hookers with machineguns |
04-11-2006 04:20 PM |
Originally Posted by adidasss
i'm actually not the one looking for problems if you haven't noticed from my post, i don't rely solely on MB to provide new music, but i couldn't stay quiet to your comment that you would like to see more activity in other forums when you yourself do next to nothing to rectify the situation. why should anyone else bother if you're not willing to go the distance? i just thought it was a bit hypocritical. i personally have access to the music you listen to, so i don't much care if you bother to make threads anymore, but others don't and right now we're talking about MB.
I haven't been on as often as in the past I admit, but whenever I am, I try my best to spark some music convo, and usually it is in those forums, because that is the music I listen to and/or want to discuss with others. Your entitled to your opinions, but in terms of going the extra distance, I think that I have, and my post history does show that in my opinion.
But it's good to know that I am just some object in which you can merely access my music. And as far as I can tell, we don't even have very similar tastes.
Edit: Also in terms of relying solely on MB for music, what does that have to do with anything? Who are you implying does that here?