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Old 12-05-2005, 07:18 PM   #1081 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Yes but the murder you are talking about being a different circumstance, are you talking about him just going and killing him in a moment of rage when he just finds out, or it being premeditated. I think all premeditated murder deserves the death penalty for sure. When you take the time to plan out how you are going to do something and then go through with it, it just doesn't deserve to be given the second chance at anything, including life.

Also, whoever brought up the assissted suicide thing earlier, that would be an interesting topic too.
moment of rage, heat of the moment, whatever you want to call it. i agree completely that pre-meditaded murder is always wrong, no matter what the circumstances are. if you take the time to plan it out, you have enough time to think about what you are doing, and if you don't stop yourself in that time, then you should be locked up for life.
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Old 12-05-2005, 09:37 PM   #1082 (permalink)
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Who ever just bitched about Western Society needs to look up where Singapore is.

Anyway, it costs the average American citizen to put a man to death more than if they just left him in jail.

I read this balls-ass cool indie paper here and they had some politician saying "I just cna't reast easy knwing they get up and look at the sun everyday" which the paper followed with "he left out the daily sysuphusian anal disaster they must endure" I laughed my ass off. When keeping someone alive, people forget jail is ungodly hell.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 12-06-2005, 12:13 AM   #1083 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by half_baked87
adidass is entitled to say what he wants as much as you are cheeseman, just because you don't agree doesnt invalidate what he's saying. and about the red light thing, yeah he was in the wrong, but people are way too high strung these days anyways, the driver could have chilled for 2 seconds. i guess its just so uncommon to see a bit of patience nowadays it seems like a shock when someone speaks out about it. but i do agree with you that its possible for anyone to resort to violence, some people do have a really short fuse though, and i'd like to see less of that.
You know what? you're dead right about people being highly strung and short fused.I sometimes possess an ultra short fuse more so when I'm driving, but funnily enough when my partner is with me I don't do it.
I'll just say I'm trying my damnedest to curb it

Oh, and apologies for the name calling.It was out of order.
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Old 12-06-2005, 12:29 AM   #1084 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
chill big boy, if i were you i wouldn't care what some 23 year old punk bitch thinks of me, but it does fascinate me that you're getting upset because i'm saying you're prone to violence, and yet, not once did you think about saying that it's not true, if it takes all kinds to make the world go arround, why not just say, yeah, i'm a bit on the edge, but i don't give a shit? or better yet, deny it completely.
we all make judgments about other people and those who say they don't are lying hypocrites. my shit stinks, and i have a lot of issues and things i don't like about myself, but this is an internet forum, i'm allowed to say what i think, i'm tired of this PC bullshit, oh, don't make judgements about other people blah blah blah.....i don't like violent people and based on your statements i have concluded that you are one, sorry if that hurts your feelings, sometimes i just don't give a shit.....sometimes i'm a dickhead, sometimes i say things without properly thinking them through. sometimes i just like getting a rise out of people and it was hella fun inducing a rise out of you ( not that it was my intention, it just came like an unexpected bonus )
now you can say what you want about me, but i still think people who voted for Bush are idiots and people who are for the death penalty have a dubious sense of morality...
I cannot say it isn't true, but I woudn't exactly say I was prone to it either.
I stress myself out more often than not which can't be good.

So what you're saying is you don't like me because I'm (sometimes, but rarely) voilent? Oh well! If that's right I guess that's your problem not mine.

Anyway, sorry for p1ssing all over your 3000th post
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Old 12-06-2005, 01:44 AM   #1085 (permalink)
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When you sentence someone to a life in jail, as a pose to death, who are you really pleasing? Jails aren't exactly the equivalent of ethiopia anymore.

To us, a terrorist is better off dead. To them they'd probably also rather be dead then locked away.

Why should society cater for something that isn't tolerated in the first place? It is no use to us to know he's miserable in jail. It doesn't bring back the hundreds. Having the terrorist gone is a bonus, one less to worry about.

