sidewinder |
05-20-2010 08:52 PM |
Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN
(Post 869873)
and they had to go and make everyone's interests and music and books and all that have pages as well, even if no one has made a page for it, even if only a few, or even NO people like the page already. wtf? it was a much better site when it was simpler.
This really pissed me off the other day when it happened. Next thing I know I go to my profile and it says I liked 50 different things...dammit I didn't need to broadcast it! Had to delete all that ****. Worst thing about that is now you can't just type random stuff in the interests, like a description. It has to be an actual thing/show/band/movie/activity/whatever. Before I had a link to my profile in the music section, now that can't happen. Thanks for the warning Facebook, when you asked if I wanted to link my items, you didn't bother telling me it would wipe out any other content I had in there.
I'm not as upset as I sound. I got over it, and added more bands. I just deleted the status updates regarding my likes.