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Old 06-07-2004, 04:49 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Alejo, I wasn't saying that the government wasn't already spending money on social programs and education. I was merely stating how untrue your statement was when you said "anyone who wants be be educated can be." having said that, think about how much good it would do if the government hadn't gone to iraq. Think about how that money could have been spent. Maybe improving Bush's "no child left behind" prgram, which is a f***ing joke. More money spent on health care facilities, better housing in urban areas, you name it. There are countless other programs that need more money than they are currently receiving, but they are being ignored because of all the money tied up in the war. That's what my point was.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

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Old 06-07-2004, 04:55 PM   #82 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber
Alejo, I wasn't saying that the government wasn't already spending money on social programs and education. I was merely stating how untrue your statement was when you said "anyone who wants be be educated can be." having said that, think about how much good it would do if the government hadn't gone to iraq. Think about how that money could have been spent. Maybe improving Bush's "no child left behind" prgram, which is a f***ing joke. More money spent on health care facilities, better housing in urban areas, you name it. There are countless other programs that need more money than they are currently receiving, but they are being ignored because of all the money tied up in the war. That's what my point was.
Hmm, I think you should read through my post. We have much in common.
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Old 06-07-2004, 05:03 PM   #83 (permalink)
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^ I just read though it, and I'd like to make a few other points. Alejo, you're statements on the education system show how closed you are to the outside world. By that I mean you clearly aren't in tune to the challenges that face hundreds and thousdands of people in your country, and all around the world. Maybe do some volunteer work with kids in inner city areas, trust me, you will be shocked at how little these people have. After that maybe you will realize how difficult it is for them to make a better lives for themselves. Night school costs money, that they don't have. Scholarships are extremely difficult to get, as is financial aid. Student loans are even harder, because if you don't have a good credit rating, forget it. One more thing, I find it funny that you are commenting on how muh taxes YOU pay, I seriously doubt that any of your mony is going to the government, seeing as how you are still too young to vote. A more accurate statement would be that your parents don't pay much.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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Old 06-07-2004, 05:21 PM   #84 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber
^ I just read though it, and I'd like to make a few other points. Alejo, you're statements on the education system show how closed you are to the outside world. By that I mean you clearly aren't in tune to the challenges that face hundreds and thousdands of people in your country, and all around the world. Maybe do some volunteer work with kids in inner city areas, trust me, you will be shocked at how little these people have. After that maybe you will realize how difficult it is for them to make a better lives for themselves. Night school costs money, that they don't have. Scholarships are extremely difficult to get, as is financial aid. Student loans are even harder, because if you don't have a good credit rating, forget it. One more thing, I find it funny that you are commenting on how muh taxes YOU pay, I seriously doubt that any of your mony is going to the government, seeing as how you are still too young to vote. A more accurate statement would be that your parents don't pay much.
Good point.

I had to be moved from foster parents to foster parents until I got a place at a school. This mean't (alongside an hour of crying each day) that I had to move every month for 5 months. That was just not fun, the current system is such a shambles.
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Old 06-09-2004, 03:53 PM   #85 (permalink)
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Maybe do some volunteer work with kids in inner city areas
I live next to Portsmouth and my high school has done a lot of volunteering over there. But once again, thanks for telling me how inner cities in the country I live in are. [end sarcasm] Education is even available in Richmond, basically a slum. It's the desire to get education that isn't there. Kids think they can fly by with out it, and don't strive for that education. Then when they grow up they act like leaches and want the government to give them everything.

You changed your post because you realised that you're a dumb **** that doesn't do his research before he opens his big wide mouth.
I changed my post within 5 minutes of posting it. I made my post, and then figured I'd go checkin through the website. Once I noticed the information, I changed it. I bet you looked at every single word on that site, maybe we'll give quizzes.

The majority of us here probably aren't even old enough to vote. I'm not. But I will when I am old enough.
That explains your ignorance.

It's the entire cost of war. Bombs, ships, tanks, missles, ammo, men, food, diesel, water, aviation fuel, uranium rods, grenades, clothing, armor, nightvision, power generators, trucks, maintenance, explosives, etc. etc. etc.
Wow numbnuts, you are on a roll. If you cared to read my post, I asked if it was in addition to normal military spending or added on to what we normally spend. We already spend for rations, missiles, men, ammo, ship repairs, bombs, etc. each year. I'm guessing the total is combined to normal military spending.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the taxes are based on how well off you are - so that the poor don't pay as much in taxes as the wealthy. So what you are actually insinuating here (intended or not) is that we're probably poor.
Well I wasn't, but you can take it that way if you want. I'm saying that YOU, not your parents, probably don't pay any taxes. And if you do, it's not much. Taxes are based on your income, which seems to make sense when President Bush wants to give the upper majority a tax cut, since they pay more taxes than everyone else. (stats show top 5% of wealthy people pay 90% of US taxes)

It's not what he's done, it's what he hasn't done that bush has, and what he doesn't like about bush that we don't like. We feel solidarity with the guy because he considers Bush to be a total moron.
I never heard him say he considers Bush to be a moron. And voting in someone who you know very little about isn't very smart is it? But I guess you probably know tons of stuff about him.

