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Old 06-05-2006, 01:35 PM   #1341 (permalink)
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Good grief. Is this thread still going? You people are tenacious, if nothing else.
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Old 06-05-2006, 01:37 PM   #1342 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jr.
Good grief. Is this thread still going? You people are tedious, if nothing else.
Fixed it. ^
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Old 06-05-2006, 01:38 PM   #1343 (permalink)
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LOLOL. Top notch.
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Old 06-05-2006, 04:35 PM   #1344 (permalink)
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I believe a little bit of both

I believe it is definitely possible and most likely probable that humans evolved from some lower life form. And in fact you can track the evolution of the homo sapien back to the cro-magnon and see how our bodies and DNA adapted to newer environments.
However, (and I am something of a god fearing person) I do believe that something had to trigger these evolutinary changes and why not believe that the thing to trigger these changes was say "god"
However my belief in god is quite shaky at times and so I'd rather say that some magical or some mystical force could have triggered these changes.

But I definitely lean more so towards the evolution theory. Only because actually having to acknowledge god, means having to look at the possibility that the same force that made me is the same force that created a jackass like Bush and any of the other disgraces to the human race.

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Old 06-06-2006, 01:43 AM   #1345 (permalink)
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guys, please, for once, how bout research both sides of such an important subject. maybe then you can actually post something worth reading.

thats ONE site of many that discusses the very loose theory of Jesus not existing, and proving that theory to be false.
I chose that site, cause it is not written from a christian view point. As i know that you are to ignorent to read something written by a christian, as you mentioned before in a previous post.
Originally Posted by crowquill
i would like it to be known that holdfasthope is amazing, and even though we are equally attractive...more then YOU ever will be, i worship that man with all my heart. for he is my light in this darkened world.

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Old 06-06-2006, 01:46 AM   #1346 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fal
Maybe because you're arrogant, ignorant, narcisstic and denialistic.
hahahahahahaha, oh man. what are you? like 13?
Originally Posted by crowquill
i would like it to be known that holdfasthope is amazing, and even though we are equally attractive...more then YOU ever will be, i worship that man with all my heart. for he is my light in this darkened world.

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Old 06-06-2006, 01:59 AM   #1347 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raine
But I definitely lean more so towards the evolution theory. Only because actually having to acknowledge god, means having to look at the possibility that the same force that made me is the same force that created a jackass like Bush and any of the other disgraces to the human race.
That's one of my main stumbling points too. Evolution explains rubbish things like Bush etc. as being well adapted to survival and perpetuation of their type (he's rich, powerful and has already produced offspring), whereas creation of such a person by a god would mean that this god specifically decided to create somebody rubbish - when I'm pretty sure the god could have created somebody better.

Pre-fabricated pop music is a good argument for evolution over creationism. Would an uber intelligent god really allow such drivel to exist? Or is it a cynical bit of environmental niche-finding?
Originally Posted by Katyppfan View Post
When Pete plays it is 100% live , your music if that's what you call it doesn't sound so good either? so you can't really critercize can you ?
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Old 06-06-2006, 08:33 AM   #1348 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by holdfasthope
far out, it is impossible to debate with someone, when they cant admit what is blatantly obvious. Go ask any credible scientist if evolution is proven fact. My god, people, i now remember why i left these boards.
You left these boards because some people believe evolution is fact? A bit of a hard ass, aren't you?

Evolution and Creationism can coexist peacefully, unlike posters on these boards. And don't back up creationism and not any of the other rules of religeon. Conversly, Don't back up science and not act informed. This debate is fine but acting outraged at the drop of a hat makes you look stupid. Just a friendly warning.

I personally believe in both.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 06-07-2006, 04:08 AM   #1349 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
You left these boards because some people believe evolution is fact? A bit of a hard ass, aren't you?

Evolution and Creationism can coexist peacefully, unlike posters on these boards. And don't back up creationism and not any of the other rules of religeon. Conversly, Don't back up science and not act informed. This debate is fine but acting outraged at the drop of a hat makes you look stupid. Just a friendly warning.

I personally believe in both.
no thats not why i left these boards.
i do not believe you can believe in both. I believe that as a Christian you should believe in the word of god, and that is in the bible. And the bible does not allow for the evolution of humans. i do not think evolution and creatinsm can co-exist peacefully, there will always be debate, and if either one is proven, then the other one will be destroyed as a theory.
(Creationism, could perhaps be proved when judement day comes?)

I was acting outraged because i get annoyed when people do not resarch both sides of an argument but still proceed to argue as if they have. Totally neglecting any reasonable answer or counterargument, for they have not come across it in their own biased research.
Perhaps i over reacted. But when someone believes that evolution and the big bang is fact they are the one that looks stupid not me.
Originally Posted by crowquill
i would like it to be known that holdfasthope is amazing, and even though we are equally attractive...more then YOU ever will be, i worship that man with all my heart. for he is my light in this darkened world.

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Old 06-07-2006, 10:24 AM   #1350 (permalink)
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Evolution is fact.
I think I've given more than enough credible sources.
All you've given is a Christian Website.
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