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Old 10-07-2005, 02:36 AM   #631 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
you're not a real man. real men don't say women are better than them.
"Real" men say what they think, not what they perceive people want them to say. "Real" men are secure enough in themselves to accept a woman can be better than them (I'm a racing driver and have been beaten by a particular woman several times, it pi$$es me off as much as being beaten by anyone else, but one the day, she was better). More importantly, a "real" man loves Steak and Guiness pie.

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Old 10-07-2005, 04:28 AM   #632 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oojay
do u believe in reincarnation? just curious.
no. think we get born, work all our lifes, get dumped a couple times, then die.
formerly ledzeppelinrulz.

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Old 10-07-2005, 06:08 AM   #633 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by xEmochicKx
religion contradicts itself
If were good we go to heaven and if were bad we go to hell,but what happenned to being forgiven for all our sins?
You have to ask for forgiveness. You just can't automatically think He's going to forgive you. It's like a computer. If you don't push down a key on your keyboard, is the computer going to respond by automatically knowing what you are thinking?

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Old 10-07-2005, 09:14 AM   #634 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ginny
You have to ask for forgiveness. You just can't automatically think He's going to forgive you. It's like a computer. If you don't push down a key on your keyboard, is the computer going to respond by automatically knowing what you are thinking?
Ooh, I quite like the way you put that.

BUt, yeah.
If you really want forgiveness you need to ask for it, and mean it and believe in the person you're talking to.
Believe that they will actually forgive you.
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Old 10-07-2005, 01:02 PM   #635 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by covle
what i initially meant was that the concept of christianity is made up.
Emperor Constantine of the roman empire is known to have construacted it. the ancent world was dominated by the pagan religious "mysteries". as the christian fairht was rising and the pagan world was shrinking constantine made christianity the official roman emprire religion. but the pagans wouldnt just switch religiongs, obviously. so the two were combined. for example halo's were the pagan sundiscs, sunday was the religious day of resting, whereas initially the christians sabbath was a saturday. etc ertc
but the jesus story is a myth. the pagans had similar religious "god-men" that died and were resurrected. the greeks called him dionysus, egyptions osiris, syrians adonis etc etc.
he was also a wonderchild born of god to a virgin mother, who was killed in differing but basically the same ways, hung, didmembered, everything. their birthdays were december 25th, celebrated a festival very similar to easter at the same time...etcetc
i was just wondering what modern christians thought or knew of all this, that christianity is not the revolutionary religion it claims to be, its not even original
not only did you not prove your point but you've made yourself look ridiculous, Constantine made up Christianity?! the only thing he did was declare it one of the official religions of the roman empire under the increased pressure because it was a religion that was expanding like no other before it and was becoming a very powerful factor in roman society ( he himself was not a Christian, as far as i remember ), the concept of Christianity was very original, and so were the teachings of Jesus, especially when you consider the surroundings in which they were born ( Judaism and paganism), the concept to turn the other cheek and love everyone like you love yourself, that every creature is equal in the eyes of God was incredibly revolutional ( and that's why many people, even the ones that don't believe Jesus was God, think of him as a revolutionary who's ideas and teachings eventually got him killed)
i don't know what your point is with the original sunday being a Sabbath ( duh, the first Christians were Jews ), and as far as i know they changed the day so they can be differentiated from the Jews, and it was/is proven that Jesus was a historical person and actually existed by numerous sources....
and i don't know what's the purpose in mentioning the dates of Christian holidays, everyone knows that Jesus was probably not born on the 25th of december, those dates are a construction of mankind and their only purpose is that on one day in a year we remember the birth of Jesus or his resurrection, and everyone knows that with all the changes in the calendar, even if Jesus was born on the 25th of december, that date doesn't correspond with today's 25th of decembre and this, in fact, is probably not 2004th year after the birth of Jesus....
i suggest you read the new testament and the wonderful messages Jesus had for all mankind and stop paying attention to insignificant things such as the random similarities between Christianity and other religions...this world would be paradise if everyone lived according to His teachings...
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 10-07-2005, 02:05 PM   #636 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by inside_out
Ooh, I quite like the way you put that.
the way she put that was quite wrong, though
cause god knows what we're thinking
computers don't


and if you don't believe in god and stuff, then why bother thinking about it and discuss it as if you wanna look superior than those who do believe?!

talk about things you do care about, will ya?

(that was for those who don't believe, in general)
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Old 10-07-2005, 02:35 PM   #637 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by davidMC1982
More importantly, a "real" man loves Steak and Guiness pie.


and there are some girl XC runners faster than me. only 6 in the nation but whateva. point being women and men aren't comaprable and yet you said that they were.

covle, you're integration of religion is partially true. But much of it (halo's) is dogma, stuff that isn't stated in the bible (christ's birth date) but is decided upon by a council of supposedly wise elders.

December 25th was chosen to combat the worship of the Winter Solstice. yay. many knew that already. not dissproving anything about Christ or his message. only the dogma that man took it upon himself to invent.

by the way, just saw your post adidass: good man.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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Old 10-07-2005, 03:25 PM   #638 (permalink)
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I commonly ask the same type of question "so are you like, really hard out into it?" because i dont understand how many can follow the commandment and believe, yet be so hypocritical outside the church.

Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Thats prejudicial and ****ing dumb to assume that everyone who's "religeous" is hypocritical.

As far as your latter question, your going to need to do your own research. I have an ugly feeling you'll attempt to refute my every explination and then constantly ask more questions. The plauges are determined to be natural occurances that just happened to befall Egypt the year the "plauges existed." They all happen to a lesser degree (or at least did), that year they just happened to be exponential. Was that God's doing? Up to you.

Healings were all done the way Jesus did them, placing hands on people were the practices of tribes shaman. Did Jesus's healings work better, up to you.

To me it doesn't matter if you believe Jesus was real or ficitonal, he's someone to attempt to follow. If everyone tried, there would be far less pricks. I'm on board for that. And for people who use religeon as another stepping stone to prove their social superiority to others, well there not really religeous, they just tack another think onto their social resume like their applying for college, they aren't representitive of any religeon and they aren't decent people.
Whoa stated previously. MANY, as in not all.
and im definently open to your explinations, thanks for your info.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 10-07-2005, 03:57 PM   #639 (permalink)
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I'm Roman Catholic, and thats sayin alot considering most kids my age dont really care what religion they are. but even if you dont believe in religion, you should still have faith in things. without faith, your life is basiclly meaningless. All God wants you to do is be cool to each other, and have some respect. all these Lutheren First Christ Church of Latter Day Apostles of Aramea's are just complicating that simple message.

so no, you dont have to believe in religion, but be cool to each other and respect each others choices, instead of hatin on them.
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Old 10-07-2005, 04:07 PM   #640 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blackTshirt
the way she put that was quite wrong, though
cause god knows what we're thinking
computers don't
Well then I will use another metaphor. Sometimes my parents know what I really want sometimes because I talk about it a lot. But they won't get the thing I want for me until I ask for it. It's an unselfish way to show humility and that they are more superior than you because you obviously can't get it and give it to yourself.

God knows if we want forgiveness. But you have to show humility and ask for his help. If not we would be selfish.

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