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SittingBehindYou 02-05-2006 04:45 PM

Weekend Stories...
So I'd only like to know the higly confidential (no one will tell, I promise)scandolous or just really funny stories from you weekend. Hopefully nothing depressing I like fun stories.

Mama Booze 02-05-2006 04:56 PM


It's not so highly confidential, but I've confirmed on my own that I must have a sleeping disorder or some sort.

SittingBehindYou 02-05-2006 04:58 PM

Oh... Excellent.

explosions-in-my-pants 02-05-2006 06:37 PM

i do have a sleeping disorder...

i went to sleep the otehr night at 11:30pm woke up at 1:30ish am, couldn't get back to sleep.. anyways this happens all of the time.. its so annoying.. GRRR!...

i haven;t had a fun and interesting weekend.. sense dec 15/16 it was good and drunken fun... so much fun that i can't give intersting details.. ;)

BlueEyedSuicide 02-05-2006 09:07 PM

A kid I know. His name is Cody.
He was arrested.
Because he was charging porn to his Grandmother's bank account.

I laughed SO hard.

He had appearantly been doing this for several months.
He is not the brightest bulb in the box.

His understanding of how IP adresses worked was very low.
So he did not understand how they caught him.

It was the most entertaining this I had heard in a long time.

jibber 02-05-2006 09:15 PM

party, lots of drinking. drunken football is a whole lot of fun. (american football for you people in europe). Just average random drunken antics really, any funny stories are really more of the "you had to be there" kind.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-05-2006 10:20 PM

I went out Friday night with some friends, got drunk, went pubbing then back to a hotel...for stuff.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-06-2006 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla
I went out Friday night with some friends, got drunk, went pubbing then back to a hotel...for sex.

corrected. ;)

well...this weekend..i did nothing. except band found a new drummer, who is possibly the BEST 14 year old drummer in california. he's crazy. so im psyched about that. and my band is pretty much back together. we just need a bass player, and i have a few in mind. today we just chilled at my friends house for the superbowl...then practiced, and now im home, doing homework....bleh.

Fenixpunk 02-06-2006 11:55 AM

took my wife out of town (first time weve been able to get away in 6 months)

a breakdown of what we did:

1. reserved a room in Prescott National Forest

2. went to Jerome (Americas largest ghost town - went from 150,000 people in the 20's to under 100 once the depression hit in the 30s and the mines were closed)

3. went to the Tuzigoot National Monument (an ancient village built by the Sinagua Indians around A.D. 1000)

4. hit up Montezumas Castle (20 room cliff dwelling built by Sinagua Indians over 600 years ago. It is one of the best preserved cliff dwellings in North America)

5. Tried some buffalo and elk jerky (surprisingly damn good)

6. tried our luck gambling at the Cliff Castle Casino (ended up being down $40 but not too bad considering we were there for almost 5 hours)

franscar 02-06-2006 01:13 PM

I lost money gambling on football, gained money gambling on rugby and the Superbowl, which, yet again, I managed to watch the first ten minutes of and think by god this is boring, so switched over to watch Johnny Cash on BBC One instead.

Eventful. As usual.

SittingBehindYou 02-06-2006 05:01 PM

I actually went to a casino/ clubbing party Friday. It was amazing. But I can't give details for fear of attention whoring. Let's just say I was highly talked about (good things of course) and I'm getting some hook up offers thats are hard to pass. ;)

riseagainstrocks 02-06-2006 07:26 PM

Lost 30 dollars on poker. Asked out a girl, got turned down. Went to our schools district swim meet (which we won). Cheered. A friend of mine tried coke for the first time. I drove him home. Yelled at him the next day. played more poker and made 25 dollars.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-06-2006 07:46 PM

one thing i forgot to mention in my last post...i made a bet on the superbowl with the mom. the wager: she wins - i have to pay to have the neck of her guitar straightened. i win - she buys me however many sets of "elixir" strings that would be covered by the equivalent cost of the neck staightening.

i won.

i own.

