masculinity very high up.

Every single woman I talk to says the complete opposite. To see a man cry is a huge bonus to them. Only a real man can cry. Of course women can tell the difference between a cry baby and a man who is not afraid to cry. I am very emotionally strong but I have been known to cry. I think it doesnt affect my masculinity at all.

sleepy jack 12-07-2007 06:18 PM

If crying is considered manly then I must be the king of men.

right-track 12-07-2007 06:20 PM

Only men south of Crewe cry.

jackhammer 12-07-2007 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 420327)
Only men south of Crewe cry.

Stop being so atypically Northern. I cried when my son was born and proud of it.

right-track 12-07-2007 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 420328)
Stop being so atypically Northern. I cried when my son was born and proud of it.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with it, but when it's culturally unacceptable it makes it damn near impossible.
You can't just suddenly stop being something that's been drummed into you from an early age.
I hate to say it, but no way would I cry in the presence of another person.
And I'm an emotional guy.

I remember feeling the same way when my son was born, but the emotion had to be suppressed.
Of course it's typically Northern and it's probably the same in other places around the world.
For right or wrong, for me at least...that's the way it is.

jackhammer 12-07-2007 06:52 PM

I think it's culturally unacceptable full stop in England, but I honestly don't care. Do I hide my emotion? Of course I do, except from my partner and best friend no one has seen me cry. Times are changing though and if i'm upset I will show it.

right-track 12-07-2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 420333)
I think it's culturally unacceptable full stop in England, but I honestly don't care. Do I hide my emotion? Of course I do, except from my partner and best friend no one has seen me cry. Times are changing though and if i'm upset I will show it.

I think that's the beauty of this thread (if it had one at all).
The question it cool for guys to cry?
The answer was obviously, always going to be subjective.
The fact that the question was raised at all, reflects the changing attitudes to mans role in the world (or rather England, as that's my only experience) and the way he's perceived.

I suspect if that same question was asked say 20 years ago, the response would have been emphatically negative.

My attitude toward my son and the way he expresses his emotions, is radically different to that of my Fathers attitude toward me.
A time when crying earned you a smack around the head and "something to cry for".

TheCaster 12-07-2007 08:24 PM

This one time a girl broke up with me over a text.. i cried quite a bit....

BigTime 12-07-2007 08:46 PM

Crying is not cool.

Isn't that the question? I mean tears happen, but when the do...Not cool.

PaperHurricanesAndPlanes 12-10-2007 07:42 PM

You cry = you ***. You *** = you die. Clear enough.

Yes, that WAS indeed sarcastic.

lucylamppost 12-10-2007 10:45 PM

To me a girl crying and a boy crying is not really different. We all have emotions.

djchameleon 12-11-2007 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by BigTime (Post 420368)
Crying is not cool.

Isn't that the question? I mean tears happen, but when the do...Not cool.

tears and crying are slightly different.....tears can come from pain, cutting an onion , doesn't necessarily mean you were crying

adidasss 12-11-2007 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 420336)
A time when crying earned you a smack around the head and "something to cry for".

I've never been smacked for crying and yet I've cried maybe twice in my adult life...some people are just not easily moved...:\

holdyoualways 12-11-2007 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 421287)
tears can come cutting an onion

i fucking hate it when that happens!

dramababe 12-11-2007 10:29 PM

Guys Crying
If a guy is crying because he thinks hes losing you, that should be a sign that he really loves you and cares about you. I know my boyfriend is a really tough guy but when its just us two and he shows emotion, crying, that means so much to me. Ya its annoying at times but thinking back on it, it really shows that he cares about me. Unlike other guys I've been with.

djchameleon 12-12-2007 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 421298)
i fucking hate it when that happens!

there's ways around can cut the first slice then run it under water and it won't be so bad or I've even heard drinking milk first helps but I haven't tried that yet.

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