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Old 10-07-2005, 04:21 PM   #641 (permalink)
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Ok, I suppose I will add my two cents.

I'm older than most in this forum, and I have spent, easily, 20 years or better, searching for that 'something' that makes me feel as though I am living my life right. I begrudge no one their religious beliefs, and in my opinion, everyone has a right to be happy and fufilled, on the inside.

That being said, after years of searching, I have finally come to these conclusions:

All religious sects are man-made interpretations of the Bible. I'm not knocking it, simply stating that Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, etc., each have their own belief system, based on that one book. Whether it's good or bad, right or wrong, isn't for anyone to say.

The problem I have with that, though, is, the fear factor of relious beliefs. Each religion basically says, "Here is our way, if you don't live your life within the parameters of this system, you won't get into Heaven." I know most everyone says religion is about faith, but I wonder if people are so wrapped up in keeping their faith strong, that they fail to realize they're actually catering to the fears instilled in them as well. An underlying type of being bullied into living a certain way, or else.

My only other problem with religion, is the severe intolerance. "Your religion is wrong, and you're going to burn in Hell." I don't know what gives one person the right to tell another they're living their life wrong.

I will never dump on anyone because their faith, whatever it may be. All any person who follows a certain religion is doing is, ultimately, trying to be a better person, and there's nothing wrong with that. They want peace. Peace in their life, and peace in their heart.

Are there people who use religion corruptly? Absolutely. Religion, politics, heck, the local grocery chain, all have people who abuse their position. If you worry about that, you'll never attain your inner peace, because you will be letting others' actions taint your quest.

Now, getting to the gist of it, I have, in the last three years or so, found a modicum of peace through the Buddhist way of life. I am not a Buddhist, but I do believe a lot of what they say. Their belief is your soul is eternal, moving from one living being, to another, for all eternity. Now, I don't know if I so much believe that, but I do believe in Karma. The circle of life. If you are good, in your heart, and treat others with respect, and are tolerant, and respect others' choices, even if you don't necessarily believe then yourself, you will receive the same in return.

What I find most appealing about Buddhism, is the fact that they don't say "live like this". Their way is,"Here are the tools you need for inner peace. Find your path." They give you some ways of thinking, and what you do with it is your own choice.

Anyway, I have rambled long enough.
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Old 10-07-2005, 04:35 PM   #642 (permalink)
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^^ In the fourth paragraph, you were discussing denominations, not religions. And Christians aren't necessarily saying, Live your life this way. If you study the Jewish religion, you will realize how leniant Christians are, and how easy it would be to ask for forgiveness.

I understand how you find the Buddhist religion appealing. If I didn't believe in God, I would probably convert to that religion too.

I'm on my knees, and so are you
Unfortunately for the wrong reasons.

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Old 10-07-2005, 04:59 PM   #643 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jr.
Ok, I suppose I will add my two cents.

I'm older than most in this forum, and I have spent, easily, 20 years or better, searching for that 'something' that makes me feel as though I am living my life right. I begrudge no one their religious beliefs, and in my opinion, everyone has a right to be happy and fufilled, on the inside.
I think you will find you've answered your own question. The answer is there is no right or wrong way to live your life. I think if you can accept that, and that no one is perfect, then you are living life to the best of your ability.

If you are aiming to follow someone elses guidelines for a fulfilling life then you are shutting the door to a part of you, the part which would have determined how you would live your life with no instruction. This is what makes everyone unique. This is why you are your own system of belief. Sure you could look at a religion purely for research and intrigue but why try to be something we're not.
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Old 10-07-2005, 08:34 PM   #644 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ginny
^^ In the fourth paragraph, you were discussing denominations, not religions. And Christians aren't necessarily saying, Live your life this way. If you study the Jewish religion, you will realize how leniant Christians are, and how easy it would be to ask for forgiveness.

I understand how you find the Buddhist religion appealing. If I didn't believe in God, I would probably convert to that religion too.

You're correct, I should have said denominations, not religion.

As far as Christians saying 'Live your life this way', that wasn't meant in the literal sense. What I meant was, there are certain parameters each denomination tries to live within, you know? Which isn't a bad thing. However, they make it clear, that if you stray from these guidelines, you're dancing with the devil.

As far as believing in God, I don't know. I feel there must be some sort of Higher Being. I mean, all this couldn't be a random accident, could it? The simple matter of it all is, there is no one on earth who knows for sure. They can preach it, shout it, whatever. It's faith, not fact. That's just my opinion, though.

