Originally Posted by swimintheundertow
God will be just as lenient. He holds no grudge and is willing to give you the free slate anytime you're willing to take it. It's just untill you are truly sorry you aren't forgiven. So Raein it depends on the more than likely complex situation. But the simple way to put it is that if you're truly sorry you will be forgiven and to be truly sorry, atleast in my mind this is the way I look at it, if you change the way you think then you can be sincerely sorry. My logic behind that is say there's a poor guy who has no job and since he has no job he steals bread because he's hungry. Stealing is a sin. And he says to god I'm really sorry but I just don't have any food but the next day he steals again and he's says sorry but i just don't have any food then he can't be forgiven because hes doing the exact same thing over and over and not putting himself into a position where he can stop such as getting a job.
O.............M................G. where were you 2 hours ago?