The Big Bostonian Vs. The Croatster (jazz, Europe, Kiss, American) - Music Banter Music Banter

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View Poll Results: Who will win?
adidasss 7 41.18%
TheBig3KilledMyRainDog 10 58.82%
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Old 01-06-2007, 12:03 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
If you want to group oojay and myself together because we're from the same country, thats fine. We're clearly the same person.

Pleez, Im obviously a much better wrestler than either of the 2 blokes in that picture.
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Old 01-06-2007, 12:18 AM   #22 (permalink)
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/Big3 pins Adidasss
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Old 01-06-2007, 12:21 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Wait, wait, his foot was on the rope. Referee reverses the decisions.

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Old 01-06-2007, 01:04 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Ethan finally reveals his eyes at the same time.
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Old 01-06-2007, 01:59 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3
I'm sure I know nothing about anything outside of our borders. Despite reading philosophy from Heidegger, Fukuyama, Mercuse, and Lyotard. I study international law, am part of model U.N., I've sat in on lectures from Chinese Judges and write essays on third world development. I havn't really felt the need to say this before now, but since my credentials are being called into question by someone who judges me on a music forum well, I guess I need to bring it all up.
Wanna trade credentials?

I've got a drivers license and a good connection with the local dvd-rental girl.
She thinks I'm a reclusive genius, she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out i'm a reclusive wanker
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:02 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Silly Croats. I liked you all better when you were Yugoslavians. It's more fun to say. Alas, not everyone can be as cultured as citizens from the country that invented the neck-tie, can we?

Croatia aside, which seems to be it's proper place, I think that Americans should be more World-conscience. It is ignorant, however, to think that the average American's lack of knowledge about the rest of the world makes us "stupid". Do you think we are incapable of learning about other countries? Is it beyond our mental capacity? Probably not.

It is my firm belief that if you are a European coming in here and bashing Americans because of a different focus of what you perceive to be our collective interest, then you are flaunting your own ignorance and poorly representing your own country.

However, I am willing to forgive Croatia if everyone else is willing to follow suit. Luckily, I am not under the assumption that everyone in Zagreb acts like Addiiddassss, just like everyone in Boston does not act like Big3, although a lot of them could benefit from doing so.

A stupid American

Last edited by Crowe; 01-06-2007 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:21 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Dear stupid Americans,

Don't worry too much about how the Europeans view the average American.
After all, there is a good reason for the 'average American' perspective of the the world. You have everything you need within your own borders, much like the British.
The only difference being, the British share a close proximity to other 'alien' cultures (as is the case for the other Euros...obviously), which despite our best efforts to ignore, predictably, continue to seep through into our collective consciousness.
The fact that a vast stretch of water known as the Atlantic separates our continents, is a major playing factor.
Your land is already a melting pot of world cultures, fashioned in a modern and new way, with the future in mind.
Most Europeans would give their high teeth to live in the U.S.

The fact is, you are the same...but different.

Yours condescendingly,

An arrogant European.

Credentials: An autographed football, signed by Eric Cantona and a photograph of a man with a dead horse.
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:24 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Dear Right-Track,

It seems your name is spot on, governor.

Forever yours,
A Good Ole Fashioned Southern Boy

PS: Interestingly enough, a good amount of Americans would give their lower teeth to live somewhere more interesting than America.
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:31 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Vive la difference!
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Old 01-06-2007, 10:24 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I really don't see any of the good points hes making, for one hes pulling stuff out of his ass about big3 number 2 alot of the stuff he says isn't backed up factually at all and is just biased crap.

He considers not knowing welsh an apathy to world issues.
Well, like I said, this is just one of a series of displays of ignorace. You also have one of the more known examples of the same, with not knowing who Che Guevara was, but you're a friend, you're young, and frankly, I find you more intelligent than Big3 so you were forgiven. I was going after big3 because he's supposed to be the most intelligent american here. Which obviously isn't the case. I don't equate eloquence and a thesaurus-like dictionary with real intelligence. Really smart people have a neverending curiosity about all things, with a constant hunger for more knowledge. If I had said something like "Is welsh a real language?" on my croatian queer forum, I would have been crucified and forever labeled as retarded.

You may say that posing such a question is a sign of healthy curiosity and the willingness to learn new things, but to me, when you're 24 and have a college eduaction, such questions are not allowed, that is, if you still wanna retain the aura of "intelligence".

Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
This really will be the thread that breaks me.

First off, I don't go on witch hunts as oojay accuses me of on a regular basis. between him, boo boo, and now adidasss. I never went into this looking to start a brawl and frankly I don't care if snickers thinks I swear a lot.