I should clarify, I am not a Buddhist. I simply buy into their was of thinking. It's the same with any other denomination. Although, I am not so sure Buddhism can be considered a religion, so much as it is a belief system. They don't worship Buddha. Buddha is their ideal, not their God.

Originally Posted by Merkaba
I think you will find you've answered your own question. The answer is there is no right or wrong way to live your life. I think if you can accept that, and that no one is perfect, then you are living life to the best of your ability.

If you are aiming to follow someone elses guidelines for a fulfilling life then you are shutting the door to a part of you, the part which would have determined how you would live your life with no instruction. This is what makes everyone unique. This is why you are your own system of belief. Sure you could look at a religion purely for research and intrigue but why try to be something we're not.
Oh, I know I've answered my own question. I am fully aware that my peace, my tranquility, my stillness and my quiet are all within me. That is the case for everyone. I have learned that I spent a lot of years looking outward for peace, when I had perfect calm and stillness inside the whole time.

Every person reading this has their own peace, already inside them. Your core is at peace. Trouble is, what is outside a person gets inside. It buries their peace. They don't feel it. It's there, but it's hidden under homework, their job, their bills, their relationships, etc, etc, etc. Outside is the saboteur of peace. Once you stop letting the outside taint your inside, close the door, so to speak, then you can begin the process of cleansing yourself.

You see that person coming, the one who always leaves you in a foul mood, who pushes your buttons. However, now, you listen to their complaints, or whatever, and you're conscious of the fact that you hear what they are saying, but it isn't affecting what's inside you. Your peace, your calm remain intact. Then the person walks away, and you are just as calm as you were when they walked up. It's very gratifying, spiritaully, to know that no one has control over your emotions but you.

But it is work. I didn't come by this overnight. As with anything worth having, it takes time and devotion.
Be strong then, and enter into your own body;
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:37 PM   #645 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merkaba
Thats the kind of thinking that puts me off religion. The first part completely contradicts the second. You say if everyone followed a Jesus there would be less pricks. Okay I get that. But now you go onto talk about social superiority, which is hypocritical, because by calling non-believers pricks you are attempting to say you are socially superior.

You are, therefore, not a decent person. Are you?
Re-read what I wrote. If im going to fight you on this, I want you to make damn sure you know what your in for.
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:39 PM   #646 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thrice
Whoa stated previously. MANY, as in not all.
and im definently open to your explinations, thanks for your info.
Why am I a clown?
I've moved to a new address
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:50 PM   #647 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Why am I a clown?
Because you made me laugh.
As do clowns.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:59 PM   #648 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Re-read what I wrote. If im going to fight you on this, I want you to make damn sure you know what your in for.
If I wanted a fight I would have sunk a little lower and sworn at you

A debate at the most maybe. No but seriously, you state there would be less dickheads if we all followed. Correct?

Next, you state you dislike those who use religion to act superior to others in society. Correct?

What I gather from that is irony. You're religous aren't you? So as a follower you are saying, from what you have experienced, that there would be less pricks if they followed what you follow. But in saying that are you not acting socially superior yourself? Which is what you hate.

Please tell me why I am wrong, or which part I have misinterpreted.
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Old 10-07-2005, 10:06 PM   #649 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thrice
I commonly ask the same type of question "so are you like, really hard out into it?" because i dont understand how many can follow the commandment and believe, yet be so hypocritical outside the church. I feel that if one is a true believer, they will follow the commandments, and live as a direct representative of the God they worship.
P.S. What happened to miracles? Jesus walking on water, moses and the Red Sea? When did all this stop? Why does God not perform modern day miracles.
It depends really, whether you have studied the religion, or whether you follow the bible and churches teachings. Another thing I think is important is not how often you attend church, but whether you have an actual connection with God, a personal relationship. That's what I have, I communicate with God in my own way, and it works for me!

If people could ask about your faith in a more, intelligent way, then maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal. For example: "How do you follow the Catholic faith?" You can't measure how "hard out" you follow it.
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Old 10-07-2005, 10:16 PM   #650 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by davidMC1982
"Real" men say what they think, not what they perceive people want them to say. "Real" men are secure enough in themselves to accept a woman can be better than them (I'm a racing driver and have been beaten by a particular woman several times, it pi$$es me off as much as being beaten by anyone else, but one the day, she was better). More importantly, a "real" man loves Steak and Guiness pie.

One opinion won't really define it for me, as I don't think there is such a thing as a real man.

I remember reading a comment about if you don't follow a certain religion, then you will not get into heaven. But I ask everyone, do you believe in heaven? Do you believe in it and not follow a Christian faith, or any faith for that matter?
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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