TrampInaTux |
07-13-2006 02:09 PM |
****ing society! **** it all!
I know! Let's all hide the fact that we're ugly by wearing gaudy tracksuits! And if that doesn't work we'll just stare at you with our ugly ****ed up faces so you're too afraid to think we're ugly! That sounds like a plan!
And if we just aren't ugly enough to be a chav and we don't look like we've been hit with a fair share of glass bottles in our time, then lets wear tight jeans over our skinny, womanly legs. Then die our hair outrageous colours and wear SHIRTS AND TIES EVEN THOUGH WE'RE NOT AT WORK/SCHOOL! HOW COOL ARE WE?!
And if we're above all that nonsense, then plain brown t-shirts will do us! Nobody pays any attention to a kid with a brown t-shirt. But of course we must also have slightly long hair, but only slightly. If it's too long THEN WE MIGHT JUST STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!
But oh no... what happens if you aren't rough enough to be a chav, not skinny enough to be an emo or not plain enough to be plain? Well then, you wear camouflage my friend! Camouflage, the perfect solution for all those low lives and ginger people out there!
But ooooo there's a loophole... what if you have all the greasiness of an emo, all the I-want-to-stand-out ethics of an emo, if you are plain and also ginger?
Well, my friend, I have 2 words for someone in such a terrible position....