People ask why should he be given the easy road out via death. Why not? Why make him suffer when he has already salvaged far more then we can from knowing he's miserable. I'd call it two birds with one stone to see a murderer of such proportions gone.
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Old 12-06-2005, 01:47 AM   #1086 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merkaba
When you sentence someone to a life in jail, as a pose to death, who are you really pleasing? Jails aren't exactly the equivalent of ethiopia anymore.

To us, a terrorist is better off dead. To them they'd probably also rather be dead then locked away.

Why should society cater for something that isn't tolerated in the first place? It is no use to us to know he's miserable in jail. It doesn't bring back the hundreds. Having the terrorist gone is a bonus, one less to worry about.

People ask why should he be given the easy road out via death. Why not? Why make him suffer when he has already salvaged far more then we can from knowing he's miserable. I'd call it two birds with one stone to see a murderer of such proportions gone.

*Enters thread again*
That was what I was trying to say in many thousands of words but I'm no good with them...SO
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Old 12-06-2005, 04:32 AM   #1087 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cheeseman
I cannot say it isn't true, but I woudn't exactly say I was prone to it either.
I stress myself out more often than not which can't be good.

So what you're saying is you don't like me because I'm (sometimes, but rarely) voilent? Oh well! If that's right I guess that's your problem not mine.

Anyway, sorry for p1ssing all over your 3000th post
see? now that wasn't so hard now was it? my problem isn't with violent people per se, my problem is with people who are violent and don't realize that it's wrong. i realize that such people are born that way and that's why i wouldn't dislike them just for that. what i'm trying to say is that acting on your urges makes you no better than an animal, it's controling our natural agressive impulses that differentiates us from animals.....that's all i'm sayin'....(i apologize for coming off as holyer-than-thou-god's-gift-to-mankind, i'm very preachy and it gets a bit annoying i know....)
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Old 12-06-2005, 04:42 AM   #1088 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SuperPseudonym
Wow. That's completely opinion. I find being trapped in a cage and anally raped much more inhumane than getting some lethal pills.
You're silly.
Well ok. America. Has the death penalty. Last time I checked America had a hell of a lot more crime going on than Sweden, that doesn't have the death penalty. So the death penalty as deterent makes no sense. It costs more to execute someone than have them live in jail, so the cost issue is a blatant fallacy.

Just seems a lot of people are trying to put forward the idea that retribution is the best policy. History proves that it sure as hell isn't.
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Old 12-06-2005, 04:44 AM   #1089 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
But isn't putting a person in jail for life with no parole only accomplishing the first part of that
Hence why the life sentence in this country at least is only used when the judge believes rehabilitation to be impossible, or unlikely.
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Old 12-06-2005, 08:20 AM   #1090 (permalink)
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Default abortion and assisted suicide

as requested by our animal abusing friend ( alejo )..

unlike the death penalty, these two subjects i'm a little iffy about. essentially, my religious background makes me pro life, so on a principle, i'm against both. but there are certain cases in which i'm not so sure, for example, when a mother's life is in danger and the fetus is abnormal ( and i don't mean stuff like down syndrome ).

oddly enough ( or not so odd ) my sisters are pro choice, but i get the feeling that they take it too lightly, from what i've heard, the choice is not so easy to make and it has serious psychological consequences on the woman.

i'm of the opinion that life starts at the moment of the conception. also, i'm of the opinion that people who are having sex need to be aware of the possibility that they could make a child ( no contraceptive is 100%.....except vasectomy ...snip snip....) and i think that it's the ultimate selfish act of such people to decide to have an abortion when such a thing happens.

but like i say, it's not all black and white ( in cases of rape or when the couple is not in a great situation financially ), but again, in both such cases, my opinion is that the deed is done, a life has been created and it's not the child's fault of either. putting the child up for adoption seems like a better solution.

as far as assisted suicide, this i'm even more unclear about. again, i'm of the opinion that life and death are in the hands of God, man should not interfere. also, i think that everything we go through in life has a purpose, and pain also has it's purpose.....but.....even though ,from this position, i don't think i personally could do it, i honestly don't know what i would do if one of my family members is in unbearable pain and is begging for it to stop.....i just don't know......again, my religious beliefs come into play here, even if i was to do something like that, i would not consider it ok and i would be very much afraid of the impact such an act has had on my soul and my after life.....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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