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View Poll Results: Who will win?
adidasss 7 41.18%
TheBig3KilledMyRainDog 10 58.82%
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Old 01-07-2007, 07:17 AM   #81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post

It's spelled Ilica and pronounced Ilitza.:
The hangover would explain that mess, lol.
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Old 01-07-2007, 07:21 AM   #82 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
There are quite a lot of beautiful women here though...not so much men though....
Yeah, what is that about? How come there are so many hot women in Eastern Europe, while the men don't really look any different?
Originally Posted by Katyppfan View Post
When Pete plays it is 100% live , your music if that's what you call it doesn't sound so good either? so you can't really critercize can you ?
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Old 01-07-2007, 07:45 AM   #83 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver View Post
Yeah, what is that about? How come there are so many hot women in Eastern Europe, while the men don't really look any different?
Because all the hot men are in the U.K.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 01-07-2007, 07:48 AM   #84 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
Because all the hot men are in the U.K.
Well, they are now. Until a few days ago I was in Australia of course.
Originally Posted by Katyppfan View Post
When Pete plays it is 100% live , your music if that's what you call it doesn't sound so good either? so you can't really critercize can you ?
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Old 01-07-2007, 02:45 PM   #85 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post

Sure do, that's why we get a lot of american tourists visiting european museums, or showing their lack of manners in some holiday resort. That's funny, people go to Europe to get educated too! And you still haven't proved Boston was the educational capital of the world. Do you just like throwing bullshit statements like that arround without ever intenting to back them up? How many did you speak?

And I don't know where you get this "large swaths of Mexico don't produce garbage " shit, even if I was to believe you, which I don't because even the most backward societies produce garbage, are you trying to imply being an agricultural society is actually better than being the richest country in the world because you don't produce garbage?? I'm sure the native americans on Yucatan would gladly trade places with you.

No, there's only one correct way to spell in the English language. You should really learn to use a spellchecker if you don't want us to continually bring that issue up.

As far as mastering parentheticals, I have no idea what you're reffering to, but an example would be nice, I'm here to learn and if I can improve my use of English I will, but I expect everyone to point out my mistakes otherwise I'll keep repeating them.

I don't think that's true of the U.S. ,not entirely anyway, otherwise gay marriages would be allowed in all states. There is no other reason for not allowing an essential right of a certain goup of citizens apart form religion meddling in politics. I think they won't listen because by this point, they hate your asses and anything you do or say is the work of the devil. But as far as them refusing to stop their nuclear program, I fully support that crazy jew hating motherfucker; Israel has nuclear weapons and yet noone is asking them to reliquish the program.

That being said, I have a very bad opinion on the muslim world and culture, I think it's backward and we ( westerners ) shouldn't waste our time or money trying to bring them closer to western standards. Well we probably wouldn't if they didn't have so much goddamn oil.
Yes I like throwing out bull**** statements such as "Thats why people go to europe when they want to get cultured." I lvoe two way streets...hypocrite.

I did speak 2 with probably the same degree of fluency (according to you anyway) but alas my german has fallen to a standard even more delapitated than my english. Egads Margin [sic], what ever will the Germans think of me?

You add spaces between one side of the parentheses and the word. ( its wrong ).

To be honest I didn't read all of your **** because you're catty and as I've illustrated enough, you're a hypocrite who doesn't warrent full attention. I don't know what you're saying about marrige here, but if you think marrige rights are such an important issue, and that some states (really just Ma) have it and other don't, don't you think that proves me point that all states should be judged alone? I mean the anti-federalists ahve held the reigns of the country for quite awhile. States rights are rather omnipresent.

Iran should be watched because of their position on Isreal. Anyone who says we should wipe a country from the map isn't to be tolerated. But you know the game Margin, people say things for support like "we should make a constitutional amendment banning *** marrige" knowing full well no one would want to amend a constitution. A guy says whats he's supposed to so he garners support and he doesn't go down as the ass who wrote in hate law or the ass that started world war 3. By the way, if Iran goes to war with isreal, it will be world war 3 in my opinion.

Tell me then, is it color or colour, Labor or Labour? And spell checker? come on man, perfection lacks passion. Maybe you don't have that in law school.

I've moved to a new address
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:28 PM   #86 (permalink)
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Default I think I may be wearing him down folks

Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
Yes I like throwing out bull**** statements such as "Thats why people go to europe when they want to get cultured." I lvoe two way streets...hypocrite.
No, it's different because anyone who lives in Europe can testify to an insane amount of americans cruising the continent so they can go back and brag to their less than fortunate friends they've been to Europe and therefore are somehow elevated from the rest of the "common" folk.

I did speak 2 with probably the same degree of fluency (according to you anyway) but alas my german has fallen to a standard even more delapitated than my english. Egads Margin [sic], what ever will the Germans think of me?
Never bullshit a bullshitter, I speak one foreign language and have and am studying two more, there is no such thing as speaking a language with a high degree of fluency and then forgetting most of it. It takes far too much time to get to a certain degree of fluency to forget it so quickly ( you're not 50 and let's assume you didn't learn them as an infant ). And I like my parenthesis just the way they are.

To be honest I didn't read all of your **** because you're catty and as I've illustrated enough, you're a hypocrite who doesn't warrent full attention.
Or you simply cannot refute my logic so you choose not to respond to it.
I don't know what you're saying about marrige here,
I think it's pretty clear what I said, it reffered to your claim that iranians will never accept democracy because they cannot fathom the state being separated from religion, which I proved isn't the case in the U.S. either.
but if you think marrige rights are such an important issue, and that some states (really just Ma) have it and other don't, don't you think that proves me point that all states should be judged alone? I mean the anti-federalists ahve held the reigns of the country for quite awhile. States rights are rather omnipresent.
There are certain standards that are equal to all american states, the standard of living and education being some of them.

Iran should be watched because of their position on Isreal. Anyone who says we should wipe a country from the map isn't to be tolerated.
And why should a country that has effectively imprisoned an entire nation into a giant concentration camp and continually violates international law ( which you are apparently privy to ) be allowed to get away with it?
But you know the game Margin,
Who's Margin?
Tell me then, is it color or colour, Labor or Labour?
The latter naturally, americans butchered the language, and it doesn't really help your case, even if there are different ways to spell a certain word, you don't seem able to keep in line with the american way of spelling English either.
And spell checker? come on man, perfection lacks passion. Maybe you don't have that in law school.
You should try publishing some of your writings without checking the spelling first, see where that gets you.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:45 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Are the current results just a show of solidarity towards a fellow american or is the prevailing thought that he's verbally beating my ass?
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:50 PM   #88 (permalink)
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Your my favorite gay croat but just so you know education varies from each state to state. Like a lot.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:51 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
Are the current results just a show of solidarity towards a fellow american or is the prevailing thought that he's verbally beating my ass?
Maybe both.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:52 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
he's verbally beating my ass
You love it.
Originally Posted by Katyppfan View Post
When Pete plays it is 100% live , your music if that's what you call it doesn't sound so good either? so you can't really critercize can you ?
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