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Old 12-17-2006, 04:45 PM   #2781 (permalink)
The Forums Sadistic Ghost
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You all are taking the religion part to the extreame, look i'll put it like this, i was pagan at one point, not wiccan big damn difference, wiccan worship nature, pagan don't nesecerly, i'm now christian, be cause i was befor i convereted and after, i believed in a god, i believe he gave us the right to use magic and spellcraft well i got a spritual fanny smacking and my mother and stepmum have when on inquisitions of my bed room, i stopped because i got so deep into thing that what i did kinda came back to haunt me, it was nothing sexual but, i ended up trying to hurt people i disliked and relized that even wanting to kill them was wrong even though none of those were my attention, i'll stop because i doubt there are many beliver of anything meta-physical here so i won't say all that happend....
I'm not a freak on a leash, I'm just the freak holding the leash.

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Old 12-17-2006, 04:47 PM   #2782 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ma Cherie View Post
You all are taking the religion part to the extreame, look i'll put it like this, i was pagan at one point, not wiccan big damn difference, wiccan worship nature, pagan don't nesecerly, i'm now christian, be cause i was befor i convereted and after, i believed in a god, i believe he gave us the right to use magic and spellcraft well i got a spritual fanny smacking and my mother and stepmum have when on inquisitions of my bed room, i stopped because i got so deep into thing that what i did kinda came back to haunt me, it was nothing sexual but, i ended up trying to hurt people i disliked and relized that even wanting to kill them was wrong even though none of those were my attention, i'll stop because i doubt there are many beliver of anything meta-physical here so i won't say all that happend....
What did that have to do with anything? Seriously it seemed like you just wanted to brag.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:48 PM   #2783 (permalink)
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So are you gonna lock this ethan, or would you like to try and put your other foot in your mouth?
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:49 PM   #2784 (permalink)
The Forums Sadistic Ghost
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just stateing some facts.....

you have to learn the value of life some where, and it was to change the subject, i believe what i believe
I'm not a freak on a leash, I'm just the freak holding the leash.

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Old 12-17-2006, 04:52 PM   #2785 (permalink)
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lock the thread please before anyone else cause a fuss and we have an MB civil war over it or something
I'm not a freak on a leash, I'm just the freak holding the leash.

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Old 12-17-2006, 04:52 PM   #2786 (permalink)
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^Shut up, seriously you're adding nothing to the discussion.

Originally Posted by oojay View Post
So are you gonna lock this ethan, or would you like to try and put your other foot in your mouth?
Why would I lock this? You're providing me with entertainment and besides i'm already going to get "demodded" right?

Aside from that, you're the only one making any real insults here.

Anyway, i'm not racist I don't care to prove it to you.

I made a joke, I was sort of serious about it but not really. You got pist off in the typical christian manner because I stepped on your religious toes.

You're the only one that needs to chill out.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:56 PM   #2787 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
Why would I lock this? You're providing me with entertainment and besides i'm already going to get "demodded" right?

Aside from that, you're the only one making any real insults here.

Anyway, i'm not racist I don't care to prove it to you.

I made a joke, I was sort of serious about it but not really. You got pist off in the typical christian manner because I stepped on your religious toes.

You're the only one that needs to chill out.
If you dont mind getting de-modded, then by all means, lets go another round. And if you dont consider calling someone's god a "racist" or a "bastard" to be an insult then you truley are naive. Dont you EVER insult my religion like that, and then have the gaul to tell me to chill out.
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Old 12-20-2006, 06:47 PM   #2788 (permalink)
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I scanned through the later parts of this and have some observations.

Originally Posted by oojay
But the core of nihilism is believeing in nothing and therefore there CAN BE NO DEFINITES You are not a nihilist. You saw it on CNN and thought it would make you cool. Go to bed.
The core of nihilism isn't a belief in nothing. It's the idea that existence is absurd and therefore doesn't matter. Stop being stupid.

Originally Posted by oojay
Wrong. The afterlife you believe in is determined by your religion. Atheists belive in no religion. 2+2=????
Um wrong? Atheists do not recognize supernatural powers. THESE TERMS ARE ALL EASILY ACCESSIBLE IN A DICTIONARY.

