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Old 12-04-2005, 10:50 AM   #1041 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
The girl I'm not being presumptuous about. She used to be my friend. I've seen her at parties since then (she was let out of bond and is due back in court in January) and she has continued drinking, and makes jokes about the accident (in which she drove away from the scene, someone ran her down and found her cleaning the glass out of her dash/seat and she said she left because "what's done is done") so yes I do have a feeling of her inside. I'm sure she didn't either, but the fact is she DID kill the person.

You say there is nothing worse than taking another life, and I agree with you, when someone takes a person's life, there is no equal penalty that you can put on that person to make it fair. Nothing is as drastic as murdering someone and taking the life away. When you do that to someone you deserve to lose what you have taken from someone else. And that's my opinion on it.

By the way, kinda conservative of you to be anti abortion....funny thing is I disagree with you there as I'm pro-choice haha.
meh....we could go on for a couple of more rounds but we wouldn't get anywhere, like we usually don't....i really should learn to let go of these things, i only get frustrated, you're like a stubborn mule, there's no getting through to you.....i think it has something to do with...thinking and feeling differently ( how someone can think and feel differently from me is beyond me )
about abortion , i'm too catholic to feel any different you see, i'm not really the superman of liberalism as you were so presumptuous to think.... ( yes kids, the word of the day is PRESUMTUOUS )
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 12-04-2005, 11:05 AM   #1042 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
meh....we could go on for a couple of more rounds but we wouldn't get anywhere, like we usually don't....i really should learn to let go of these things, i only get frustrated, you're like a stubborn mule, there's no getting through to you.....i think it has something to do with...thinking and feeling differently ( how someone can think and feel differently from me is beyond me )
about abortion , i'm too catholic to feel any different you see, i'm not really the superman of liberalism as you were so presumptuous to think.... ( yes kids, the word of the day is PRESUMTUOUS )
If you're going to law school to be a lawyer, I suggest you cut out the namecalling in every argument you get in. And about the abortion, I'm not the superman of conservatism that you think I am either. That was my whole point. Basing people's feelings on a topic just by what party they are (or you THINK they are) is retarded.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 12-04-2005, 08:43 PM   #1043 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cheeseman
Stop pulling sh*t out of thin air you twat! How the f*uck is that going change a thing?
If the death penalty was reinstated worldwide, I'd most definately get my practice in......on you arsehole
it'll never happen, so i guess i win. and i'd appreciate it if you stayed away from my "arsehole".. great thanks.
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Old 12-05-2005, 12:17 AM   #1044 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by half_baked87
it'll never happen, so i guess i win. and i'd appreciate it if you stayed away from my "arsehole".. great thanks.
I said YOU not YOUR. Learn to read c*nty.

Never second guess any outcome.You never know when or where paths may cross, so I guess I win!......Keep watching behind you,you never know how you'll die....F*cker
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Old 12-05-2005, 12:32 AM   #1045 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
not all murders are the same you know, you have your Charles Mansons, psychotic killers with no feeling of remorse, and for example, you have a guy that kills someone that raped his 5 year old child, don't you think that second guy should get a chance to get back to what's left of his life after having payed his debt to society?

oh shit!! the supreme court is the supreme law of the land?! who would have thought it?! read my bio prick, i'm in law school and we have studied your legal system. now stop bitching and changing the subject and say something intelligent about your views on the death penalty and it's justifications beside "we save money by executing people in cold blood".

it's funny, it turns out i can guess what kind of personality a person has just by looking at their face. i thought you had a violent personality and now i see that you do. it always fascinated me how people can be so violent to each other. you keep saying the world is going down the shit hole and we need to get rid of the scumbags populating it. and i apalogize in a advance for the impending insult, but to me, the world would be a better place if there were more people like me, and less like you. it's actually very easy to see how wars get started, people are angry, violent animals. you were right to say that anyone can turn into a killer given the right set of circumstances. but it's far easier for some people to kill than others. for me, it would have to be a life threatning situation to either me or someone i love, for you, i think it's enough for someone to look at you the wrong way. sadly , there are far more pople like you than me out there, just earlier today, i was crossing the street and the light was red, i had a packagge in my hands and was in a hurry so i crossed the street even though the cars had the advantage, a guy honked the horn at me and shouted something out me through the window eyeing me if i was going to respond. i am convinced that if i had said something back he would have stopped the car and started shit with me ( he had that crazed look in his eyes )......and god knows what would have happened if i did....but i had the common sense not to, i knew that no good could come of it.

