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Old 09-02-2007, 12:49 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01 View Post
Your life, maybe. Sounds like a life of apathy. No care in the world; just waiting for the nice release of death, when in actuality you are living in death and passing it off as life.

Only thing to expect from a pothead.
dont hold potheads on this standard because of one uneducated fool.
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Old 09-02-2007, 01:47 PM   #72 (permalink)
#1 Schuldinist.
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
dont hold potheads on this standard because of one uneducated fool.
I was mainly shooting down all his assumptions about me being influenced by metal by making an assumption of my own.

Besides, I have friends who smoke weed, and even they don't consider life a burden we have to wait out.
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
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Old 09-02-2007, 02:40 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny View Post
Actually there is a 0% chance that you are alive, and are thinking and doing what you are at this exact moment. It's so astronomically improbable that you would turn out the way you are, its not even funny.
Actually there's a 100% chance that an infinite number of you exist every moment. I'm going to start an infinite thread!
The Beach Boys are better than Pink Floyd ever was.
Quoted for untruth.

Finally, a signature that's chewy not chalky!

Let's agree to disagree.
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Old 09-02-2007, 06:41 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
dont hold potheads on this standard because of one uneducated fool.
uneducated fool? aren't you the same kid who couldn't hold his own in an argument only 2 weeks ago?
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Old 09-02-2007, 07:11 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
You do realise just how much of a horrible f*cking "talking point" this is don't you? For you to oversimplify the concept of gods existence like this shows just how dense you are.
You're really going to make me get into this heavily, as opposed to inserting comments periodically. Gods existance is simple. Just because you are a believer and therefore need some dignification in your beliefs, doesn't change the fact that the concept of 'god' was introduced for incredibly simple reasons. People did not have answers. What is the easiest way to answer a question you don't have a good answer for? Invoke the supernatural.

Millions of people don't believe in goblins, many people don't claim to have witnessed goblins every year like they do miracles. God is a very understandable concept (Goblins and Unicorns are fictional creations, and there is a difference between creation and concept), you have to be severely stupid (oh wait, you're Bungalowbill, never mind) not to understand why people believe the existence of god makes more sense than the universe just being the result of a massive explosion that happened for no particular reason. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this is the only plain of reality that exists, since there are even solid theories to support otherwise, the infinity concept for example.
The fact that millions of people believe in God somehow bolsters your point? At one time in history, millions of people believed that Jupiter lived on a mountain in Europe. At one point in time, millions and millions of people believed that diseases were caused by little spirits that invaded your body, and they could only be removed by draining your blood. Millions of people believe God DOESN'T exist, you disagree with this. Does me invoking the fact that millions of people believe god does not exist bolster my point? No. It doesn't help yours either. That is a weak talking point.

Next, what are miracles? I doubt you can answer that and still have anyone take you seriously. The fact that you are so superstitious is almost laughable. Grow up, you're not 8 and this isn't the 11th century. You pin yourself into a corner and have to feign belief in ridiculous superstitions to make a consistent point.

And lastly, you, like every other person who makes the same dumb point your are attempting to make, didn't answer the question. We were not arguing whether or not millions of people have 'seen God' or how many millions of people believe in God. I argued that:

Absence is disproof is not evidence of proof

You, of course, in your infantile attempts to be 'fairminded' and 'respectful' towards religious loons, argued:

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absense.

EVERYONE tries to make that point, and it never works. It doesn't work simply because you cannot extend that SAME logic to every single thing which there is no evidence against. That is what we are arguing here, and that is what you cannot (or will not) answer. The reason you won't answer it is because it effectively defeats your point. All you can do is say it is a weak talking point. How about answering it. There are millions of pagans who believe in witches and trolls. Therefore, since there is no evidence which disproves the existance of trolls, and a fair amount of people claim belief in trolls. Is it problematic for me to declare my disbelief in trolls? That is the question you need to answer. Gods and trolls are the exact same. Absolutely no evidence in favor of either, and absolutely no reason to assume that either exist.

And like you said, nothing proves god dosen't exist, so what does that mean? Hmm, it means you base the idea of god not existing on faith. On faith just like everyone else, so when you tell people "haha theres no god, get over it" you are not any better than Christians who tell people they will go to hell because they don't believe. Thats right, you're no better, so get over it.
NOTHING PROVES TROLLS DON'T EXIST EITHER. What makes you think that belief in God has more credence than belief in trolls? The fact that you believe in God? Do I base my disbelief in trolls on faith? Do you?

In addition to that, you really need to understand why people believe in god. And why theres reason to believe in something beyond having evidence.
99% of people believe in God because their parents believe in god. They were indoctrinated. The remainder have somehow convinced themselves that there is a magical man who knows everything you do at all times, cares about you personally, and created everything in the universe. Belief in God is unnecessary and illogical. For God to have a personal relationship with all 6 billion people on this planet woud be impossible. Of course, he's God right? He just can. Thats a real cop out. How about this.

