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Old 07-15-2004, 09:12 PM   #151 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by strung out rulz
how has America directly profited by the invasion of iraq??? I dont beleive for a second that it was about oil reserves. America has not taken any oil or profits from it, how can it be about oil when it is spent billions upon billions of dollars to invade iraq. I agree with the terroist threats, they are coming from all around the place, which is why the war on terrorism is a hard war to fight. I think if the war on terrorism is going to be sucessful, we need a more global involvment from europe, russia, china etc
The contracts to pump oil from Iraq's deep reserves have all been given to American companies. As soon as (if ever) the American government can guarantee the safety of American workers in Iraq, then these large American corporations will be happily taking all the profits from it, a move that enraged the British government, who clearly had their own plans for spending the money, and allegedly also had companies (British ones, naturally) lined up ready to fly out and start digging.
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Old 07-15-2004, 09:18 PM   #152 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by strung out rulz
Maybe if the rest of the world like France, Germany, Russia etc had any sympathy they would help out in iraq and help prevent all the kidnappings and bombings that are occuring at the moment.
Without sounding too cold, it's not their problem. Much the same as European politics in the late 1930's wasn't America's problem, so they didn't get involved in World War 2 until they were attacked by Japan. France, Germany and Russia are all suffering from poor economic performance at the moment, and do not need or want the extra cost of maintaining a war effort for American gains on their heavily taxed populations.

America's main allies in the war have been Britain, Spain and Turkey. Istanbul has been bombed by Al-Qaeda, Madrid has been bombed by Al-Qaeda, British forces have thwarted numerous plots to attack London in the past year. The Spanish government that supported the Iraq invasion has been voted out by the people, if there is any justice then next year the British government will be too. I know I shall be casting my vote against Blair for his lies over the past eighteen months.
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:29 PM   #153 (permalink)
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if iraq is not europes problem, whose is it? the UN? what have they done in iraq since saddams reign to help innocents? howabout zimbabwe? or maybe north korea? or maybe we should leave iraq to nearby countries to help out, how about iran and syria, why dont we leave it to the endless amounts of dictatorships surrounding iraq to take care of the problem. i believe that countries that can make a difference should make a difference. 'the day good men sit idle and do nothing, is the day evil conquers and reigns supremacy'.
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Old 07-19-2004, 01:10 AM   #154 (permalink)
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by the way, a report just released that out of the 100 billion bush was granted to use in Iraq, only 10 of it has been taken. Just cause the money is granted does not mean it is used. That is where the war cost counter is flawed.

And black gold? Really, too bad im still paying $2/gal. If you think we are getting the oil, I say you are crazy.

And for people who are so concerned about the well being and freedoms of themselves and fellow Americans, I am surprised that you would have rather kept the Iraqi people subjugated.

Because last I checked, when the ruling class is the minority, and rules by force, this is a direct conflict with personal liberty. (Hmm sounds like what apartheid was, can we all at least agree that apartheid was wrong?) So while you smoke your weed and turn up "Pump Up the Valuum" think about how Iraqi women would be beat, raped, and killed by Sadaam's sons. Think about how his olympics athletes would be beat and tortured for bad performance. Don't stop thinking if it hurts. Keep thinking about how Sadaam would round up families and make kids watch their parents get slaughtered. Think about the masses of people gassed, in the thousands.

Yea, what a waste. Cause damn they are not people, they do not need to be saved, they do not need freedom. Why help them? We need to work on our own country so that each family can have an average of 3.8 televisions and 3 cars instead of 3.2 televisions and 2.6 cars. Let's work on those first, then concentrate on the humanity.
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Old 07-19-2004, 11:55 AM   #155 (permalink)
Muck Fusic
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All very true. Except I'm only paying $1.87 for a gallon.
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Old 07-19-2004, 03:34 PM   #156 (permalink)
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Over here we pay close to $4 a gallon. I'd love to be able to fill my car up at American prices.
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Old 07-19-2004, 07:08 PM   #157 (permalink)
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What did you pay before the war? We have a had about an 80 cent increase since we announced our war on Iraq.
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Old 07-20-2004, 06:13 AM   #158 (permalink)
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Before the war we were paying $4 a gallon. We get shafted on fuel by our government as an incentive to not drive, but to use alternatives, like public transport. Of course, environmental concerns are something else that George W. doesn't give a monkeys about, but that's another story altogether.
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Old 07-20-2004, 10:21 AM   #159 (permalink)
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Yes, but all the other President's we have had made environment a main concern. [end sarcasm]
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Old 07-20-2004, 10:55 AM   #160 (permalink)
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He could've at least signed the Kyoto Treaty and then ignored it like the rest of them are going to do. Maybe he thought they were going to forge his signature and start using it to buy porn or something.
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