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Old 01-08-2005, 02:38 PM   #381 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Killing innocents in Nam and Korea! Are you joking? WE SAVED COUNTLESS LIVES BY PREVENTING GENOCIDE! Korea we succeeded and Vietnam we failed due to a lack of home support.
If you really believe that you need to read a few books. Seriously.
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Old 01-08-2005, 04:48 PM   #382 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Killing innocents in Nam and Korea! Are you joking? WE SAVED COUNTLESS LIVES BY PREVENTING GENOCIDE! Korea we succeeded and Vietnam we failed due to a lack of home support.
It's statements like these that make me genuinely scared for the future.
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Old 01-08-2005, 09:09 PM   #383 (permalink)
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What are you saying? She made a blanket statement. You'd rather repressive regimes kill hundreds of thousands of people? Its statements like the ones you made thathelp me understand why Hitler came to power.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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Old 01-08-2005, 09:09 PM   #384 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by franscar
If you really believe that you need to read a few books. Seriously.
I do. On both sides of the political spectrum. I'm not uniformed.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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Old 01-08-2005, 09:12 PM   #385 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
^I want to comment that in general people are so biased to their religious and political views that they cannot look at the issues at hand, instead make a decision about an issue without looking at any of the facts. Hopefully, you are not doing that.
"People hate America because of our freedom" this quote seems to be straight from GWB's mouth. I don't agree with that assessment. I don't think "radicals" is the proper term in this case. People who kill in the name of allah, yes that is radical. But, hating americans for our lack of moral decency is understandable in my book (remember, we're talking two totally different cultures here- if anything, this is why people hate americans- for our lack of understanding of other's cultural and social backgrounds)
You also cannot say we're "better than they are", because that is one of the reasons stated for hating americans: arrogance.
Im not gonna comment too much on the Iraq war, but I will say that it was certainly not the top priority in the war on terrorism, but our occupation there made it a top priority. What happened to Afghanistan and the Pakistan border?
Also, you did not have to explain your disapproval for G-A-Y marriage, because nearly (if not all) opponents of it site religious reasons. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I don't think this is a political issue. My personal opinion: I don't think heterosexuals should be telling homosexuals how to live.
These are great topics btw. I love discussing this sh*t
So because they disagree with our moral "indeceny" we sit back? And I know my quote saounds like GWB said it, it is the truth. read "What is So Great About America" by D'nesh Dezoua. That book has some amazing insights. Especially on this topic. And the reason so many people are for g ay marrige is for unreligious reasons. Don't discount an arguement for its acceptance of a higher being. Its the same as not believing in one.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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Old 01-08-2005, 11:59 PM   #386 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Don't discount an arguement for its acceptance of a higher being. Its the same as not believing in one.
Wasn't this country founded on religious beliefs? I hate how my questions never get answered...but I'll pose this one anyway.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 01-09-2005, 01:20 AM   #387 (permalink)
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^ I think the founding fathers believed in Deism. But, I still don't understand how the existance of a higher being has anything to do with g a y marriage.
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Old 01-09-2005, 01:45 AM   #388 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
What are you saying? She made a blanket statement. You'd rather repressive regimes kill hundreds of thousands of people? Its statements like the ones you made thathelp me understand why Hitler came to power.
I worded my post in the way that I did because it sounded as though you were denouncing the fact that US troops killed innocent people in the Vietnam and Korean war as a false statement.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

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Old 01-09-2005, 06:01 AM   #389 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by franscar
I think you missed a word out there, although I hope not. Victory for the poms sounds nice, a bunch of limeys dancing through the streets of Melbourne, warms the heart doesn't it? Well, probably not yours, but it does mine.
yes there should be a "no" in there somewhere. where that lives i leave to you. id suggest between "be" and "victory".
heres a crosscultural difference... what the hell is a limey?
by the way my dear, sufficient cricket team deprived friend, might i add that the world cricket team has at least 5 aussies in it out of 11 people? and its skippered by ponting too...
"cmon aussie cmon" in the recent words of a drink driving popstar we have in australia commonly referred to as shannon knoll...among other names too im sure.
damn american idol show producing an australian idol ripoff. he didnt even win!

whoa...i quoted atreyu, that means im hardcore. look how hardcore i am!! thats hardcore...XXX
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Old 01-09-2005, 06:54 AM   #390 (permalink)
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i just caught up on this thread and cannot believe what some people are saying. some are just ****ing ridiculous, some i just disagree with. to be specific, riseagainstrocks and iamalejo. i have chosen you two mainly because our beliefs differ greatly and you guys know what a "debate" is. not just saying "you *** piece of **** who should **** your mum up the arse" to somebody who disagrees with you. one of the best pieces of advice i ever recieved(i have hopes of becoming a journo) was talk to people you disagree with because your not going to learn much talking to people who say "yeh totally. thats exactly how i see it"
to start off, america was not founded on religious beliefs, mainly political and freedom reasons. one of my favourite quotes from the revolution was "patriarchial monarchy and hereditarial succession has lain the world in blood and ashes" by thomas paine, if memory serves.
secondly while i see your point iamalejo, i do not agree. america donates money yes, and you should see what that money goes towards and have the right to withdraw your donations if it goes to an unjust means, such as another palace for the rulers or upgrading the tanks or something. but i do not believe that any nation has the right to interfere with anothers politics. "sticking your noses in it" so to speak. unless of course the obvious misuse of power conundrum card is in play. but would it not be easier to eliminate a percentage of the debt owed to your country by whoever your producing aid for rather than just build upon the interest and forcing them into further debt by giving them money?
do not fault yourself to think that the us was the gardian angel or saviour in the vietnam war riseagainstrocks. no good came out of that war. nothing good could. only death. and millions of innocent deaths taken by both sides. for example mylai.
and the hitler comment was just plain ludicrious to me. hitler came to power by freakish circumstances. the main being the sever depression following germany's crushing defeat in ww1 and the psychological loses from this only for starters. in desperate times only the hard suvive. this includes ideals and forums in my mind. the nazis started as less than than 1% of the voting population. it started in a local tavern where hitler began speaking to old drunkards. but im sure everyone knows that story.
the communism vs capitalism war was mentioned again. something as petty as differing political beliefs should never cost millions of lives.
the end of ww2 was an excellent thing of course. the means that brought about it itself is horrendous. but i guess the two a-bombs outweighed the chance of succumbing to the germans and japanese and the damage to western society.
and when reading artistintheambulances post...i strongly disagree my friend. no, everyone is never going to be equal, but isnt it something to stride for? even if race is overlooked eventually, there will always be something to disern an elitist group. you say someones got to take the lead? why does it have to be one nation? ever heard of the kentian theory? if not ill explain. there is no nationality just a global identity. the world is run by a body such as the u.n except this organisation consists of all nationalities and religions no matter the size or wealth. the body actually has power by an appointed force contributed to by all nations. therefore any nation decides to go against the will of the organisation actually has something to face, not just a board of old men. i know this is a utopian society and it will never happen but it is a good dream.
oh and i blame all you darn americans for the fat kid at the end of my street. obeisity began in america, existed solely in america and has been spread by mass corporations. the end. nothing else. there was no overweight people in any country except america. disagree? well you must be fat, or the fat guys got to you first. certainly not in australia, our beloved country, hey anti poptart chik?

whoa...i quoted atreyu, that means im hardcore. look how hardcore i am!! thats hardcore...XXX
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