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Dr_Rez 10-11-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 406363)
so im taking it that its pretty much the general consensous of the men on this forum (as well as some chicks) that crying is for girls & girls only & that men should never shed a single tear or show any ounce of emotion...ever
well, thats nice that we all have robots here

Thats not what people are saying at all...try listening. The gist of it was women dont like seeing men cry because it makes them uncomfortable, that has nothing to do with emotion.

stupidinnocent666 10-11-2007 09:50 PM

guyz do cry?
yes of course, its nothing to be shy when guyz do cry.. other's said guys are *** when crying? we have nothing to be shy.. it is part of emotion !!

Mr Sensitive 10-12-2007 02:08 AM

I hate it when people use crying as a sort of weapon.

Barnard17 10-12-2007 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 406363)
crying is for girls

I never said that.

adidasss 10-12-2007 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 406416)
I don't think crying is really ok for girls either. It's really unattractive no matter the gender.

My thoughts exactly.

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-12-2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 406249)
Hello, I'm a homosexual and have cried once in my conscious life, when a friend of mine died. :|

OT: Your boyfriend is a pussy. Dump that bitch and find a real man. :|

:yikes: Are you serious????

umm I know that most of the members on here are guys but I didn't know ANY of them were ***..... Kewl :yeah:

holdyoualways 10-12-2007 06:59 AM

so basically...nobody should ever cry?
i mean its not like im a weeping willow over here, i mentioned i hate crying
i just think its a good way to let your emotions out, male or female
i used to think it was a sign of weakness but i really dont believe that anymore, its normal to cry every once in a while

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-12-2007 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 406416)
I don't think crying is really ok for girls either. It's really unattractive no matter the gender.

that's not true.... I ADMIT it!.. I try to hold back my tears sometimes!... but I still do cry and enjoy it sometimes it a good way to let things go.... its better then me throwing something across the room or trying to choke some one or worse.....I think my psychologist said that it is better for me to cry or write some of my book then trying to strangle someone or being just because I am a girl doesn't mean that everytime I get upset doesn't I am going to go run off crying....Most of the time I scream about it and then I get Called a spaz which only pisses me off more......and then I just leave...... my classroom.......and go to a different room.... and write in my book or listen to music.....((Note I am using an example from when I get upset or anything happens in school not what I do when I am upset or anything outside of school.))

You know what I say.... I think It IS okay for anyone to cry because I would rather be considered unattractive than a violent little b*tch/ timebomb that is waiting to explode and possible do something really stupid like go shoot up my school... so yeah I would rather cry then do something stupid.... But I don't know.... Maybe some other people would reather just go do something really stupid instead of cry....

cardboard adolescent 10-12-2007 03:58 PM

I didn't get anything from that other than "please give me attention."

anticipation 10-12-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 406639)
I didn't get anything from anything you've ever posted other than "please give me attention."


jesus 10-13-2007 10:00 AM

you know what's cool? cats

anticipation 10-13-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by jesus (Post 406849)
you know what's cool? lolcats


adidasss 10-13-2007 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Emo_Princess_I_<3_MCR_<33 (Post 406522)
:yikes: Are you serious????

umm I know that most of the members on here are guys but I didn't know ANY of them were ***..... Kewl :yeah:

Woman please, half the population of MB likes dick. They just don't know it yet...:yeah:

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-15-2007 07:27 AM

HAHAHAHAHAA.......omg I fell on the floor after I read that... that is sooooo going on my quotes....
I like em too..but I am a girl soo does that count...??

MoonlitSunshine 10-15-2007 10:36 AM

bollocks, just deleted everything I'd written :(

Personally, i Think it's ok to cry, as long as you actually need to and you're not doing it for attention. And yes, sometimes everyone needs to cry.