Who or what gives you the right to evaluate what you assume a person is like just by looking at a picture. I could have said "oh Adidass, he looks like a paedophile".What exactly does a paedophile look like? It's simply! Just like you and I. You cannot catergorise everybody because as I said what happened was 10 years ago when I had a serious alcohol problem for which I have had treatment for.I haven't touched it in over 8 years.

P.s you were damn lucky not to get run over while crossing on the red.That's just plain stupidity on your part.I don't really blame the guy for honking at you because if he struck and killed you he would be up on charges and lets face it you're hardly worth going to jail for.
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Old 12-05-2005, 01:36 AM   #1046 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
it's funny, it turns out i can guess what kind of personality a person has just by looking at their face. i thought you had a violent personality and now i see that you do. it always fascinated me how people can be so violent to each other. you keep saying the world is going down the shit hole and we need to get rid of the scumbags populating it. and i apalogize in a advance for the impending insult, but to me, the world would be a better place if there were more people like me, and less like you. it's actually very easy to see how wars get started, people are angry, violent animals. you were right to say that anyone can turn into a killer given the right set of circumstances. but it's far easier for some people to kill than others. for me, it would have to be a life threatning situation to either me or someone i love, for you, i think it's enough for someone to look at you the wrong way. sadly , there are far more pople like you than me out there, just earlier today, i was crossing the street and the light was red, i had a packagge in my hands and was in a hurry so i crossed the street even though the cars had the advantage, a guy honked the horn at me and shouted something out me through the window eyeing me if i was going to respond. i am convinced that if i had said something back he would have stopped the car and started shit with me ( he had that crazed look in his eyes )......and god knows what would have happened if i did....but i had the common sense not to, i knew that no good could come of it.
Man thats pretty low. As much as rage is discredible, who are you to judge what the world would be like without other people. I agree if you're suggesting the people who are angry for no reason and start stuff for no reason. Cheeseman said he had a problem, and like millions of others, influences cause the problems. That marijuana you smoke isn't exactly healthy. Other people around you don't exactly gain any vitamins from inhaling. More people die from second hand smoke then they do from psychopaths. Why not say the world would be a better place without such consumables? Just because they are the subtle killer, doesn't mean it isn't worse, because it is. So why should the minor infringement get the major treatment?

Wars start because people attempt to be superior. Kinda like you yourself are attempting to be superior in your post, and it's that righteous attitude that is what heaves society into conflict. Hitler did it. Hussein did it. Stalin did it. Even racism; "Your black, I'm white, I am therefore better". It's rubbish and I personally loathe such hypocritical, irony filled traits. To say we would be better off with more people like A and less people like B, is hypocritical. Because if A never acclaimed such crap in the first place, we would all get along much better.
She thinks I'm a reclusive genius, she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out i'm a reclusive wanker
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Old 12-05-2005, 02:53 AM   #1047 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cheeseman
Who or what gives you the right to evaluate what you assume a person is like just by looking at a picture. I could have said "oh Adidass, he looks like a paedophile".What exactly does a paedophile look like? It's simply! Just like you and I. You cannot catergorise everybody because as I said what happened was 10 years ago when I had a serious alcohol problem for which I have had treatment for.I haven't touched it in over 8 years.
you're right, it's wrong to assume things about a person based on how they look, but i inadvertanly do it anyway, but i didn't say anything till i found out a bit more about you and then,only then did i make my judgment about you, i think you're a man prone to violent behaviour and that's that...
Originally Posted by cheeseman
P.s you were damn lucky not to get run over while crossing on the red.That's just plain stupidity on your part.I don't really blame the guy for honking at you because if he struck and killed you he would be up on charges and lets face it you're hardly worth going to jail for.
this is what pissed me off about the situation, even though my light was red and technically i was in the wrong, his light only turned to green when i was already half way through, now please tell me, would it have killed him to not pump up the gas when the light turned green and just waited for half a second? no, but he had to be an asshole and crank up the gas......THAT'S my problem....

