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Old 04-11-2006, 02:07 AM   #31 (permalink)
that's my war face.
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I agree with Spikey there is a force that draws you back in. As soon as I go onto my computer MusicBanter is put in the background. I think that MusicBanter isn't getting as bad as people say it is. Lots of people are leaving for personal reasons and lots of new, annoying people are taking their place. That has always been the case, but now it seems that it is getting worse. For me the Song Writing forum is getting a lot better-more and more people are posting there. A lot of the old, good threads dying down and it seems that some of the newbies are striking up pointless arguments in some really old threads, like the Official Green Day one. I think a lot of the threads stray off topic way to often and way to quickly. Take the Jibber farewell thread for example. First it started off all nice and everything, the next thing lots of us were talking about who produced the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I know I'm to blame as much as anyone and I think that everyone should cut out doing that. MB doesn't suck, it's going through one of it's bad periods. If you think about it we haven't had a great, new poster within the last month or so. We've had plenty of new posters but none that stand out from the crowd. I will continue to post in MB as it is now as addictive as fags (the smoking variety)
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:20 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Anyway. Summer is just more appealing, thats all. MB went through the same thing last summer aswel.. Well, thats all thats dragging me away from the computer at the mo. That and exams, but bugger that when theres sun outside..
shake your wings like theyre laced with sound!
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:27 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance

Anyway. Summer is just more appealing, thats all. MB went through the same thing last summer aswel.. Well, thats all thats dragging me away from the computer at the mo. That and exams, but bugger that when theres sun outside..
what summer? it's april....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.

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Old 04-11-2006, 09:30 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
what summer? it's april....
We're having summer early down in Cornwall
I think he's making up for the lack of any summer at all over the past few hundred years.
shake your wings like theyre laced with sound!
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:45 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I guess it doesn`t help that i`ve not heard any really good new music in about the last 6 months.
to each his/her own, i discovered an incredible amount of new music in the past 6 months, and god help me, but your taste in music is strange to say the least....you're a hard man to please as far as new music is concerned and i never really thought you discovered anything via this forum.

i'm getting really sick of threads like these, riseagainst made one a year or so ago, then big3, ledzepstu also likes to bitch, hookers, and a shit load of newbies can't seem to shut up about how this place sucks ass and/or is boring. yes it's boring when you spend 12 hours a day on it, i mean what do you expect, for something intersting to be going on every second of the day? sure it's boring when noone posts just arround the time you have nothing better to do but to sit behind you computer desk and stare at the screen. i encounter that problem all the time, yet i don't make threads or bitch about it or threaten to leave. i like this site very much, but it's not my main form of discovering new music. when the forum is dead, i go on last.fm and cruise, or i go to pitchfork, insound, nme.com or god knows how many other music sites. don't expect new music to come here, try to search for it yourself once in a while.

i also see no problems wiht arguments or the main villain of the past week, Don. so what if he's arogant? if you don't wanna talk to him put him on your ignore list. i don't think anyone will do that because even though you bitch about his presence, you all love the arguments because we're all a bit immature and like to quibble over bullshit and try to prove to the other party that we're smarter/better/wittier than them.

what makes this site great in my opinion is the liberal moderation. everyone is allowed to be an asshole from time to time, and from what i could observe in the past year, none of those arguments are too "violent" andf the parties involved always seem to find a way to speak to each other civily. if you ban someone ( and i'm not speaking about retarded spammers ), you're not allowing for the matter to be resolved in a natural way. i got banned on another site for argueing and still think it was a wrong call, i'm back on that site and get along with the other person just fine now. but that site is nowhere near as good as this one is, even though it's similar in size. there is no personal contact there, the conservative moderation stiffles any sort of childish fun we're accustomed to having here....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.

