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Old 05-29-2004, 01:17 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by brokenheartsandfallenhero
Ok alejo you cant criticize Iraq for housing terrorists unless you can tell me one country that doesn't, and please dont say America, I dont like laughing so hard that I vomit!!
LOL, thats so great dude. Hates down for u. Exactly, you cant say what you said alejo. Even Canada harbors terrorist.
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Old 05-29-2004, 07:22 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Even Canada harbors terrorist.
I would have no problem bombing Canada. TIC. All countries do have problems with harboring terrorist. The problem is when countries, often Middle Eastern, support the terrorists and don't really mind them in their countries. They provide them with goods, and help them out. Your trying to twist words again. You guys all hopped aboard the "anybody but bush" bandwagon, which is fine. Most of you are probably not even old enough to vote, so it doesn't matter. Others are probably going on the opinions of their parents. My parents are democrats, but that's not what I go by. The thing is, I gurantee if a Republican President (other than Bush) did not go into Iraq, you guys would be complaining about how he is making a mistake. Again, the ends will justify the means.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 05-29-2004, 10:04 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I would have no problem bombing Canada. TIC. All countries do have problems with harboring terrorist. The problem is when countries, often Middle Eastern, support the terrorists and don't really mind them in their countries. They provide them with goods, and help them out. Your trying to twist words again. You guys all hopped aboard the "anybody but bush" bandwagon, which is fine. Most of you are probably not even old enough to vote, so it doesn't matter. Others are probably going on the opinions of their parents. My parents are democrats, but that's not what I go by. The thing is, I gurantee if a Republican President (other than Bush) did not go into Iraq, you guys would be complaining about how he is making a mistake. Again, the ends will justify the means.
I am almost out of energy because of how much info it takes to make u understand. First of all, about bombing Canada, your an idiot if you have no problem bombing any country. Shut up if you going to be stereotypical, ruthless, or/and ignorant. I am not twisting words, you are. Just because you dont make sense and dont support things with much facts doesnt mean we are trying to change what you say and even if we do, its a great debating strategy to spin things. Anything but Bush, no obviously not, I dont want no Saddam ruling me, but I am not stupid or a sheep and I dont want no dumb ass ruling me either (hence Bush). I am old enough to vote, but I wouldnt because I am not American, but live here anyways. Opinions of my parents, of course not. I am a radical socialist, my parents are on the otherside of the fence. Republicans are fundamentally wrong, but I dont mind the smaller gov. thing, I just dont think its the right time to evolve to something better like that. To have anarchy, if its possible, you need to come and start on a common ground of equality. Destroy the master, thats the opposite of American capitalist with the corporate elite. I am probably not going to post any more because your just plain stupid. I dont even read all my posts because they contain so many facts that they hurt your hardheaded head, lol. Later.
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Old 05-30-2004, 10:56 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Arrrg alejo man dont you get it there are more types of terrorism than just the kind you see on CNN every night political terrorism is thriving and supported right here in America bro I mean come on open up your eyes and we have supported radical terrorism in the past too, John Brown is all I need to say about that! And dont you dare say that I would be complaining if we didnt go to Iraq I am not some dumbass who just protests for the sake of protesting I have beliefs that arent mass produced it is really something you should look into!!!!!!
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Old 05-31-2004, 04:37 PM   #55 (permalink)
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First of all, about bombing Canada, your an idiot if you have no problem bombing any country. Shut up if you going to be stereotypical, ruthless, or/and ignorant.
Sorry, I'm used to posting on other boards. TIC is the same as just kidding. So calm down. Brokenhearts, I was trying to make sense of your post, but it all just ran together, no periods or anything, and I didn't know where you wanted me to place them, so I'll just pretend I never saw it.

Republicans are fundamentally wrong
So at least you admit that you were probably gonna go against anything Bush did in the first place. It's people like you that are so BIASED against ideas that piss me the **** off.

Shadowsniper, you said I am "hardheaded". Yeah, I'm sure you are old enough to vote, last time I heard that one was probably in elementary school. "Anarchy" is a great mother ****ing idea. You dult, you had good facts until you start bringing that stuff up. You said you are almost out of energy, well I AM out of energy, it's like talking politics with my dog.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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Old 05-31-2004, 06:22 PM   #56 (permalink)
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whoa whoa whoa cowboy lets slow down there!!!! You are obviously just set in place as strong as any of us so lets not go accusing others of being dumb because they dont listen to what we have to say.
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Old 05-31-2004, 09:55 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
God, I try to avoid this but I can't.

You say that America holds a great deal of shares of the oil why would we attack Iraq for more oil? The whole oil part of things is what pisses me off. In the end, if we don't turn the oil wells back over to Iraqi companies than I will talk of my mistake, until then, it's a hushed topic.

