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TheUsedToolguy 02-25-2007 08:18 PM

This site's biased
I recently received a 1-day suspension from this site for spamming/abuse, which I can only describe as biased, seeing as how I was making derogatory comments that were not any worse than members who have been on here much longer than I. Since, I was making infantile jokes and snide remarks, I apologize for anyone I offended, A Perfect Sonnet & Jibber. After reading some of your posts on here, I certainly wouldn't expect either of you to do the same. It's become transparent to me that the mods. must decide where to draw the line somewhere, understandably, however they choose to decide who to suspend not on the content of their posts, but more on who they like the most, and who has been here the longest. Crowquill, I can see from your comments in the political threads that you are against American Imperialism, and yet you are orchestrating on a site that sadly shows the same kind of elitism and favoritism of the U.S. government. I was reading the other day about how many members in here were already speculating as to the unfair treatment received by newer members, and I became all too aware of that when I received the suspension. I see that Jibber hasn't posted in here in a while, and if he/she was suspended, I respect that decision, however I also see that A Perfect Sonnet was not suspended, and found their comments to be every bit as insulting and derogatory, and certainly should be considered for suspension. Thx.

sleepy jack 02-25-2007 08:21 PM

1. Doesn't belong here.
2. I don't see how my political views have anything to do with the way I mod.
3. I'll let Urban explain why you were banned since he did it cause I may miss something.

[MERIT] 02-25-2007 08:33 PM

TheUsedToolguy 02-25-2007 08:40 PM

Alright, well Urban if u get a chance to read this, I respect your decision to suspend me and hopefully Jibber as well. However, I am curious as to why A Perfect Sonnet gets a free pass to spew as much hatred and badmouthing as he/she possibly can on this site w/ no repercussions?

sleepy jack 02-25-2007 08:44 PM

I'd like examples of his hatred/badmouthing, I saw plenty of intelligent arguments from him such this


Originally Posted by A_Perfect_Sonnet (Post 340946)
A little lesson about sound. The videos where you couldn't hear the vocals in were probably shot like this.

---------------------------PA Level

---------------------------Amp Level

---------------------------ELEVATED STAGE/Handicam Level (not multi-thousand dollar live recording systems your overly synthesized generic bands are provided)

---------------------------Ground level

Basically when your camera mic is 20 feet away from an 800 watt ampeg bass stack displacing the air like crazy, and a 200 watt Marshall stacking beating it with high end frequencies, especially in a small bar where the acoustics aren't very good to begin with, you aren't going to hear much of anything but fuzz and distortion. Even in the video

etc etc

When yours were just stuff like this


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 341012)
You are such a loser, perfect sonnet, I didn't say they sounded good, I said not too bad, and BTW if I get warned for this statement, I'll know this is a biased site that reserves special treatment for certain members w/ their heads up you asses, since read the above post.

TheUsedToolguy 02-25-2007 09:09 PM

Well, I've already given up hope that you guys will show any kind of equitable treatment to new members and old members alike. Is A Perfect Sonnet a friend of yours by any chance Crowquill? Just for anyone who wanted to take an objective look at my discussion:


Is everyone from Missouri as misdirected and incompetant as you like to portray yourself?

Wow, can you please get your head out of your ass

I'm also amazed at how you clicked the link and went straight back to your moronic thinking

PS. God, you are both idiots.
This very last comment, hilariously enough was from the exact post that you quoted, funny how you decided to leave that part out. It also bears a lot of resemblance to the very comment that got me suspended:


gosh, jibber, u are such a loser

TheUsedToolguy 02-25-2007 09:12 PM

BTW, case closed as to whether or not anyone had any doubts about whether this site's mods. are completely biased

[MERIT] 02-25-2007 09:12 PM


Is everyone from Missouri as misdirected and incompetant as you like to portray yourself?
Let's not be insulting Missourians now.

sleepy jack 02-25-2007 09:19 PM

You think one comment got you suspended? This is what pisses me off alot when it comes to banning, people think its ONE thing that does it. and theirs a huge difference between you and A_Perfect_Sonnet he actually has contributed to this site, i've yet to see see an intelligent post from you, this is all the music posts i've seen by you so far.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340984)
they suck, suck, suck, suck, suck whoever the singer was on American psycho.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340988)
yeah, but I know what suckiness sounds like, and they've got it.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340799)
he really sucks from what I've heard. I'll take Leonard Cohen any day. Tom Waits seems like a pedophile


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340920)
It's not true that all live videos suck on youtube, probably just the ones that sucky fans make of sucky bands that suck, like all vids of Hot Cross


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340840)
alright, well, they also looked like idiots, how's that? and the fact that they're playing a live show where u can't hear the singer attests to the fact that they're idiots


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340978)
I saw a live vid, they really suck; it's like they're trying to scare the audience rather than serenade them.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340974)
I don't get it, are they trying to suck?


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340925)
I think anyone that likes this guy should be banned for having such awful taste in music. Thx.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 340748)
yeah, I agree, they really suck
They're trying way too hard to.....I don't know what they're trying to do, but whatever it is, it sucks

You went out of your way, bumping old threads just to say certain bands suck. That is trolling, and completely pointless.

And as for your insulting.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 341060)
gosh, jibber, u are such a loser


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 341012)
You are such a loser, perfect sonnet.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 341054)
And perfect sonnet you're such a loser,

I could go on, I stopped at page 3 of your recent posts.


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 341549)
BTW, case closed as to whether or not anyone had any doubts about whether this site's mods. are completely biased

Then leave, no one is asking you to stay.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 02-25-2007 09:28 PM

Ethan, I had sex with your bi-ass, homo.

EDIT: I got banned for a week once for saying someone couldn't draw, then posting this hilarious picture.

ImageShack - Hosting :: sabrina2ak.png

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