and whats even better: over the weekend i learned how to set up my own guitar so i dont have to pay 50 bucks every time i need it set up for a new gauge of strings or whatnot. (damn floyd rose)

EDGE 02-06-2006 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Lost 30 dollars on poker. Asked out a girl, got turned down. Went to our schools district swim meet (which we won). Cheered. A friend of mine tried coke for the first time. I drove him home. Yelled at him the next day. played more poker and made 25 dollars.

so really, you only lost 5 dollars. :o:

my weekend consisted of lots of homework, shopping, a crappy local show, a 4 hour long basketball game (yes, you read that correctly), an early saturday morning, a trip to Boston to see my friend's band play with .. Hellogoodbye :laughing:, me breaking my ipod, losing one of my very large cd cases, getting ditched by the man of my dreams .. more than once, spraining my wrist, and to top it all off, a long/tiring night full of football, beer, and slutty girls shaking their behinds in my face :nono:. This weekend was pretty "meh".

Merkaba 02-07-2006 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk

Woah thats amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

jibber 02-07-2006 01:10 AM

^ I need to find some pictures I took on a field trip when I lived in saudi. we went to this village that was really similar to that.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-07-2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by SittingBehindYou
I actually went to a casino/ clubbing party Friday. It was amazing. But I can't give details for fear of attention whoring. Let's just say I was highly talked about (good things of course) and I'm getting some hook up offers thats are hard to pass. ;)

I'm not trying to start anything but, you went on about not being "easy" shall we say, and yet you still boast about stuff here. If I've take what I'm quoting the wrong way then say, but seriously...

jibber 02-07-2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla
I'm not trying to start anything but, you went on about not being "easy" shall we say, and yet you still boast about stuff here. If I've take what I'm quoting the wrong way then say, but seriously...

that's the main reason I hate going to clubs. A bunch of barely legal girls all trying to out-whore eachother to get some chachi loser's attention.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-07-2006 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
corrected. ;)

well...this weekend..i did nothing. except band found a new drummer, who is possibly the BEST 14 year old drummer in california. he's crazy. so im psyched about that. and my band is pretty much back together. we just need a bass player, and i have a few in mind. today we just chilled at my friends house for the superbowl...then practiced, and now im home, doing homework....bleh.

Lol, nah, I don't do that until I know the guy better, this was a second time meeting!

Cybering however...on the first meeting!!!

Sooo joking.

jibber 02-07-2006 01:25 AM

^haha, suuuurreee

Scarlett O'Hara 02-07-2006 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by jibber
that's the main reason I hate going to clubs. A bunch of barely legal girls all trying to out-whore eachother to get some chachi loser's attention.

Haha I so agree with you, here's an exciting story:

I went to a pub where Merkaba lives, and there was this girl wearing a tiny top and skirt, big white ****-me boots, and she was stripper dancing on a table BY HERSELF. I went to get a drink and overheard these girls absolutely ripping her to pieces, and saw people pointing and laughing. Later I saw her doing the same thing, touching herself, flick up her skirt even by the DJ. Sick. I can get a guy whenever I want, fully clothed. It's called having charm and morals.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-07-2006 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by jibber
^haha, suuuurreee

So when did you say you were coming to NZ.....? :D :pimp:

Cheese 02-07-2006 01:59 AM

gotta love a three day weekend.New Zealand day.Irefuse to call it Waitangi Day.
Anyway my weekend consisted of cars,cars and more of the same.Hotrod shows, drag races, it was all good:thumb:

[MERIT] 02-07-2006 06:59 AM

my friend stole about a hundred 1932 mint condition $1 bills (probably worth a few thousand dollars) from his grandma and bought some weed w/it.

MURDER JUNKIE 02-07-2006 07:11 AM

^ that is really fukkin grimey

I hope your friend really breaks his grandmother's heart and has to watch her cry in front of him. Then I hope that everytime she looks at him she wells up in tears....................................then I hope he gets AIDS.

