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Old 12-03-2005, 03:09 PM   #971 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
i was expecting that....but i would have liked an explanation. and hookers repremands me for thinking you're bush's cocksucker. and you persitantly say that you're not a republican, except for the fact that you gulp down everything bush serves you and you believe in the death penalty. to paraphrase a very clever ( and neandrathal ) croatian politician " be a man and admit you're a republican"
Haha, just because I believe in one President doesn't make me a Republican. I don't wanna get this whole thread off topic, but there have been many times I've gone against him, such as his first selection for the Supreme Court, who you said roughly you thought she was intelligent, etc when I said it was a bad choice on his side and no way she would get through (what happened?). Obviously the way I was raised and such have affected my political views, but in all times I try to step back look at the situation and make a intellectual choice based off my own feelings. You saying "I expected that...." is the same as me going "I expected you to say no to it since you're such a liberal".

On to the death penalty, I do think it's complete **** for someone to kill another person and then let them be able to sit in a jail for the rest of his life having his living area, food, etc, paid for by all the taxpayers while he does nothing. Honestly I've got an "eye for an eye" mentallity when it comes to murdering someone. There is no equal punishment for someone killing someone, so the only think logical is to do the same thing back to them. But I do believe it is extreme to have the death penalty applied to drug trafficing cases.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 12-03-2005, 03:15 PM   #972 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merkaba
The guy knew the laws though, he knew he was in danger yet he played the game. And he was charged with trafficing which is more comprehensive then just being caught in possession. And kids are kids. Yes it is their choice but I believe there is some form of seduction into getting them to buy off a complete stranger in the first place. It doesn't matter how pc it is that the kids are in the wrong for buying drugs, it's still morally wrong to have some fuck out on the street selling dangerous stuff, I don't care how dumb the kids are. I said at the bottom of my post I'm pratically sitting on the fence with reasons for and against the penalty, but I find arguing for it intriguing. Thats probably why it sounds like a contradiction as I have pro's and con's for eather way half-balked^^^.

I sort of do believe it is a deterant. Getting locked up for a few years or a major fine is nothing drug money probably couldn't fix. In a way you have to hit them where it hurts, and thats in numbers. I do agree with you on things like rapists and such. There is far worse scum than druggies or anything like that. It is a corrupt world for not keeping things equal.

The part about killing each other I got a little lost in Adidasss...Was it in referance to where I say something about a drug deal going wrong?
it was in refference to you saying it serves as a deterrent, it doesn't, people who commit murder more often than not don't think about the consequences. besides, research has shown that the number of murders has not gone down since it's reinstatement. so what exactly is the point of the death penalty? like cheeseman says, to save some money? i think that's an awful way to look at it....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 12-03-2005, 03:30 PM   #973 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Haha, just because I believe in one President doesn't make me a Republican. I don't wanna get this whole thread off topic, but there have been many times I've gone against him, such as his first selection for the Supreme Court, who you said roughly you thought she was intelligent, etc when I said it was a bad choice on his side and no way she would get through (what happened?). Obviously the way I was raised and such have affected my political views, but in all times I try to step back look at the situation and make a intellectual choice based off my own feelings. You saying "I expected that...." is the same as me going "I expected you to say no to it since you're such a liberal".
your point being? yes i'm a liberal, and you would have been right to expect me to say i'm against it, but what annoys me is that you persistantly deny something that is painfully obvious to everyone on this board. disagreeing with Bush about the supreme court candidate is a minor and insignificant issue, your support of the war in iraq and his internal policies ( i still vividly remember you beaming at his speach after hurricane katrina ) added with you supporting the death penalty ( just like 2+2 equals 4 ) means you're a republican. don't be a bitch and say it....i was raised in an ultra conservative family and yet my political views are very different form those of the rest of my family
Originally Posted by IamAlejo
On to the death penalty, I do think it's complete **** for someone to kill another person and then let them be able to sit in a jail for the rest of his life having his living area, food, etc, paid for by all the taxpayers while he does nothing. Honestly I've got an "eye for an eye" mentallity when it comes to murdering someone. There is no equal punishment for someone killing someone, so the only think logical is to do the same thing back to them. But I do believe it is extreme to have the death penalty applied to drug trafficing cases.
you make it sound like being in prison is like going on a picnique. i'd like to see you doing life in a maximum security prison with 2000 hardened criminals waiting to make you their bitch. an eye for an eye philosophy has no buisness existing in the 21st century. and what fascninates me is that most republicans and advocats of the death penalty are supposed to be christians. christianity is very clear on that matter, only God has the right to decide when someone lives or dies. and, like half_baked, i would be more than happy to pay an extra buck or two just so i don't have another mans life on my soul.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 12-03-2005, 03:50 PM   #974 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
your point being? yes i'm a liberal, and you would have been right to expect me to say i'm against it, but what annoys me is that you persistantly deny something that is painfully obvious to everyone on this board. disagreeing with Bush about the supreme court candidate is a minor and insignificant issue, your support of the war in iraq and his internal policies ( i still vividly remember you beaming at his speach after hurricane katrina ) added with you supporting the death penalty ( just like 2+2 equals 4 ) means you're a republican. don't be a bitch and say it....i was raised in an ultra conservative family and yet my political views are very different form those of the rest of my family

you make it sound like being in prison is like going on a picnique. i'd like to see you doing life in a maximum security prison with 2000 hardened criminals waiting to make you their bitch. an eye for an eye philosophy has no buisness existing in the 21st century. and what fascninates me is that most republicans and advocats of the death penalty are supposed to be christians. christianity is very clear on that matter, only God has the right to decide when someone lives or dies. and, like half_baked, i would be more than happy to pay an extra buck or two just so i don't have another mans life on my soul.
Well first of all, for being the "Superman" of liberals like you act like, God has nothing to do with how our government and punishments dealt by our government should do. It's called seperation of Church and State. I know you aren't from America, but here that is becoming even more and more seperated with the Supreme Court decisions.