I've cried once in the past 6 years or so, when I was under a huge amount of presure to do well in upcoming exams, while trying to keeps sports and a social like up at the same time. Trying to do that over extended periods of time doesn't work. after one specific week where I did a lot more than I could physically cope with, I collapsed on monday morning at the prospect of what I had to do that week, I was too exhausted to do anything but cry...

and I did feel better after it, it made me realise that i was pushing myself too far, and I cut back. Yeah, you could say that I didn't need to cry, I could've figured that out anyway, but it made me feel better having done so.

I think it's alright for guys to cry, cause not doing so is just bottling up, which is incredibly bad for you, and will just make things worse in the long run. sure, crying in public might be uncomfortable for yourself and those around you, so if it is find someplace quiet with someone you trust and love, and cry there. Why is it something to be ashamed of? all it is is showing emotion, which s one of the most human things you can do.

It's the same for girls, although they do tend to cry more (Being more caring and sensitive is part of their psychological makeup, though), and possibly for less. if I saw a friend of mine who was crying, I'd go over and ask her/him if I could help in anyway. I wouldn't try and get him/her to stop, cause if you're crying, there's gonna be a reason.

That said, there will always be some lameass emo kid who cries for attention, and that kind of person I have no patience for. luckily, I don't make friends like that, so I tend not to come across them very often...


Crying isn't necessarily "cool", but neither is losing your temper and shouting at someone when they've been pissing you off for your entire life. These things happen, they don't have to be "cool" for them to be acceptable.

EDIT: wow, that's long...

holdyoualways 10-15-2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine (Post 407382)
Why is it something to be ashamed of? all it is is showing emotion, which s one of the most human things you can do.

that was exactly my point, i dont think theres anythign to be ashamed of or for guys to get all macho over & act like theyve never shed a tear in their life
the only reason i put "cool" in the title by the way was because i thought putting "ok" would be a little its ok for one gender to cry but not the other...i dunno, made sense in my mind

ProggyMan 10-15-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine (Post 407382)
bollocks, just deleted everything I'd written :(
EDIT: wow, that's long...

Command Z is a powerful tool.

Kevorkian Logic 10-15-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Emo_Princess_I_<3_MCR_<33 (Post 407364)
I like em too..but I am a girl soo does that count...??

no, not at all. Unless you like pussy, you are straight. I'm hoping you are not that dense though.

right-track 10-15-2007 05:00 PM

Northerners don't's against the law.

anticipation 10-15-2007 05:03 PM


Dr_Rez 10-15-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Emo_Princess_I_<3_MCR_<33 (Post 407364)
HAHAHAHAHAA.......omg I fell on the floor after I read that... that is sooooo going on my quotes....
I like em too..but I am a girl soo does that count...??

Long enough sig...?

swim 10-15-2007 08:36 PM

It's pretty annoying when anyone cries.

MoonlitSunshine 10-16-2007 02:06 AM

hmmm. How about phrasing this a different way.

Who here has [b]never[/b[ cried? and if you did, did you feel ashamed of yourself?

Fortress of Sound 10-16-2007 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 405891)
here's why i thought of this
yesterday i got in a little...tiffy with my boyfriend & was kind of pissed off at him & he pretty much assumed we were gonna break up & decided to leave me several messages on my voicemail, one of which he was crying in
now this isnt the first time ive heard/seen him cry & in a way i find it kind of endearing that hes not afraid to cry, being a guy & all
but im curious as to what is exactly is the right amount of crying a guy can do before people start considering him to be a total puss
i personally dont see anything wrong with it, although an excessive amount of male tears will probably make me uncomfortable
im very intrigued to see if any male members here have shed a tear or two without being ashamed of it

crying is a human thing- not a female thing. everyone cries sometime, or at least FEELS like it. if you hold back your tears, you're not doing so because you're a big, tough, man; you're doing so because you're afraid to show weakness. that gets you heart attacks. men that don't express their emotions are more likely to get heart attacks and have other stress-related problems. it's like a boiling pot: you can put a lid on it, but one way or another, sooner or later, it will come out.

i've cried in front of my girlfriends before and i've never been ashamed.