Originally Posted by Merkaba
Man thats pretty low. As much as rage is discredible, who are you to judge what the world would be like without other people. I agree if you're suggesting the people who are angry for no reason and start stuff for no reason.
but that's exactly who i'm reffering to, i've run into plenty of people like that, and i'm betting you have too...
Originally Posted by Merkaba
Cheeseman said he had a problem, and like millions of others, influences cause the problems. That marijuana you smoke isn't exactly healthy. Other people around you don't exactly gain any vitamins from inhaling. More people die from second hand smoke then they do from psychopaths. Why not say the world would be a better place without such consumables? Just because they are the subtle killer, doesn't mean it isn't worse, because it is. So why should the minor infringement get the major treatment?
my statement was wishful thinking, the battle against second hand smoking is under way ( about the marijuana bullshit, i don't exactly go arround smoking it in college or in a bar, who ever is with me when i smoke it, smokes it too )
Originally Posted by Merkaba
Wars start because people attempt to be superior. Kinda like you yourself are attempting to be superior in your post, and it's that righteous attitude that is what heaves society into conflict. Hitler did it. Hussein did it. Stalin did it. Even racism; "Your black, I'm white, I am therefore better". It's rubbish and I personally loathe such hypocritical, irony filled traits. To say we would be better off with more people like A and less people like B, is hypocritical. Because if A never acclaimed such crap in the first place, we would all get along much better.
Godwin's law, you loose the argument.....
pacifism is not an attempt to be superior, my statement was a simple fact, i ask you, would you rather live in a world filled with people like mahatma ghandi or with people like charles manson? but to a certain extent you are correct, i have no buisness saying that the world would be a better place without this or that, it is how it is, and i certainly can't change it, and maybe it would be one hell of a dull world if everyone was nice to each other...but i wonder just the same....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 12-05-2005, 02:57 AM   #1048 (permalink)
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Everyone's prone to violent episodes so stop playing the holier than thou bullsh*t

Are you a driver? If so you may have noticed roads are designed for cars not with it
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Old 12-05-2005, 02:59 AM   #1049 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
you're right, it's wrong to assume things about a person based on how they look, but i inadvertanly do it anyway, but i didn't say anything till i found out a bit more about you and then,only then did i make my judgment about you, i think you're a man prone to violent behaviour and that's that...

this is what pissed me off about the situation, even though my light was red and technically i was in the wrong, his light only turned to green when i was already half way through, now please tell me, would it have killed him to not pump up the gas when the light turned green and just waited for half a second? no, but he had to be an asshole and crank up the gas......THAT'S my problem....

but that's exactly who i'm reffering to, i've run into plenty of people like that, and i'm betting so have you... my statement was wishful thinking, the battle against second hand smoking is under way ( about the marijuana bullshit, i don't exactly go arround smoking it in college or in a bar, who ever is with me when i smoke it, smokes it too )

Godwin's law, you loose the argument.....
pacifism is not an attempt to be superior, my statement was a simple fact, i ask you, would you rather live in a world filled with people like mahatma ghandi or with people like charles manson? but to a certain extent you are correct, i have no buisness saying that the world would be a better place without this or that, it is how it is, and i certainly can't change it, and maybe it would be one hell of a dull world if everyone was nice to each other...but i wonder just the same....
OFF TOPIC BIATCHS: Happy 3000th post!
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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Old 12-05-2005, 03:03 AM   #1050 (permalink)
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F*ck his 3000th post! Bloody hypocrite
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