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Crowe 12-02-2006 12:56 PM

What's On Your Christmas Lists?? (or chanukah)
Need some help making mine!!

Raine 12-02-2006 12:59 PM

my boyfriend in his birthday suit
a mark wahlberg poster
a nice sized christmas dinner with mac and cheese, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, biscuits, and a ton of other stuff
a ps3
a dominatrix outfit
oojay's hevay weight champ belt

and that's all I can think of right now

[MERIT] 12-02-2006 01:01 PM

a new bedspread for my bed
an MP3 player
WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2007 on PS2
Boxing Gloves
Punching Bag
Scrilla (money to the leyman)

Crowe 12-02-2006 01:04 PM

on my lisst as of now...

Raine's boyfriend... dead, or tied up in a corner watching and crying.
Raine in dominatrix outfit.
Scratches on my back, courtesy of Raine.
Orgasm, courtesy of Raine.
Post-Sex Saison Dupont Lager in a diamond Stein.. brought to me by a naked Raine.

ok. but I need more - GO MBERS GO.

bruise_violet 12-02-2006 01:07 PM

Mac Blusher
David Lachapelle Heaven To Hell
Dita Von Teese Burlesque and the Art of the Teese
New iPod


bruise_violet 12-02-2006 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Crowe (Post 306712)
on my lisst as of now...

Raine's boyfriend... dead, or tied up in a corner watching and crying.
Raine in dominatrix outfit.
Scratches on my back, courtesy of Raine.
Orgasm, courtesy of Raine.
Post-Sex Saison Dupont Lager in a diamond Stein.. brought to me by a naked Raine.

ok. but I need more - GO MBERS GO.

oh my GOD what have I missed due to not being here for a few days?

Mouseketeer 12-02-2006 01:09 PM

I would like for Christmas...

A new phone
A pair of boots
Lots of CDs
Lots of money
A white christmas

Yeah, pretty demure I know. But really, if I had one wish it would be for world peace. :laughing:

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-02-2006 01:13 PM


[MERIT] 12-02-2006 01:41 PM

Moderator cut: image removed
*fingers crossed*

right-track 12-02-2006 02:13 PM

^ You'll need to cross more than your fingers for that oojay.

And Urban ...what's the Cyberman thing on the left?

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-02-2006 02:29 PM

It`s all the series 2 box set.
Amazon are doing an exclusive one in a cyberman head shaped box

blackTshirt 12-02-2006 03:02 PM

mp3 player
cell phone
and candy

sleepy jack 12-02-2006 03:02 PM

My two front teeth.

tdoc210 12-02-2006 03:36 PM

2 1gig ram sticks
1 750 gig internal hdd
1 external 1 terabyte hdd
some clothes that fit
..i dunno..

right-track 12-02-2006 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mamagarmr (Post 306772)
1 750 gig internal hdd

^ That I want...if it was external that is.
I'd settle for 5.1 surround sound speakers for the PC.

Any recommendations?

tdoc210 12-02-2006 03:41 PM

^ ill get back to you on that, once you have a price range

right-track 12-02-2006 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mamagarmr (Post 306776)
^ ill get back to you on that, once you have a price range

Say about 60 quid.

tdoc210 12-02-2006 03:43 PM

-_-, dollars please

right-track 12-02-2006 03:43 PM

Around 100 dollaroonies.

tdoc210 12-02-2006 03:48 PM
its 150$
do you have a soundcard?

right-track 12-02-2006 03:52 PM


right-track 12-02-2006 03:53 PM

Video game adapter...what does that mean?

tdoc210 12-02-2006 03:55 PM

you can channel the sound to that instead of your tv.

tdoc210 12-02-2006 03:55 PM

oh and soundblaster should work

RHYMEFESTkillah 12-02-2006 03:56 PM

swim 12-02-2006 04:08 PM


My mom and dad are sending me to England and France this summer so I'm not asking for anything.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-02-2006 04:10 PM


Harshest grounding ever

tdoc210 12-02-2006 04:11 PM

i hate everything made by nintendo after, the snes, all the games got repetitive, all the same series =(.
not like the other systems dont' have 28098473987598678467869287 sports games of the same series.

though, id like a ps3, i won't get one cause its time to up the computer

RHYMEFESTkillah 12-02-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 306788)

My mom and dad are sending me to England and France this summer so I'm not asking for anything.

Wii is crap. Doesn't support Hi-Def, no updated graphics, and that ridiculous controller.
It will be the #1 system until PS3 really gets going about mid next year. Then people will realize the power that PS3 has.

Wii will just ride the wave of games like Mario Party and Donkey Kong, you can only ride that for so long.

swim 12-02-2006 04:15 PM

The controller is sweet. It's fun as hell. Have you seen the trailers for Red Steel? /orgasm

Laces Out Dan! 12-02-2006 04:15 PM

DVD Player
Dave Chappelle - Lost Episodes
Seinfeld - Season 7
NBA 07
Madden 07
Clothes ( Via Merchnow )

RHYMEFESTkillah 12-02-2006 04:18 PM

I guess the controller is sweet...if you like to swing your arms around like a fool while you're playing games.
It's like Gamecube v1.5

There is very little that is next gen about it.
XBOX 360 will support HD-DVD, PS3 supports Blu-Ray right out of the box, and Wii supports...DVD..still.
PS3 and XBOX 360 both support Hi-Def, Wii supports the same amount that PS2 and XBOX supported LAST gen.

It's doing good now because Zelda was a launch title.


DVD Player
You don't have a DVD player?!

tdoc210 12-02-2006 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 306794)
The controller is sweet. It's fun as hell. Have you seen the trailers for Red Steel? /orgasm

no.. the contollers were amde by some non gamer woman, who saw an xbox controlelrs, and went, it has two control sticks???, red steel sucks.. i played a demo

Laces Out Dan! 12-02-2006 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by RHYMEFESTkillah (Post 306796)
You don't have a DVD player?!

Not for the TV in my room.

RHYMEFESTkillah 12-02-2006 04:30 PM

Oh, do you not have a PS2 or an XBOX or something?
Get a Blu-Ray player man..they are only like $1000.........

Laces Out Dan! 12-02-2006 04:32 PM

I do have a PS2, which is capable of playing DVDs...but i prefer having the TV downstairs with the PS2 because its just better.

Blain 12-02-2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_ (Post 306795)
DVD Player
Dave Chappelle - Lost Episodes
Seinfeld - Season 7
NBA 07
Madden 07
Clothes ( Via Merchnow )

ZOMG I hate you:(


littleknowitall 12-03-2006 02:56 PM

Just ask for money and decide on a later date, i'm getting a king sized bed and washer dryer condenser for the flat if i can help it, and a coat off my nan, i'd like a cheap acoustic too if i can afford it though.

hiu 12-03-2006 02:59 PM

A nice Christmas lunch with my family and friends with a few cold coronas.

[MERIT] 12-03-2006 03:05 PM

A KC Chiefs playoff birth.

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