DontRunMeOver |
05-14-2006 04:24 PM |
One weeks worth of grief... This is serious!
Hi there,
now you definitely don't know this yet, but on wednesday morning I'm going to Austria for a conference and will return on saturday night. Before I go, I need to put the finishing touches to my first-year PhD report, print it, check it, wrap it etc. so I should be maximising effort and minimising procrastination time.
So, in an effort to avoid distractions, I'm asking that...
If anybody sees me post a message on this board before next sunday, please, please give me NO END OF GRIEF. Chastise me, insult me, berate me, offend me, question my parentage, my gender, my sexuality, my right to live, write offensive limerics about me, whatever you feel like doing.
The main thing is, please remind me that I really shouldn't be arsing about - until next sunday at least.
(and remember, I can't reply to you for a week)
P.S. If you want to ban me for a week, then that'd be pretty functional, moderators.(!)