DontRunMeOver 10-16-2007 04:05 AM

Heart attacks are manly.

holdyoualways 10-16-2007 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine (Post 407706)
hmmm. How about phrasing this a different way.

Who here has [b]never[/b[ cried? and if you did, did you feel ashamed of yourself?

too long


Originally Posted by Fortress of Sound (Post 407721)
men that don't express their emotions are more likely to get heart attacks and have other stress-related problems.

hmm, i didnt know that
fun fact of the day!

littleknowitall 10-16-2007 07:05 AM

My cat died. I cried then :( Oh and when i found out Natalie was pregnant but wasn't in the good context and there was a bottle of cherry involved.

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-16-2007 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 407584)
Long enough sig...?

Yeah I think so......

I am probably not going to add anymore.....unless I take some away first...


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 407508)
no, not at all. Unless you like pussy, you are straight. I'm hoping you are not that dense though.

Umm..........I do....and I think That might just be why I am Bisexual...... But you know I could be wrong

holdyoualways 10-16-2007 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by littleknowitall (Post 407748)
Oh and when i found out Natalie was pregnant but wasn't in the good context and there was a bottle of cherry involved.

well thats perfectly understandable
if i ever in the future find out im preggers i think ill have a nervous breakdown & then commence with world war 3

pheurton 10-16-2007 11:57 AM

I'm too bitter to cry, I wish I wasn't but I'm pretty heartless.

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-16-2007 12:24 PM

Awww..dude that sux.... Seriously...

Kevorkian Logic 10-16-2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Emo_Princess_I_<3_MCR_<33 (Post 407750)

Umm..........I do....and I think That might just be why I am Bisexual...... But you know I could be wrong

Unless you have eaten a girl out, I wouldn't make leaps about your sexuality until you've done that, because I can verify that once you do it you will know if your bi or not.

But I really don't want to go into this conversation deeper. It's kinda weirding me out to be honest cause I think your like 14 or something, and should not be thinking about these things.

pheurton 10-16-2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Emo_Princess_I_<3_MCR_<33 (Post 407816)
Awww..dude that sux.... Seriously...

Not really, it makes me content.


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 407869)
Unless you have eaten a girl out, I wouldn't make leaps about your sexuality until you've done that, because I can verify that once you do it you will know if your bi or not.

Many guys say they're *** when they've never even played the skin flute so it doesn't necessarily matter.

Kevorkian Logic 10-16-2007 04:16 PM

true, I just going off what a friend had told me, about her questioning her sexuality and then her realization she was straight.

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-17-2007 07:16 AM

................................................. ummm i won't get ninto it either... cuz I have an (as most people would say) "Excuse" for that...but yeah... soooo and i know alot of people that are bi too but they haven't yeah... yet..... so many reasons

mr. goth glam 10-17-2007 11:52 PM

I don't see any problem with it.

Personally, I cry single time I watch Edward Scissorhands and get to the part where Vincent Price dies.

Amongst other things.

Wayfarer 10-18-2007 12:21 AM

I shed a tear once. Only because I felt so sorry for men in general, seeing as my dick is so much fucking bigger than everyone else's. Needless to say, the tear hit the carpet, burned a hole in the floor, bulldozed its way to the Earth's core and nearly caused a supervolcanic eruption. The government recently passed a law making it illegal for me to cry.

holdyoualways 10-19-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 408250)
I shed a tear once. Only because I felt so sorry for men in general, seeing as my dick is so much fucking bigger than everyone else's.

what a sad moment that must be for you
i pity you

Wayfarer 10-19-2007 03:16 PM

Thank you so much. It's times like these you really need support wherever you can get it. I can't express how grateful I am.


<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-23-2007 08:48 AM

............... No comment........................I just ughh.... no Comment...

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