I'm not in this to win, Adidasss has gone out of his way to slag anyone American because he's so righteously european. Fine whatever. A legitiment question about a language i didn't know was still spoken has erupted into this? Well, im all set. Have your fun, im honestly not up to having a chest beating match with someone I think is a closed-minded, pig-headed biggot who would never accept a point from a "stereotypical american."
That's just bullshit, I'm always ready to concede to a point I find legitimate, and anyone who can is always more than welcome to prove me wrong, I'll be the first to admit it.

I'm sure I know nothing about anything outside of our borders. Despite reading philosophy from Heidegger, Fukuyama, Mercuse, and Lyotard. I study international law, am part of model U.N., I've sat in on lectures from Chinese Judges and write essays on third world development. I havn't really felt the need to say this before now, but since my credentials are being called into question by someone who judges me on a music forum well, I guess I need to bring it all up.
Which makes my argument all the more valid. As I said before, I wasn't attacking you because you're an average stupid american, all nations are on the whole retarded, european countries are no exception to this. But as far as educated people are concerned (with a serious pretension towards being intelligent ), the standard of required knowledge is set much higher.

Its irrelevent what you think of me, If you want to group oojay and myself together because we're from the same country, thats fine. We're clearly the same person. I don't know when you decided to start brawling with me here Adidasss, but there was a time we used to converse on AIM more so than any other MBer. I guess between now and then you've felt I've expressed my self as somewhat of an ignorant ass. Fine, no one asked you to be civil or utalize any sort of propriety in my direction. Do as you will, talk to who ya want, and keep coming at the americans here because we're not from somewhere else.
Yeah, we talked like twice and you seemed very disinterested. Besides, that has nothing to do with this. I don't dislike you personally, I just like to challenge people. Maybe it's a Leo thing, but when someone makes a fool out of me, I make damn sure it doesn't happen again because I always strive to being the best and smartest, even though objectively I'm not.

Just for the record; Boston is the educational capital of the world, not the country. I'm sure you'll refute that as well.
No, but I will ask you to elaborate on that. What makes Boston the educational capital of the world?
Originally Posted by Crowe View Post
Silly Croats. I liked you all better when you were Yugoslavians. It's more fun to say. Alas, not everyone can be as cultured as citizens from the country that invented the neck-tie, can we?
And this is what I'm talking about when I argue about true intelligence, knowing trivial things like that is what it's all about... I applaud you, sir.
Croatia aside, which seems to be it's proper place, I think that Americans should be more World-conscience. It is ignorant, however, to think that the average American's lack of knowledge about the rest of the world makes us "stupid". Do you think we are incapable of learning about other countries? Is it beyond our mental capacity? Probably not.
Not by a longshot. If you read the above, I speak of holding certain people to a certain standard. And ignorant is a more appropriate word. Stupid is just a better insult.

It is my firm belief that if you are a European coming in here and bashing Americans because of a different focus of what you perceive to be our collective interest, then you are flaunting your own ignorance and poorly representing your own country.
I believe there is a single standard on what intelligent people should know, that being ( close to ) everything.

However, I am willing to forgive Croatia if everyone else is willing to follow suit. Luckily, I am not under the assumption that everyone in Zagreb acts like Addiiddassss, just like everyone in Boston does not act like Big3, although a lot of them could benefit from doing so.

A stupid American
I love the phrase "stupid american" because it seems to produce a healthy defensive response. Americans are no more stupid than any other nation, and you shouldn't feel "called out" because you're obviously far from being stupid.
Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Dear stupid Americans,

Don't worry too much about how the Europeans view the average American.
After all, there is a good reason for the 'average American' perspective of the the world. You have everything you need within your own borders, much like the British.
The only difference being, the British share a close proximity to other 'alien' cultures (as is the case for the other Euros...obviously), which despite our best efforts to ignore, predictably, continue to seep through into our collective consciousness.
This I can agree with.
The fact that a vast stretch of water known as the Atlantic separates our continents, is a major playing factor.
But not this, by that reasoning, we europeans shouldn't know squat about America or Asia, but we do ( or am I just expecting the same sort of knowledge the average citizen of a small, irrelevant country posseses from everyone? ).
Your land is already a melting pot of world cultures, fashioned in a modern and new way, with the future in mind.
Most Europeans would give their high teeth to live in the U.S.
I don't think that's true, not anymore anyway. There used to be a time when the standard of living in America was much coveted by most europeans. Now it may be the other way arround ( a slight feeling of inadequacy due to practically no history or culture of their own may be at play*discreetly jabs*).
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.

Last edited by adidasss; 01-06-2007 at 10:48 AM.
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