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Old 04-11-2006, 09:48 AM   #36 (permalink)
that's my war face.
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Originally Posted by adidasss
to each his/her own, i discovered an incredible amount of new music in the past 6 months, and god help me, but your taste in music is strange to say the least....you're a hard man to please as far as new music is concerned and i never really thought you discovered anything via this forum.

i'm getting really sick of threads like these, riseagainst made one a year or so ago, then big3, ledzepstu also likes to bitch, hookers, and a shit load of newbies can't seem to shut up about how this place sucks ass and/or is boring. yes it's boring when you spend 12 hours a day on it, i mean what do you expect, for something intersting to be going on every second of the day? sure it's boring when noone posts just arround the time you have nothing better to do but to sit behind you computer desk and stare at the screen. i encounter that problem all the time, yet i don't make threads or bitch about it or threaten to leave. i like this site very much, but it's not my main form of discovering new music. when the forum is dead, i go on last.fm and cruise, or i go to pitchfork, insound, nme.com or god knows how many other music sites. don't expect new music to come here, try to search for it yourself once in a while.
Here here.
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Old 04-11-2006, 11:07 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
to each his/her own, i discovered an incredible amount of new music in the past 6 months, and god help me, but your taste in music is strange to say the least....you're a hard man to please as far as new music is concerned and i never really thought you discovered anything via this forum.
Well i`ve discovered a lot too , it`s just I don`t think any of it is really mind blowing. I download the albums people rave about, listen to them once & forget about them.Most of the stuff I have discovered that I really like is old stuff at the moment.

I wouldn`t know how to describe my taste in music it changes so much. I probably hate 80% of my record collection at any one given time.
I guess i`m one of those people who have to really love something to listen to it & praise it.

I really cannot stand bands ataining to be anything other than average & i`m seeing far too much of that for my liking at the moment.

Urb's RYM Stuff

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Old 04-11-2006, 11:22 AM   #38 (permalink)
that's my war face.
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I would say that people should stop bitching about the current state of Musicbanter. Doing that isn't going to help anything and could put off new members who join the site who could in fact turn out to be fantastic posters. If you think something is wrong with MusicBanter then go out and try to cure the problem. Because right now you ARE part of the problem. (If there is in fact a problem-I haven't seen much of an issue other than a few solid members leaving but that is to be accepted.)
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Old 04-11-2006, 11:33 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Uh well I don't think the place sucks, but its been more productive, certainly.

I don't think its a secret that Bill and I don't get along, and while I seem to be the least controlling mod, I somehow need to be put on a leash. Im not really sure how it computes but peoples opinions are their own.

I honestly believe one of the issues here is that people are trying to look like a music officinado and are afraid to appear "newbish" because they will be hazed to no end if they look like a newb. Everything has become semantics here, you can't say "well I like the Talking Heads, but not much other new wave" without someone saying something to the effect of "well their not actually new wave..." and we should collectivly say "who cares thats not the point, lets get back on topic"

I'll fully admit that I can be the most arrogant **** bag on the site, even though I've conciously toned it down since they made me a mod. Look at that "Dream Theater" thread in Rock/Metal for proof, the last two I made were as a mod, everything was when I was just Joe Poster and their a thousand times more arrogant.

I havn;t decided yet, but im looking to see if theres a diffrence between being arrogant for something you like, and arrogant about "inherent knowledge on a subjective topic (such as TH not being NW for example).

Arrogance about why the beatles are better than the stones seems ok to me. Arrogance about what genre they were seems obnoxious. Like I said im not sure I even agree with that yet, but what I do know is if we all just answered the question posed in the OP or a reasonable digression we might be alot better off.

Also, Ducky, when you posted this I thought "thats original" but this has turned into a pretty nice introspective and objective post. So nice work.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 04-11-2006, 11:49 AM   #40 (permalink)
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I agree with some of that post, but I disagree with what you said about how it's wrong to point out of someone gets a genre mixed up or whatever. If that person is putting an argument across then they should do so with at least the knowledge of what genre the band belongs to, otherwise they would end up looking slightly stupid and if someone else never picked up on it then they would go around looking even more stupid e.g. "Green Day are the greatest Punk Band ever!-Now if someone said that I would deal with them in the most arrogant way possible but only because of their sheer ignorance. I think you are right in some cases. There is pointless arrogance polluting MB and it's forcing a lot of good threads to stray away from their subjects. I think if people can try and keep this kind of thing to a minimum then MB will become even greater than it is now.
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