Second, I truly don't see how any AMERICAN can have sympathy for the Iraqis. The same Iraqis who were dancing in the streets of Baghdad after the 9/11 bombings. Remember, that was the act of war which got everything started. But I guess that is Bush's fault for not jumping in front of the plant?

Third, you guys jump on my back like I'm a Bush fanatic. I truly don't think his presidency is a great one. But when I look on things, I can say that I believe he has handled things better than (in my opinion) Kerry, Gore, or even Nader would have. The one thing people need to notice, Terrorism is not a Crime, It is an Act of War. Gore would treat it like crime, just as Kerry would, arresting those who did it and punishing them. What Bush has done, and what you might disagree with, is that he has put the Terrorists on the defensive. Anyone see terrorist attacks on US Soil recently? No, they have the terrorists trying to protect themselves.

I agree, it is hard to see how everything is going now, and eventually we will see when everything "pans out" in the end. I don't think you can judge the actions of Bush now, but much later down (15-20 or so years). I'm gonna try my hardest not post again, because I can see this as you not wanting to change your point of view, and me not willing to change mine.
I've been trying to stay out of this, because it's really pretty exhausting feeding you verible fact after verible fact and have you either completely ignore them or fail to undertsand the importance of meaning behind them, but I'll try one last time. US corporations have a HUGE number of shares in the oil business in Saudi Arabia, and recieves a HUGE amount of its oil supply from there as well (I wont say the majority, because the majority of the US's oil supply actually comes from Canada, surprise surprise, you learn something new every day). However, the United States is one of those countries in perpetual want of more income, and more control, meaning they (and by they I am refering to many administrations, not just Bush) will often go to great lengths to secure shares in the major industries of many other nations. The reason the US would want more control over the world's oil supply is simply this, because we (and by we I mean the developed world as a whole, Canada included, but the US is the worst in the group) are a pretty spoiled and greedy culture. 1/5 of the world's population is using up 4/5 of the worlds energy supplies, and the majority of that is used up by the US, and don't even try to say it's because you need more of it to support your population, that argument just doesn't wash, if you need an explanation why, ask for it and I'll give it to you, not right now though. Your second point, beides being a snide remark and most likely a hidden message for "foreigners" to keep out of american politics (judging by AMERICANS being emphasized) was completely ignorant and stereotypical. No one in the free world has any feelings of sympathy whatsoever for the animals who paraded the US soldier's bodies through the streets, or celebrated the deaths of innocent americans, but those people are not the majority of iraqi's. The majority of iraqi's are caught up in a devastating and extremely violent war i which they had nothing to do with, the majority of iraqi's are innocent civilians forced to live their lives in terror over reasons for which there was no evidence nor verifyable support. These are the people that I have a great deal of sympathy for, and if you can't find any compassion for them within yourself, well then I feel truly sorry for you as well, you must lead a pretty bleak life. Your analyzation of the war on terror isn't too bad, except for one all important fact, Iraq had nothing, I repeat NOTHING to do with terrorist attacks on the United States, nor did it pose a threat in the future. I really feel sorry for the people who refuse to open their minds and realize that what Bush is doing is using fear as a campaign tool against his opponents. He has been creating false threats and false enemies in order to install mass hysteria and a consuming fear that if any other president is elected, the United States will face a sort of terrorist induced armageddon, which is utter lies. I doubt I will be posting much more in this thread, because I have argued my points with actual relative facts, and I have come to the conclusion that you are unable to give them a fair look, so it is basically useless. All I can hope is that by the time you are old enough to vote, you will have learned to open your mind enough to challenge your own opinions as often if not more often than the opinions of others.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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Old 05-31-2004, 10:00 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Sorry, I'm used to posting on other boards. TIC is the same as just kidding. So calm down. Brokenhearts, I was trying to make sense of your post, but it all just ran together, no periods or anything, and I didn't know where you wanted me to place them, so I'll just pretend I never saw it.

So at least you admit that you were probably gonna go against anything Bush did in the first place. It's people like you that are so BIASED against ideas that piss me the **** off.

