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Old 05-12-2006, 01:52 AM   #41 (permalink)
Make it so
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I play BB every weekend! It's fun.

EDIT: BB = Basketball, not Baseball.
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Old 05-12-2006, 02:59 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merkaba
^^ I like to think of a Martial art as something you are doing for your whole body, mind and spirit. You know, that philisophical stuff. If your just aiming to kick someones arse you've left 99% of the iceberg undiscovered.
That's true. There are so many other body parts which you could kick.

Originally Posted by Doc.DGAF
Hapkido consist of gentle or forceful throws and joint control techniques derived mostly from Aikijutsu. They are taught just like aikido, but in general the circles are smaller and the techniques, are applied in a more linear fashion. Most techniques work by a combination of unbalancing the attacker and applying pressure to specific places on the body. Hapkido makes use of over 700 pressure points. All that equals an a** whoopin'!
Do these techniques really work against everybody though? And what do you do when the pressure points don't work? My old karate teacher studied hapkido, but when he tried to demonstrate pressure points on me nothing happened - he was just stood there digging his fingers into my arms, torso etc. The nail marks were still there the next day! The joint control stuff worked on me, but pressure points were useless and I don't believe I'd be the only person who does 'do' pressure points.

So yeah, what do you do when you come up against a person without many pressure points and with very loose joints (or very double jointed)?
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When Pete plays it is 100% live , your music if that's what you call it doesn't sound so good either? so you can't really critercize can you ?
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Old 05-12-2006, 03:33 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
That's true. There are so many other body parts which you could kick.

Theres only a few pressure points that work on me that I know of. The one between my nose and upper lip, I collapse in a heap if someone puts pressure there. Also you can feel a wee gap at the bottom of your throat where the two halves of your collar bones meet, press in behind there and I fall as well. Whatelse...theres the common one at the top of the forearm, just short of the elbow, where pressure on the muscle is effective. Then theres almost anywhere on the ribs, particularly the upper ribs that are sensitive to pressure. Everyone knows of the knuckle sandwhich to the skull, pressure around the temple is killer. Thats about it though.
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Old 05-12-2006, 06:28 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merkaba
Everyone knows of the knuckle sandwhich to the skull, pressure around the temple is killer.
more effective is a shot to the side of the neck of the ear, the neck damages the tendons and muscles that support your head and the blood flow to it. There's also alot of "soft bone" around the ears, the mastoid in back (where Oswald shot JFK) or the mandible just under the ear.
Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
So yeah, what do you do when you come up against a person without many pressure points and with very loose joints (or very double jointed)?
Alot more people than you would think are born resistant to alot of these pressure points, but out of 200+ I'm sure there's some that would work. Even if they didn't, it's not like that's the only way your instructor would teach you to fight, even above discipline martial arts are about balance. Physically and mentally. Most martial artists practice multiple styles anyway. I myself practice seven, if I couldn't lock somebody up in a pressure hold I'd change to a joint lock and break their **** or reverse my hold and throw 'em, gain some ground. There's any number of ways to respond.
Originally Posted by Merkaba
I like to think of a Martial art as something you are doing for your whole body, mind and spirit. You know, that philisophical stuff. If your just aiming to kick someones arse you've left 99% of the iceberg undiscovered.
Don't get me wrong, you don't study martial arts without learning the discipline or self control that makes it so effective. You can learn all the forms, pressure points, stance and step you want but without the self control to accompany it it's all worthless.
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Old 05-12-2006, 05:09 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_
I play basketball...a lot...and i watch basketball a lot...i also play baseball..and most other sports..i love sports in general
Sounds a lot like me. I try to play basketball and stay conditioned as much as I can, it really is one of the best overall work outs. I also watch quite a bit, but usually only Eastern conf. teams. I'm up for playing most team sports in general.
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Old 05-13-2006, 01:35 AM   #46 (permalink)
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I've been trying to condition my legs a lot lately...Im 5 ft 9 and a bit and i can come pretty close to dunking it...
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Old 05-13-2006, 02:36 AM   #47 (permalink)
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I drink beer and play golf...................................at the same time
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Old 05-13-2006, 10:44 AM   #48 (permalink)
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^Isn't that one of those..DUH DUH...kind of things? I mean, how else are you going to play golf?
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Old 05-13-2006, 10:54 AM   #49 (permalink)
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PING PONG BABY!! ( table tennis ) as the beat fleet would say "the art of healthy living"....

badmington is also hella fun...

i occasionally play basketball, but apart from blocking other people from shooting, i can't lead the ball to save my life...which is why i suck at 1 on 1's
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Old 05-13-2006, 11:03 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Beer pong > ping pong
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