Originally Posted by oojay
If two people dont get along, they most likely have competing view points. one has to be right and one has to be wrong, so one will most likely end up in heaven, and the other in hell (theoretically)
Again, wrong. There are no definites. That is faith. Both can be right. Both can be wrong. The possibilities are infinite. Stop claiming to have know truth. Because you can't.

Are you seriously this thick-headed, or are you making a special attempt on my behalf? I said our souls go elsewhere, but where they go depends on how you lived your life. Let me try to explain it in terms you can comprehend. Good life=heaven. Bad life=hell. Clear enough? So how you live your life on earth is directory proportional to where your soul will spend eternity. And Im not sure about all of the nonbelievers/athiests, but IMO (in accordance with the Bible) they will go to hell :\ Mathematics plays no role in it
I'd pose the same question to you. You do realize that you just said (in essence) everyone goes to heaven. Just differs based on what they believe. YOU HAVE CONTRADICTED YOURSELF. Again.

Originally Posted by oojay
All religions believe that if you dont follow their religion then you are wrong and will essentially "go to hell". And calling God a racist is laughable, as well as offensive. So while you are entitled to your own religious beliefs, bashing mine will get you nowhere.

Again. Not true. And another example of you contradicting yourself again. You really should write down all the stuff you "believe" in a notebook somewhere. It keeps things less confusing

And besides, by your definiton, God is at once, all loving and all hating. He made all people correct? So unless you don't consider homosexuals people, then he made them as well. Well, if he made someone designed to sin, then isn't that sadistic? The Christian God is a diety raised not to love, but to use as a fear-inspiring idol. The tenets of "love" and "charity" that are preached in your houses of worship, are not applied in everyday life.

And now for my opinions on the religion topic. I was until roughly 4 months ago, a "Christian". But I, much like most of my former brethren, didn't bother actually applying logic to my faith. I do believe, nay, know that there is a God. But he's a cold hearted ******* who uses man as play things.

There is no afterlife. It's an arbitrary system set up by people to scarred to face the truly unknown. They can't reconcile living and dying and that being the end of it.

Existentialism. Read and know.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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Old 12-20-2006, 06:49 PM   #2789 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks View Post
I scanned through the later parts of this and have some observations.

The core of nihilism isn't a belief in nothing. It's the idea that existence is absurd and therefore doesn't matter. Stop being stupid.

Um wrong? Atheists do not recognize supernatural powers. THESE TERMS ARE ALL EASILY ACCESSIBLE IN A DICTIONARY.

Again, wrong. There are no definites. That is faith. Both can be right. Both can be wrong. The possibilities are infinite. Stop claiming to have know truth. Because you can't.

I'd pose the same question to you. You do realize that you just said (in essence) everyone goes to heaven. Just differs based on what they believe. YOU HAVE CONTRADICTED YOURSELF. Again.

Again. Not true. And another example of you contradicting yourself again. You really should write down all the stuff you "believe" in a notebook somewhere. It keeps things less confusing

And besides, by your definiton, God is at once, all loving and all hating. He made all people correct? So unless you don't consider homosexuals people, then he made them as well. Well, if he made someone designed to sin, then isn't that sadistic? The Christian God is a diety raised not to love, but to use as a fear-inspiring idol. The tenets of "love" and "charity" that are preached in your houses of worship, are not applied in everyday life.

And now for my opinions on the religion topic. I was until roughly 4 months ago, a "Christian". But I, much like most of my former brethren, didn't bother actually applying logic to my faith. I do believe, nay, know that there is a God. But he's a cold hearted ******* who uses man as play things.

There is no afterlife. It's an arbitrary system set up by people to scarred to face the truly unknown. They can't reconcile living and dying and that being the end of it.

Existentialism. Read and know.
I will give the mods 5 minutes to lock this before I tear you a new one.
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Old 12-20-2006, 06:50 PM   #2790 (permalink)
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Why should it be locked?

As long as it doesn't get super personal its a fine argument.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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