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Urban Hat€monger ? 10-06-2006 12:08 PM

Who was stereotyping?

I was just going by some of the idiots i`ve worked with or people that some of my friends have hung out with at sometime.

half_baked87 10-06-2006 12:56 PM

ooo boy, an hot button issue. i think the term "pothead" has kinda gone by the wayside first of all, only squares and old crotchity bastards use that anymore. and i smoke frequently, usually daily. i'm not going to say it doesn't affect me at all, but its surely not a negative thing. i might be a little forgetful, but i was just as forgetful before i started smoking. i might be a little spacey, but i was always a bit strange. and if i want to stop smoking, i will, and the effects (if any) will fade with time. it's really a harmless drug. all that gateway drug mumbo jumbo is just that, i starting smoking weed 6 years ago, and i haven't done ANY harder drugs. ok, i lied, i tried E once. and mushrooms don't count, i don't do those anymore. but in reality, i probably would have tried them anyways if i hadn't been smoking weed for years. it's just part of my lifestyle. RAR had a good point when he said that people who do poorly in school etc. etc. and smoke pot just use that as an excuse. to be honest, i've done worse in school myself, but i don't blame weed, it's my own damn fault because i'm lazy. i could be getting great marks, i just don't do the work. but back to the subject here, i think it's great that they are finding real medical uses for it, but of course it won't lead anywhere until the ignorant bastards upstairs quit holding on to a beleif that anything potentially fun=evil. weed is illegal for the same reasons hemp is illegal, to keep money in the pockets of petroleum and synthetics companies. and so the government can bust more black people.

cardboard adolescent 10-06-2006 01:20 PM

I think you are all looking at this the completely wrong way.

In my opinion, if everyone were a pothead the world would be a much better place. Less would get done, certainly, but you wouldn't be surrounded by war-mongering, uptight conservative pricks. Plus, if everyone else has no attention span or short term memory it makes it much easier for the rest of us to get ahead and succeed.

And anyway, I know almost half of my high school class smokes pot or has smoked pot, and we don't have a single pothead in our grade. I'm friends with some potheads and they're fun people to be around (except my brother when he was one, just annoying as ****) and generally have good taste in music (isn't that all that matters?)

Lesbian crime spree 10-06-2006 02:11 PM

It's a funny one really. I don't regret smoking gear, but I do regret the fact that I got so sucked into it, and that, subsequently, it took me almost five years to kick. I started smoking when I was 13/14, and from the age of 15 through to about 25, you could count on one hand the days that I didn't smoke every second I wasn't at work.

I cruised my GCSE's because i was pretty switched on, and from 16 years on I was smoking gear, taking speed, pills, mushrooms. lsd, coke and alcohol.

I completely fucked my A-levels because I was too busy having a great time.

I also managed to screw up a uni course (surprise surprise).

I had to quit in the end. I was getting pretty messed up. Stupid frigging anxiety problems with ridiculous symptoms and staying up all night smoking and getting no sleep meant that work was a real struggle. relationship broke down at that time, although it was fucked anyway because I was too young and selfish to care.

I can't honestly say I know how I feel about all this. I have had teriffic times, spent years getting stoned, taking drugs, out on the piss, learning to dj and collecting great music, and now I work for a community drug and alcohol charity, supporting those in recovery and working with offenders with drug/alcohol problems.

but i am damn skint (mainly because I spend a fortune on records)

and my head is not quite what it was!

and I don't miss the years from age 21-25 when I desperately wanted to quit and failed again and again.

Pot seems harmless enough, and for many people it is. It's a super drug, no doubt! But be a little bit careful about getting a heavy habit. Addiction is a bugger, and you don't always see it coming :(

I'm still a fucking pot obsesive, I love the drug, and I know that if I start, I just wont stop.


them drugses. they so good ;-/

Laces Out Dan! 10-06-2006 02:19 PM

I smoke the good ol Chron just about everyday :)

Merkaba 10-06-2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Hicks
“Not only do I think marijuana should be legalized, it should be mandatory. Pot is a better drug than alcohol—fact! I’ll prove it to you: You’re at a ball game or a concert, and someone is really violent and aggressive and obnoxious. Are they drunk or are they smoking pot? They’re drunk. I’ve never seen people on pot get into a fight, because it’s fucking impossible! Say you get into a car accident and you’ve been smoking pot. You’re only going four fucking miles an hour!”

Heh, thought that was pretty good.

People who smoke the ganja never get in fights because by the time they've got the fist ready to swing they've forgotten what the problem is.

riseagainstrocks 10-06-2006 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba (Post 293297)

People who smoke the ganja never get in fights because by the time they've got the fist ready to swing they've forgotten what the problem is.

It's never been a memory thing for me, it's been a I'm too happy to give a damn thing.

Spike*Spiegel 10-07-2006 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by CityLightsLikeRain (Post 293248)
Well she was a moron doing it daily. I smoke too, but in moderation. Like once a month if I'm lucky. I COULD get it more but after watching my friend deteriorate I'm just not interested in a life like that.

you dont deteriorate from pot. you deteriorate because youre an idiot.

Lesbian crime spree 10-08-2006 04:01 AM

lots of incredibly mentally ill people might disagree with you about that.

Spike*Spiegel 10-08-2006 06:37 PM

im talking within the context of what she was saying

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