You have acknowledged that evolution is an impossible theory to debunk. That's mostly because it's true. We know that evolution brings about the existance of increasingly complex creatures. And creature capable of creating the entire universe and all its contents, must be an extraordinarily complex creature. We know that simple creatures being created through abiogenesis is incredibly rare, it has only happened once in 6 billion years, as far as we know. So the notion that an INCREDIBLY COMPLEX being like God, just came into existance, is virtually impossible. Prokaryotic cells arranging themselves in primordial soup is such an uncommon occurance, that to believe God just came into existance is ridiculous. Imagine if scientists proposed that humans just came into existance in that primordial soup. They would be laughed off whatever campus they were studying on. Believing that God, infinitely more complex than humans, just came into existance, is borderline stupidity. In fact, I think you have dived head first into stupidity if you actually believe that.

BUT WAIT! Believers in God have the ultimate cop out

"He's God, he can just do stuff like that"

My point is: Complex beings come into existance through a long process of evolution, and begin as infinitely simple beings. What created that infinitely simple being which God evolved from? Something complex no doubt, so he must have likewise evolved. What created his simple ancestors? Of course, just use your default cop out to answer that one.

For example, I have no evidence that shows that if I cross the street without looking both ways, I will be hit by a car, but it happens, so it wouldn't hurt, so I look both ways anyway. I have no evidence that says if I leave the car door unlocked while I'm gone somebody will steal it, but it happens. I have no evidence that says all my friends won't turn against me at any moment, but I trust them, and trust has the same principle as faith. Faith plays a much larger role in life than you think. So for you to say under any circumstance that people are stupid for having faith makes you a hypocrite, or at least very uninformed.
No, there is plenty of evidence that crossing the street blindly can result in being hit by a car. It has happened in the past. Empirical evidence. It has been documented. If you roll a ball across the street and cars are instructed not to react to the ball at all, it will be hit a certain number of times. That is evidence, not faith. Likewise with your other examples. Cars have been stolen thousands of times because they are left unlocked. Therefore, good evidence exists that if you leave your car doors unlocked, there is a chance it will be stolen.

Also theres a wide range of aledged and claimed supernatual sightings and miracles that many Christians witness every year. Even if you could say its all fake and it proves nothing, it dosen't change the fact many people experience them, just like they do with UFOs and Bigfoot, and experience is a important factor in believing in something. When was the last time you heard of someone claiming to have seen a Unicorn or a Goblin? When was the last time someone has given an understandable reason that Unicorns and Goblins exist?
"Even if they are fake, it proves nothing"

Howso? If they're fake, obviously those people didn't actually see it. Which doesn't lend any crediblity to your argument that it could possibly exist. People on acid hallucinate pink elephants all the time. Are you saying that simply because someone hallucinated something which obviously isn't real, adds credibilty to their insistance that it is? Just because you believe it to be true, on zero evidence, doesn't mean it is.

So please shut the f*ck up.
I wish you would heed your own advice here, so I don't have to keep typing drawn out replies to a kid who probably can't read them in the first place.
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Old 09-04-2007, 01:09 AM   #76 (permalink)
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Wow, this thread is all over the place!

I don't wan't to completely join in, but I will say this:

I'm not sure if god exists, but I don't worry about if he'd approve of what I do when I do illegal things and such.(or she'd, if god even has a sex, again, if god exists)

I take a few things into my life which most religions seem to aim for:
Morals, Decency, Fairness, Honesty, those sorts of things.

I strongly believe that if there is a god, god wouldn't worry about worship, god would be more concerned with your good deeds towards others and the above things I mentioned (morals etc.)

I think it would be awesome if unicorns or goblins existed. A unicorn would be a great hunting animal. (not to hunt unicorns, it could spike things!)

Because I chose to play the fool in a six-piece band,
First-night nerves every one-night stand.
I should be glad to be so inclined.
What a waste! What a waste!
But I don't mind.

Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
Nirvana pisses over David Bowie and Nirvana isn't even that good.
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Old 09-04-2007, 01:23 AM   #77 (permalink)
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Kudos to you, i get high sometimes. I've always wanted to write something that long and that good when talking to people online.

Originally Posted by i get high sometimes View Post
The fact that millions of people believe in God somehow bolsters your point? At one time in history, millions of people believed that Jupiter lived on a mountain in Europe. At one point in time, millions and millions of people believed that diseases were caused by little spirits that invaded your body, and they could only be removed by draining your blood. Millions of people believe God DOESN'T exist, you disagree with this. Does me invoking the fact that millions of people believe god does not exist bolster my point? No. It doesn't help yours either. That is a weak talking point.
I hate when people use that "argument" to try and justify why they belive in God. Almost as idiotic as Pascals Theory.
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Old 09-04-2007, 01:28 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ilmaestro13 View Post
Almost as idiotic as Pascals Theory.
the one about the earth being a giant licorice allsort? Now that is idiotic!

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Because I chose to play the fool in a six-piece band,
First-night nerves every one-night stand.
I should be glad to be so inclined.
What a waste! What a waste!
But I don't mind.

Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
Nirvana pisses over David Bowie and Nirvana isn't even that good.
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:21 AM   #79 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frances View Post
A unicorn would be a great hunting animal. (not to hunt unicorns, it could spike things!)
you just made this the best thread of all fucking time.
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Old 09-05-2007, 09:43 AM   #80 (permalink)
#1 Schuldinist.
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I'd rather have a minotaur.
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
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