I don't see what's wrong with the government giving money to parents that cannot leave home to go to work but need the money to support themselves. It's known as childcare benefits and it's already in existance.
It encourages parents to take the most time available after a pregnancy. I can understand a mom staying at home with a newborn for a year. But when the time comes, you have to get a job. Get a babysitter if you must. America was founded on opportunity, and it seems like nowadays, most people don't even look for the opportunity. They want the government to do everything for them. There is a lot with paying parents money to stay at home.

Yes because there is not enough being spent on it. They could do the job they need to if more money was put into it, and this is what people do not realise. Simply pumping some random figure into a goverment sector or independant research foundation is not good enough, the goverment need to meet their demands for funding.
So if there was an increase in taxes, based on the lower to middle classes (since they pay the least income tax and most likely property tax) that resulted in the increase of funding to these research projects, would you complain? Probably, and that's why they don't get funded. People want them to be funded, but don't want to spend the cash.

It's amazing how you people know so much about public education in our schools. If people truly wanted educations and our public schools "suck" as you make them out to be, why not take out a loan and get private education. Probably because people leach on the government for everything. Public schools are not ONLY funded by national gov't...but also by the state government, yet I don't hear anybody complaining that their GOVERNOR or SENATOR is a problem. Trying to direct blame on someone for a certain reason?
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 06-09-2004, 04:50 PM   #86 (permalink)
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I got the other retarded bush as my state senator
Whos better than Thrice...

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Old 06-09-2004, 07:39 PM   #87 (permalink)
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You also live in a state full of retarded people who don't know how to use a ballot.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 06-09-2004, 07:58 PM   #88 (permalink)
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so lol tahts cuz we have so many damn old ppl
Whos better than Thrice...

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Old 06-09-2004, 08:19 PM   #89 (permalink)
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This will be fun. I'm gunna quote you to death.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I live next to Portsmouth
Poor you.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
and my high school
Ah yes, you're still in high school, and you're not old enough to drink yet, not old enough to pay taxes, and not old enough to vote. Lets hold on to those facts shall we?

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
has done a lot of volunteering over there.
I seriously doubt that.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
But once again, thanks for telling me how inner cities in the country I live in are. [end sarcasm]
Inner cities have nothing to do with it. It's actually getting access to these schools - many of them are full or understaffed and can't take on new pupils - and the parents cannot afford to move to somewhere else to try different schools.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Education is even available in Richmond, basically a slum. It's the desire to get education that isn't there. Kids think they can fly by with out it, and don't strive for that education. Then when they grow up they act like leaches and want the government to give them everything.
You have a very prejudiced opinion on this, probably based on your experiences with just one or two people. There is no such thing as a "kid thinking". Kids don't "think" in a way that can be compaired to adults - there is no single NORMAL kid that finds school enjoyable. They'd all rather turn planet earth into chocolate and spend the rest of their days eating it.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I changed my post within 5 minutes of posting it. I made my post, and then figured I'd go checkin through the website.
Oh yeah, you "figured" didn't you. God it took you an entire five minutes to realise that maybe you should've checked through the whole website BEFORE you started talking a load of bull.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Once I noticed the information, I changed it. I bet you looked at every single word on that site, maybe we'll give quizzes.
I didn't look at every single word on that site, but I did check that they were getting their information from credible sources. You didn't, and it took you five minutes to realise it would be a good idea - perhaps you need quizzes to smarten you up a little.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
That explains your ignorance.
MY ignorance? LOL! That is an ignorant statement in itself. I find it interesting that you consider being old enough to vote to be synonymous with "not being ignorant". May I remind you that YOU are also not old enough to vote, since you are still in HIGH SCHOOL. Yeah, you remember that? Well that's why I held on to it buddy.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Wow numbnuts, you are on a roll.
LOL. The only roll I'm on is proving that in fact YOU are the only numbnuts around here.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
If you cared to read my post, I asked if it was in addition to normal military spending or added on to what we normally spend.
I did read your post, and that does NOT make sense. WTF is "normal military spending" supposed to be? What do you mean by "added on"? What exactly do you imagine would be "added on" to the cost of war, and cost THAT much? The price of the chemical cleaner they put in the porta-potties?