And please continue to beat something out of me that isn't there. I've got work. I'll write more later.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 12-03-2005, 03:57 PM   #975 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Well first of all, for being the "Superman" of liberals like you act like, God has nothing to do with how our government and punishments dealt by our government should do. It's called seperation of Church and State. I know you aren't from America, but here that is becoming even more and more seperated with the Supreme Court decisions.

And please continue to beat something out of me that isn't there. I've got work. I'll write more later.
that's very naive, church and religion, christianity in particular, have a lot to do with how your country is run. from the death penalty to abortion and gay marriages. and the Church is very much separated from the state here in Sibiria ( a synonim for the-middle-of-nowhere ). i know you'd like to believe that america is superdeveloped as far as human rights are concerned, but recent events aswell as some a bit more in the past say otherwise. the death penalty being one of the more clearer signs of your backwardness.....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 12-03-2005, 04:30 PM   #976 (permalink)
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i think that the Death Penalty is wrong, i find it really stupid how say if someone has commited murder, you go do the exact same thing and murder them. they should be jailed so that they must live with the crime which they have commited. and also what about if someone is wrongly convicted, i mean that happens all the time and just imagine if that happened to you, if you knew you hadnt actually done anything wrong and then some over paid lawer says that you did it. but instead of being imprisoned so that your case will probably be reviewed so then you will be set free and get compensation for being wrongly convicted your killed and the real killer gets off and an innocent person is executed. and for me its really quite shocking because i've been to singapore before and malaysia which has the same laws and i loved it there and i just think its very barbaric for a modern society to still be doing it, it should be left in the middle ages where it belongs.
.::: I'd redecorate the walls with your inner thoughts, but im afraid it's the wrong shade of red :::.
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Old 12-03-2005, 04:41 PM   #977 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by one_more_atrocity
i think that the Death Penalty is wrong, i find it really stupid how say if someone has commited murder, you go do the exact same thing and murder them.
If you're going to have someone in prison for the rest of their life, what's the point in having them alive? If theire going to kill someone and be put in jail for that, wouldn't you agree that it's not equivilant to being put into jail for stealing? Or think about this; One man killed one other man. One other man killed 10 other men. Without the death penalty as an option, they would both, most likely be put into prison for the rest of their lives, as if the man who killed 10 men did the same/something very similar to the other man who only killed one man.
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Old 12-03-2005, 04:44 PM   #978 (permalink)
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i dont really support the death sentence, but only because i think that humans shouldnt kill other human beings, for whatever reason... however, you cant say that the death penalty doesnt work, it gets rid of that murderer, essentially freeing up space in our jails etc... however morally wrong it is, or however often they get the wrong guy, it does solve the problem
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Old 12-03-2005, 05:09 PM   #979 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
well my man, i think you're a heartless monster then and no better than those scumbags you keep speaking of, maybe we should dispose of you too.....
You really don't have a clue do You......It's called justice.
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Old 12-03-2005, 05:19 PM   #980 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by half_baked87
what the **** are you talkinga bout? animals rape each other? they don't have to cognitive capacity to understand what rape is! then them its all hormones, jesus. and no they aren't people, i never said they were. i said humans are animals. and yeah, i would rather have people in prison, im willing to pay the extra few tax dollars to rehabilitate my fellow citizens, and if they reoffend, then dont let them out for a very, very long time. and i was referring to drug traffickers for the most part, and don't give me that crap if you kill them its going to stop anything. when you kill one theres going to be 5 more to take his place. i think what we need is less bull**** minimum sentences for marijuana and the like, its daily use really is harmless. look at me, im in college, excelling actually, i dont want to become a terrorist, and im pretty sure i've never accidently killed anyone while high. meanwhile alcohol has killed thousands, same with tobacco. but the governments still allowed to take their slice of that. theres recreational drugs, then theres problem drugs. it is a very fine line i know, but is it so bad to let people sit in prison. if we want to reduce the amount of money we spend of them, how about reducing the number of people in there for crimes that arent worthy of serious jailtime.

well you pretty much said nothing. you contradicted yourself. "while no one should dictate another persons life, it does send out a strong message?? well if someone is going to die, then someone has to make the call don't they. and for gods sake i was talking about drugs, its not a womans fault if she gets raped, rape is a sickening crime and rapists should be locked up. for a long time. but if my kids did get a hold of drugs, whatever they may be, i would blame them and myself, and i'd blame them because i'd like to think that my kids wouldnt be so ignorant. and if not, then its my fault for not getting through to them. besides i beleive when you reach a certain age, 16 or so, that you can make you're own descisions in life. personal choice, if my kid chooses to be a drug addict, im going to choose to send his ass packing to rehab. and he wasn't a major player. he was a street dealer, no "major player" gets busted with just one pound on them, if he had a few dozen or more then we'll talk about major player. it just happens he got busted in the wrong country. and did you ever think about him? for all you know he could be selling that **** to put food on the table for his family

What the hell are you talking about. Do some f*cking research pal before you start shooting another persons arguement down.
Are you saying you're a bloody vet now because you sure as hell don't know nought about animals......

Who gives a damn if he's seeling the stuff to put food on the table, it still comes down to the fact it's illegal in 99% of the world.Furthermore why should the world put up with his sh*t just so he can feed his family.
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