adidasss |
11-29-2005 02:57 PM |
Originally Posted by right-track
most likely to introduce members to new music and call them an asshole
damn right bitch! i was the epitome of niceness at the begining but after 12000 threads about non-english music ( oh my god, is there such thing as good music in other languages?!......wait......THERE ARE OTHER LANGUAGES ASIDE FROM ENGLISH?!?!?HOLY SHIT!!!) and 0.23 replies you're goddamn right i'm gonna call everyone a mother fucking tightass coc ksucking non responsive bastard!! ( with honorable exceptions of course ...;))
most likely to have to grow a formidable beer belly - fenix
most likely to swoon or have his chest signed by bruce di ckenson - my very own bitch - boo boo
most likely to become a politician - fal
most likely to sell her parents furniture to support her crack habit - AITA
most likely to get killed by a drive-by-newbie - misfits or riseagainst
most likely to become ther next "Old grumpy men" in the muppet show - big1.2 and hookerz
most likely not to go see the mars volta and risk becoming the first victim of my i-wanna-kill-all-musicbanterians-killing-spree - right-track
most likely to end up in san quentin even tho he's a kiwi - cheeseman