Shadowsniper, you said I am "hardheaded". Yeah, I'm sure you are old enough to vote, last time I heard that one was probably in elementary school. "Anarchy" is a great mother ****ing idea. You dult, you had good facts until you start bringing that stuff up. You said you are almost out of energy, well I AM out of energy, it's like talking politics with my dog.
I didnt know what TIC ment, so thankx. Biased? Everyone is, I tell it like it is though, I dont hide anything. Yes I think Republicans are fundamentally wrong, read what I said though and the reasons. Its explainable and I explained. So why am I biased? Because I explain why I believe something, dont really get how I am biased? Its not like your more of an angel with you thinking most Arabs are terrorist or that Iraq had WMD and that they supported Terrorism. Well good for you if you heard that in elementary school, instead of trying to think your the oldest one here, why dont you try to show that your the most mature here and the one who has the most wisdom and are actually knowledgable. I of course write like an elementary kid, maybe even a middle schooler. Please, I am in College. Stop trying to think your the biggest and baddest here. Republicans are going towards anarchy more so than a democrat, keep that in mind! I didnt say it was possible to have anarchy, I just said that it would be awesome if such a system would efficiently work. So your saying, you would rather have someone tell you what to do compared to someone not telling you what to do and leaving you live your life. Doesnt make sense to me, but ok. There is 2 extremes, anarchy and dictatorship of any type. Democracy is almost inbetween. Its dictatorship of the majority. I dont get your point... Your saying freedom that anarchy gives is not wanted? Even if you could take out the negative attached to it? Ok, believe that it cant happen is not the same as wanting some of the traites that anarchy gives. Dude, stop being such a conservative that when you hear the word communism or anarchy that u piss your pants and want to cry murder. Want to repeat the red scare? You would probably be one of those in New England accusing others of being witches.

I am glad your dog has such a nice vocabulary and higher intelligence that compares to mine. Thats cool, I wish I could buy one of those. Insults wont get you any where on here. Just makes you look childish. What ever though...
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Old 05-31-2004, 10:59 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Ok you guys lets lay it out like this; Bush has proven to be nothing but a war hungry redneck that could care less what the common man thinks of him, as all republicans often do. He has done nothing for our economy and has only further isolated America from its counterparts in the middle east as well as other parts of the world. In retrospect Clinton did wonders for our economy but represented America in a less than favorable way. What I am trying to say is that when Alejo said that we would protest no matter what I think he was right in a way. He should have said that AMERICA would protest no matter what, but is it really our fault NO! It is our crappy leadership that has weakened our faith not only in government but also in our country. America has always been two faced no matter what party is in office, for example the Korean Conflict and Vietnam were both UN wars and both wars to end communism, but why is it that we didn't attack communism at its source but instead went after small factions in these countries? Because there were Russian leaders in command of the UN both times, we were taking commands from russians while fighting communism, now isnt that a little strange. As long as we allow our children to be dumbed down by our "great" public edu system, that Bush has contributed to, we will always be controlled by a crap government. But if we take action and educate ourselves on how an actual government should be run and how ours HAS been run then we wouldn't be debating this topic right now, so please people get a little background history before you debate and dont just take a side because that was what granpappy did!!!!!
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Old 05-31-2004, 11:27 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by brokenheartsandfallenhero
Ok you guys lets lay it out like this; Bush has proven to be nothing but a war hungry redneck that could care less what the common man thinks of him, as all republicans often do. He has done nothing for our economy and has only further isolated America from its counterparts in the middle east as well as other parts of the world. In retrospect Clinton did wonders for our economy but represented America in a less than favorable way. What I am trying to say is that when Alejo said that we would protest no matter what I think he was right in a way. He should have said that AMERICA would protest no matter what, but is it really our fault NO! It is our crappy leadership that has weakened our faith not only in government but also in our country. America has always been two faced no matter what party is in office, for example the Korean Conflict and Vietnam were both UN wars and both wars to end communism, but why is it that we didn't attack communism at its source but instead went after small factions in these countries? Because there were Russian leaders in command of the UN both times, we were taking commands from russians while fighting communism, now isnt that a little strange. As long as we allow our children to be dumbed down by our "great" public edu system, that Bush has contributed to, we will always be controlled by a crap government. But if we take action and educate ourselves on how an actual government should be run and how ours HAS been run then we wouldn't be debating this topic right now, so please people get a little background history before you debate and dont just take a side because that was what granpappy did!!!!!
Omg dude, you didnt just say that. I had some honor for you, but now you just lost it all. Are you tyring to say there are conspiracies? LoL, if there was any other factor why we didnt attack the USSR it would of been found by now by smarter people than all of us. Did you just for get about nuclear war? Yeah, lets just go throw our soldiers on foreign land called the USSR and expect them to win. Especially after Napoleon lost and Hitler. Lets not be stupid, the reason we attacked Vietnam was not because the UN told us! The French were there and they quit because America wouldnt help, but then the US comes in with guns blazing trying to impress the world and showing the French how it should be done. Korea was a UN war, but under an American general. He was also fired because he was crazy enough to almost go to war against not only China but the USSR all at once. He wanted to show the communist their "lesson". You know what, if we are so democratic, why dont we respect the decisions of others to have what type of government they want instead of us impossing democracy on them. It is always our fault, because we dont try to change and we vote for the lesser of 2 evils instead of the one we truely wish to vote for. We could reform our democratic process to be much better, but we dont. This debate is one sided because one side only appears to make sense, dont try to be the little middle man asking for peace and consessions from both sides, only one side has proven knowledgable and the other not. If your going to add to this debate, add some interesting facts, not some little unrecognized irrelevant facts. Anyways, peace for tonight, its late.
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