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Old 02-09-2006, 12:09 PM   #21 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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I just find it funny that these people who hate the west so much choose to live here.

We have free speech , if we want to take the piss out of a religion we can.
If you don`t like it go live in Afganistan or Saudi Arabia or somewhere else with appalling human rights records.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 02-09-2006, 12:23 PM   #22 (permalink)
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you're right, you came to live in europe, you agreed to play by european rules, and since we are not muslims, we don't have to abide by the rule that mohhamed is not to be depicted on paper....simple as that, you don't like it? don't buy the papers, don't look at it....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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Old 02-09-2006, 12:27 PM   #23 (permalink)
The Erroneous Hoodlum
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it seems that its not just cartoons that have these guys panties in a bunch..

new sex doll called "Mustafa Shag" has got their blood boiling as well.
This message has been approved by Shawn Erroneous - The Declaimed
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Old 02-09-2006, 04:39 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I just find it funny that these people who hate the west so much choose to live here.

We have free speech , if we want to take the piss out of a religion we can.
If you don`t like it go live in Afganistan or Saudi Arabia or somewhere else with appalling human rights records.

GOD this just reminded me of something a few weeks ago.

I was at work when some muslim guy comes storming in knocking everything over demanding compensation because his kettle he bought, the light didnt come on when he flicked the button. (I wouldnt mind but our shop refunds or exchanges the bloddy thing with no hassle if you've got the reciept).

At which point assistant asks him to keep his voice down or he will not be served, to which he then accuses us all of being racist bastards. I ignored him, but then he says something along the lines of "this stupid country" etc..And thats when i lose my temper.

"look mate, that thing in your hand is a EUROPEAN passport, you don't have to come here if things are so great in your country, and theres about 30 or so other countrys you can visit with your passport, so if you dont like it, you know what you can do".

It annoys me enough when English people moan about the state of this country, but when some little foreigner comes over here and says how it's not as good as their precious country.....GO ****ING BACK THEN, GET BLOWN TO F'ING PIECES AND REVERT TO BEING A MOSOGONYST, YE ****ING ****
Originally Posted by Reddevil4lyf
well hav u guys heard any of der otha songs like wait a mnute,i dont need a man and tainted love?

coz der preety gd u no!!!
Ladies And Gentlemen, 'Chav' Has Become A Written Art.
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Old 02-09-2006, 04:58 PM   #25 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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And here`s a link to them if anyone hasn`t seen them

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Old 07-04-2006, 01:28 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Default well....

I am a muslim woman and i live in the UK....i have alot to say. First of all, you are all ignorant of what islam really is.....Islam condems those who commit murder, even more so if they use Allah (God) as an excuse! I would like to say that the muslims that do suicide bombings are not seen as muslims by most of us, they are the biggest traitors of Islam. I would also like to say that in the Qu’ran it says to question your beliefs, that is why muslims are usually the ones who know must about their own religion and other religions, i know alot of muslims who know the bible better than alot of christians, becuase we so strongly believe in the truth of our religion we force ourselves to question everything we can so our belief can grow stronger when our questions are answered. And the whole thing with getting virgins in heaven is a metaphor (because women are seen as so precious and teasured, they are the most valuable thing in the world), and dying for Islam means to die as a soldier fighting against people who condemn our religion…not to kill any innocent people, only other soldier, in fact what we call ‘war’ today is not seen as a war in Islam, it is just murder because you are not killing only soldier but women and children, dropping bombs is a cowards way if fighting, fight people who are willing to die.
And the whole thing about sexism, well Islam so NOT sexist, it puts women on a pedestal, saying if you raise 3 daughters you will secure your place in heaven as women are seen as so precious as they give birth. Also, the thing about burkhas, not only women are told to have modesty, but there is also a dress code for men, they are meant to keep a beard and not grow their hair long but to shave it regularly and to not expose their bodies, the same as women. And are Imams enlightening people about how truly peaceful and respectful Islam is? well I think they are but do you not see that the media is very controlled, you will only hear what Muslims have to say when they are saying things of hatred, nothing of their religion, what you hear and read is very controlled. Think about it, when a Muslim murders someone, they always describe him as a young Muslim man, never just a young man, do you every hear them say that a young Christian man or a young Jewish man is a murderer or a terrorist? Were the Nazis ever referred to as Christians? NO! They were Germans, or National Socialist, and Hitler often used parts of the Bible to justify his massacre. So what makes the media constantly tell you they are Muslim, well maybe they are from a Muslim country but does that mean that the deed they do can be seen as typical things that a Muslim would do? Can you see how stupid it is?

Oh and also, in the Qu’ran it says many scientific facts that were discovered thousands of years later by western scientists, like the world being round, what the sea looks like at the floor of the ocean, what a foetus looks like, that humans are made of mostly water….so many things like this.

I am not saying I disagree with freedom of speech, but how can it be called freedom of speech when it is to mock someone’s deepest beliefs in the most crass and disrespectful way? Do you really think this is something that should be printed in a newspaper? Look at the effect ‘the Da Vinci code’ had on the Catholic Church! Imagine if we had depicted Jesus in a cartoon as a killer, don’t you think the same reaction would take place…no way am I saying that people should have died over a cartoon some ignorant fool wrote but can you see that this did not happen because they are Muslims, it is totally irrelevant.

Also, Muslims don’t think Muhammad (pbuh) is vulnerable but imagine someone calling your mother a whore except a hundred times worse, we believe prophets, including Jesus are the best of mankind, as Aristotle said ‘men have the potential to be the most noble creature and the most corrupt’ we believe that Muhammad (pbuh) being the last prophet was the greatest with the most updated teachings and the only one with a holy book that was not written by any human being but by Allah himself…..I don’t think you can imagine the significance of the prophet (pbuh) to us. Anyway, I hope this helped and if you have further questions about Islam you can email me on
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:57 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I can understand why people would be offended by it but you totally missed the point that most of the people here posted.

That is, a cartoon mocking Islamic terrorists is printed and then people go out on the streets waving banners & placards with death threats on them.

And Christians are not poked fun at?
What about Jerry Springer the musical ? that was broadcast on primetime television and drew a record number of complaints from Christians compaining it was blasphemous. Yet I didn`t see the Catholic church marching the streets threatning to bomb the BBC.

I can see what your saying , and you do talk a lot of sense , but surely even you can see that at a time when people are very suspicious about Islam that it`s probably not the best way to convince people you are not a bunch of terrorists by going out in the streets threatening to kill people?

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:57 PM   #28 (permalink)
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And if you have any questions about music you can post here
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Old 07-04-2006, 02:30 PM   #29 (permalink)
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i totally get what you are saying and i honestly HATE the people who think being violent is going to stop people from discriminating against muslims, that will just make it worse, i am not defending them i am just trying to show you that there are so many things that people think about muslims and islam but they are totally untrue. i mean islam is a religion about respect, how can people respect you if you threaten to bomb them, its just plain stupid and barbaric and i associate my religion with these people it's like a christian associating themselves with the klu klux klan. all i'm trying to do is maybe educate people a bit and show that Muslims are not a part of some cult that doesnt have any of the same values as the western world, in fact chrisitan beliefs and buddhist beliefs are very similar to islamic beliefs, we believe that they are just slightly corrupted or mislead in small ways but the way of life is very similar and we respect all beliefs. so please be curious and learn about Islam, read the Qu'ran don't just believe what people say is in it becuase most of it is maybe misconstrued
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