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Old 02-12-2005, 04:53 PM   #571 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Apparently I`m racist because I don`t find black women attractive.
Thats what its like now... Its people over-reacting for one reason or another. Whether its because they want to be seen as a good person for disagreeing with someone whos a racist or not I dont know. I know Im going to get a whole load of people telling me how stupid I am, giving me examples of how they've seen racism around them and its really bad and oh its horrible... But I dont care. This is what its like where I live.
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Old 02-12-2005, 05:00 PM   #572 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Of course the fact my ex girlfriend was hispanic , my best friend Spanish & a whole side of my family is Indian has nothing to do with it.
LMAO that just made me laugh. Hmmm hispanic girls :drools:.
The whole world judges by apperence, wether we like it or not. If someone gets in your face and angry you pick out their appearence, people do it everywhere.
Goverments make the people angry towards forieners (sp?) in Britain for one reason. After these people come to Britain, they are given a house and money to support thereselves, which many Brits find unfair

Everyone forgets that black, or coloured people, which ever you prefer, can be racist to.
Go a little off topic. KKK are racist, they burn crosses and use their 'christion religion' as an excuse. I think its funny that according to the bible Jesus was born in the east. So probably not white with blonde hair after all then??

I like to think that I can judge by the beauty of their person, not there differences of their skin. This post is for an asian friend named Omagh, who actually 'acts' like a black guy (walks, dresses and speaks like a black person).

Racism is a shield for scared, deprived individuals with no heart for the world. How lonely they must be.
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Old 02-12-2005, 05:04 PM   #573 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kurt_Cobain
Racism is a shield for scared, deprived individuals with no heart for the world. How lonely they must be.
How'd you figure that?
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Old 02-12-2005, 05:18 PM   #574 (permalink)
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^ They just don't uderstand a culture so they mock it, beat it. Sounds better than calling these people ignoramous arseholes right AAITA??
I dont understand why America is racist? They shipped the African Americans over as slaves, and when they were released, after the civil war I believe, they still beat the black people down, call the m nig**er. Brings a thought to the song 'Im afraid of Americans.'
You should all watch an old tv series called Roots. Really says allot about this topic.
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Old 02-13-2005, 10:53 AM   #575 (permalink)
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If anyone saw Spain vs England, i think we all realise how pathetic those people (racists) are, doing monkey chants at people who were simply superior to them, yet they're the people who week in week out cheer on ronaldo and Ronaldhino, intelligent hypocritical bunch, aint they
Originally Posted by Reddevil4lyf
well hav u guys heard any of der otha songs like wait a mnute,i dont need a man and tainted love?

coz der preety gd u no!!!
Ladies And Gentlemen, 'Chav' Has Become A Written Art.
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Old 02-17-2005, 04:01 AM   #576 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by axman6
good one man, keep it up i'm not really condoning the use of violence but if they're being racist focks, go a head, i wont stop you. (just dont kill them)
just pissed us off heaps, and that guy got what he deserved.
formerly ledzeppelinrulz.

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Old 02-17-2005, 04:19 AM   #577 (permalink)
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o boy, i am interested, but totally cant be stuffed reading that speech.
formerly ledzeppelinrulz.

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Old 03-13-2005, 10:27 PM   #578 (permalink)
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Default The U.N. Encourages Fascism

Do you know what happens when United Nations "peacekeepers" enter a nation like Congo? They rape women and solicit child prostitution. There are more cases being uncovered of raped Congo girls, as young as 11 years old, young teenage males being molested, and hundreds of young girls sh*tting babies fathered by UN soldiers. Lawyers try and blame these occurences on the Congo society in general, citing that women abuse is tolerated in their communities.

While UN soldiers are busy being sick pedophiles, council members are busy getting paid off by corrupt programs like the UN Oil-For-Food, which saw substational contributions from Saddam Hussein.

The UN is basically nothing more than a charity, profit organization. And their incompetence is extremely disturbing. How many items do they have on their to-do-lists? How is anything accomplished when it takes months to make a decision, and years to enforce action.

Don't you just hate overpaid fascists?
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Old 03-14-2005, 06:25 AM   #579 (permalink)
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Punk Rawk DOOD!

I feel a plague of poorly thought out political threads coming....
If I cant dance I dont want to be part of your revolution.

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Old 03-14-2005, 07:12 AM   #580 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All_Nite_Dinah
Punk Rawk DOOD!

I feel a plague of poorly thought out political threads coming....
this thread is actually very thought out. we need to face the fact that not every country has the same quality of life that we do. the harsh reality is that in other parts of the world, rape, murder, and child prostitution are common place. just be thankful that we(I) live in the good ol' USA.
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