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sleepy jack 11-29-2005 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Spikey
Yeah if I'm not down there I'm happy! Except!.......
You have Cheeseman and AITA there and they are both gorgeously lovely people...They stuck in my mind but there are others..Maybe I can't remember.
So please Adidass don't get at people who are nicer than you cos' you're just a big, huge, gigantic meanie!

What the hell did that have to do with anything? This is why we had the ATTN: Spikey thread..

Most likely to start a race of progheads - boo boo

right-track 11-30-2005 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Most likely to try and burn me but **** it up and look like a jackass - Right track.

And to think I liked you. Burn that one whore.

That was'nt an attempt to burn you Big3.
Just a playful leg pull on one of my favourite posters.

(above comment to placate Big3 in event of suspected humour failure ;))

EDIT: It's 'Niles' Is'nt it. *feels like a jackass*

riseagainstrocks 11-30-2005 01:57 PM

most likely to actually be scene - misifts
most likely to attempt to hunt down tommoyrocker - adidasss
most likely to move to Norway in order to join a death metal band - itchytasty
least likely to really be who they say they are - skaterbabii69

Sneer 11-30-2005 02:02 PM

tom already knows adidasss's exact name, address and telephone number. just biding his time:)

[MERIT] 11-30-2005 02:05 PM

most likely to go on a drinking binge and get a tattoo on the back of his head and not remember it until he gets lice and shaves his and and has to walk around with the saying "what u talikin bout willis" etched into their cerebrum: fenixpunk

sleepy jack 11-30-2005 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
most likely to actually be scene - misifts

You've seen the way i dress right? Is there any denying it :p:

Mose likely to suck my c0ck - hookers.


PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 11-30-2005 05:06 PM

D1ck Cheney's D1ck <--- hookers' title

most likely to be a c0ck - hookers

sorry, couldnt resist.

mosesandtherubberducky 11-30-2005 05:08 PM

Most likely to have a sploshing fetish and obession with toes...Punkangle18/Barbiegirl/Sk8erbabii69/Ilovebrandon

jibber 11-30-2005 05:10 PM

most likely to suffer from mulitple personality disorder: punkangel18/sk8terbabii69/barbiegirl/ilovebrandon....

mosesandtherubberducky 11-30-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by jibber
most likely to suffer from mulitple personality disorder: punkangel18/sk8terbabii69/barbiegirl/ilovebrandon....

I think Millybig deserves that one more :)

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