Stealing from your grandma for weed????
he can't be that much farther from sucking c0ck for it

[MERIT] 02-07-2006 12:22 PM

she f'n rich. she wont miss it.

jibber 02-07-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
she f'n rich. she wont miss it. you SERIOUSLY not see what's wrong with what he did? That's disgusting that you're ACTUALLY defending your a**hole friend.

explosions-in-my-pants 02-07-2006 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by jibber you SERIOUSLY not see what's wrong with what he did? That's disgusting that you're ACTUALLY defending your a**hole friend.

from the sounds of it i don't think he was defending his friend.. just more so pointing out his friends grandmother is so rich that she won't even realize its gone kind of thing... but i could be wrong, but thats what i thought he was saying.

Cheese 02-08-2006 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
from the sounds of it i don't think he was defending his friend.. just more so pointing out his friends grandmother is so rich that she won't even realize its gone kind of thing... but i could be wrong, but thats what i thought he was saying.

That's completely irrelevant, the point is the piece of sh*t stole something that didn't belong to him.If it's one thing I cannot tolerate, it's theiving scum.

[MERIT] 02-08-2006 07:01 AM

i wasnt defending my friends actions. stealing is wrong. duh! im not f**king stupid. but all the personal attacks on someone you all dont even know are uncalled for. im not sticking up for his actions but i am sticking up for him. thats what friends are for.

SittingBehindYou 02-08-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla
I'm not trying to start anything but, you went on about not being "easy" shall we say, and yet you still boast about stuff here. If I've take what I'm quoting the wrong way then say, but seriously...

I think you might have misunderstood that. it does sound alittle sketchy now that I re-read it. But its probably not quite what you thought.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-08-2006 10:45 PM

^ Exactly my point, anyone could of taken it the wrong way. Well you understand now so that's cool.

MURDER JUNKIE 02-08-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
i wasnt defending my friends actions. stealing is wrong. duh! im not f**king stupid. but all the personal attacks on someone you all dont even know are uncalled for. im not sticking up for his actions but i am sticking up for him. thats what friends are for.

You have really cool friends :usehead:

Cheese 02-08-2006 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
i wasnt defending my friends actions. stealing is wrong. duh! im not f**king stupid. but all the personal attacks on someone you all dont even know are uncalled for. im not sticking up for his actions but i am sticking up for him. thats what friends are for.

Wish I had friends as cool as yours................Ass!

You've given everybody here enough facts to judge what this "friend" is like.

I'm guessing a lowlife thief who deserves a severe attitude adjustment.

jibber 02-09-2006 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by oojay
i wasnt defending my friends actions. stealing is wrong. duh! im not f**king stupid. but all the personal attacks on someone you all dont even know are uncalled for. im not sticking up for his actions but i am sticking up for him. thats what friends are for.

if he's stealing large sums of money from his grandmother, it doesn't matter what other "redeeming qualities" he may have, he's a prick. if one of my friend's did that, I'd call them a prick, slap them, and tell them to give the money back and not be a prick. Then I'd slap them again, just for good measure.

MURDER JUNKIE 02-09-2006 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Wish I had friends as cool as yours................Ass!

You've given everybody here enough facts to judge what this "friend" is like.

I'm guessing a lowlife thief who deserves a severe attitude adjustment.

He at least deserves a good prison rape :yikes:

Laces Out Dan! 02-09-2006 12:55 AM

^:clap: *Agrees*

[MERIT] 02-09-2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
He at least deserves a good prison rape :yikes:

i could say the same about you guys right about now. how about we drop the subject and stop insulting people we dont know behind their back, um-kay?

DontRunMeOver 02-09-2006 07:42 AM

Oojay, mate, don't put the story up if you don't want people to reply with their opinions on it. He DID steal something from an old woman and that's pretty much all you told us about it, what did you want us to think? Did you think people would be applauding him?

SittingBehindYou 02-09-2006 04:03 PM

God! Stop spamming in my thread. Be nice to eachother. Bashing other forum members will get you nowhere! So how was everyone's day? Mine was good :)

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