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
We already spend for rations, missiles, men, ammo, ship repairs, bombs, etc. each year.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I'm guessing the total is combined to normal military spending.
Oh yeah, you're guessing that are you? It doesn't even make sense! "the total is combined to normal military spending". No it's not dumbass, the total IS the normal military spending. The clue is in the name "Cost of war" dip****.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Well I wasn't, but you can take it that way if you want.
In case you haven't noticed, I wasn't "taking it that way" or any other way. I was being something called objective, a mode that your primtive systems are unable to execute, cackhead. (Hehee, this is fun)

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I'm saying that YOU, not your parents,
Oh. My. God.

I'm an orphan, that means I don't have parents.

Man, you should work for the American military intelligence, they'd welcome you like a brother.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
probably don't pay any taxes.
Not in the "billed" sense no.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
And if you do, it's not much.
You either pay taxes or you don't. I hope that when the day comes, I won't be so poor that my tax is in minus figures.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
(stats show top 5% of wealthy people pay 90% of US taxes)
Did you know that there have been fraud investigations on companies that advertise statistics? This is because over 50% of all statistics and percentages are made up on the spot, because they have a psychological effect that door to door salesment have been using to win people over for years and years.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I never heard him say he considers Bush to be a moron.
Aside from the thought of someone as ignorant as you actually listening to politicians being FUNNY AS HELL... LOL, I will add that I never said that he said "he considers bush to be a moron". I think it is rather obvious that Kerry thinks Bush is a moron - the only other explaination is that he is being opportunistic. Bush was the same, he pressed all the USAs buttons to get elected, then once he was elected he did stuff that US citizens disagreed with.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
And voting in someone who you know very little about isn't very smart is it?
I'm not old enough to vote - but I gaurantee you that nobody in their right minds votes because they "know a lot about someone". I'd vote for kerry because he's more intelligent than president Bush, and realises that blowing up Iraq is less important than running the country properly.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
But I guess you probably know tons of stuff about him.
WHAT the HELL, has knowing "tons of stuff about him" got to do with it? I'll vote for him because he's less of an idiot than bush, not because I know more about him than the perverted madmen that stalk his motorcade.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
It encourages parents to take the most time available after a pregnancy.
No it allows mothers to stay at home and raise their children.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I can understand a mom staying at home with a newborn for a year.
No you can't. Don't lie. You don't have the brain capacity to "understand".

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
But when the time comes, you have to get a job. Get a babysitter if you must.
LOL I love this statement. "Get a babysitter if you must." LOL, well what the **** else will you do eh? Just leave the kid at home to fend for itself?

And what kind of substitute is a babysitter for a mom? The child needs to be raised by his or her REAL parents, and grow up around their love - and if you can't see the importance of that, then you're definately not fit to have children.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
America was founded on opportunity, and it seems like nowadays, most people don't even look for the opportunity. They want the government to do everything for them. There is a lot with paying parents money to stay at home.
America was founded because our ancestors were greedy, money hungry, arrogant snobs. They'd taken the land by force, and now they wanted to call it their own. Doesn't look like much has changed after all these years.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
So if there was an increase in taxes, based on the lower to middle classes (since they pay the least income tax and most likely property tax) that resulted in the increase of funding to these research projects, would you complain?
Yes. Poor people can only pay so much in taxes, then there is a breaking point where they will only get poorer and poorer. Taxes do not need to be increased to fund research projects, America just needs to stop pillaging middle-eastern countries.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Probably, and that's why they don't get funded. People want them to be funded, but don't want to spend the cash.
No, I'll tell you what "people want". People want to keep a roof over their head, they want to feed themselves and their children, they want their family to live in a healthy environment, they want to be able to LIVE a life that is more than just scraping a living so that they can support themselves.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
It's amazing how you people know so much about public education in our schools.
Is it really that amazing?

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
If people truly wanted educations and our public schools "suck" as you make them out to be, why not take out a loan and get private education.
Because if they can't even move to an area where their kids can get a public education, then they are hardly in a position to take out a loan.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Probably because people leach on the government for everything.
No they do not.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Public schools are not ONLY funded by national gov't...but also by the state government, yet I don't hear anybody complaining that their GOVERNOR or SENATOR is a problem.
Then you probably don't get out much, or don't talk to many adults. People complain about governors all the time. Complaining about presidential administrations is not the be all and end all.

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Trying to direct blame on someone for a certain reason?
I assure you I am not directing any blame. Nor is anyone else. We complain to and about those who are responsible for whatever it is we are displeased with. If it is our fault then the majority of us are intelligent enough to accept it. Are you?
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Old 06-09-2004, 08:53 PM   #90 (permalink)
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^ wow ripped that post apart. once again I'm getting tired of debating this topic. After a while, we just have to realize that this debate will never come to any conclusion, and it gets to a point where I feel as if I'm debating with a brick wall. So I'm off to go write angry letters to the government blaming them for the shortcomings of my peers when it's clearly their fault. After that I plan to hold a rally against the war, where i'll pull facts out of my @ss and argue solely based on my own personal prejudices against Bush.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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